#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ;In BOTH your mod manager or vortex SkyrimPrefs.ini files AND YOUR GAME DIRECTORY SkyrimPrefs.ini files, set the following parms (no leading semi-colon) ;(Adjusted for your particular alternate display of course) ;bBorderless=1 ;bFull Screen=1 ;iSize H=1440 ;iSize W=3440 ; Copy Start Directory from your current shorcut 'Start in" Parm (Sans quotes) StartDir = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition if !FileExist(StartDir) { WellShit() exit } SetWorkingDir, %StartDir% ; Extra test because things get messy if the script failed to set the WorkingDir if (A_WorkingDir != StartDir ) { WorkingDir = %A_WorkingDir% WellShit() exit } ; Set your Target from your current shortcut Target Parm (Sans quotes) Target = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_loader.exe ; Test just because things get messy if not right if !FileExist(StartDir) { WellShit() exit } ; Set to Window title (Can be checked by running in windowed mode once) WindowText = Skyrim Special Edition ; Please work.. Please work Run %Target%, %StartDir% WinWait, Skyrim Special Edition,,10 if WinExist(WindowText) { msgBox "Waaaaait for it..." ; ----> IMPORTANT!!! hPos IS THE FIRST COLUMN OF YOUR PREFERED EXTENDED DISPLAY!!! <--- hpos := 1920 WinMove, hpos, 0 WinWait, WindowText,,10 WinActivate %WindowText% ; Not sure these are always necessary but I needed them to pick up last couple edge pixels WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, %WindowText% ; hide title bar WinSet, Style, -0x800000, %WindowText% ; hide thin-line border msgBox "It's Roleplay time" } else { WellShit() exit } exit WellShit() { msgBox, "Something isn't right. Check the syntax/location in the following" listVars pause exit }