PICHO ENB N-2.4 This ENB expressed LE's feelings as much as possible. It was created to capture both character expression and landscape. Shaders are from Silent Horizon ENB and Re-enaged. The primary license is on them. REQUIREMENTS : latest ENB binaries from Boris Vorontsov site : Obsidian or Catherdral Weather. : ENB Helper : SSS bundle fix RECOMMENDED MODS : ELFX Enhancer : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2424 Credit Boris Vorontsov – ENB Bethesda – Skyrim LonelyKitsune – Silent Horiozn ENB – effect,prepass,Adaptation, Luts, etc -Marty McFly - Depth of Field -Kyokushinoyama - Lens Dirt Textures -Christoph Peters - Blue Noise Textures For help or knowledge: -Timothy Lottes - VDR Tonemapper presentation -John Hable - Filmic Worlds blog -Gurleygirl - Testing and support -Kingeric1992 - Procedural ghost flares, Adaption and SMAA Header Firemanaf – Re-engaged ENB – Bloom Shader, postpass. - MaxG3D- For his ENB Bloom Shaders - JawZ- for his ENB postpass shaders omega2008 -Pictureques ENB – HSL Shift TheDaedricDoll – D.D Lut l00ping - Tonemap Code