============================================================================== Footprints by hexabit v1.6.1 02/15/2021 ============================================================================== Adds footprints to the player, NPCs, and creatures. ============================================================================== CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED ==============================================================================    • All humanoid (non-creature) NPCs    • Bear, Deer, Draugr, Falmer, Foxes, Frost Atronachs, Hagravens, Horses, Sabrecats, Skeletons, Wolves, Giants, Mammoths, Spriggans, Cows, Goats, Trolls, Skeevers, and Werewolves.    • DLC Races: Death Hounds, Vampire Lord, Werebears, Benthic Lurkers, plus the reskins of vanilla races.    • Particle FX    • Race-switching support for player character. Shape Shifter mods should work fine given I have the prints implemented for the race in question.    • Ash prints and FX (Dragonborn)    • Customizable limits for number of NPCs with footprints and number of NPCs with footprint FX.    • Custom Footprints hook for modders who want to add footprints for their races. New in 1.6.1 - Fixed an MCM issue New in 1.6.0 - Restored functionality from LE which relied on SKSE:    • Boot/barefoot detection for the player    • SkyUI MCM with configurable settings - Optional plugin for ENB users that bypasses an ENB bug which incorrectly applies effects to transparent alpha blended decals. Credit to Korodic for finding the fake glowmap method, since alpha testing was simply not an option (horrible artifacts). New in 1.5.3 - Fixed the Giant's footprints not showing up. - Improved code that resets player footprints after changing race (werewolf, etc.).    • The same code now applies to NPCs with prints as well, so NPC race changing is now correctly supported. - Improved code that resets player footprints on savegame load.    • The player's effect now kills itself on savegame load, instead of the main player alias script killing it, which is slightly cleaner. - Improved the manner in which unsupported races are ignored by the effect-attaching script.    • The unsupported actor is no longer permanently ignored, which has two benefits: it is never stored in your save at any point; if I add support for the actor's race in the future, it is easier to give them the new effect.    • This is retroactive, so the old system will be removed from all existing saves. - The cloak that attaches the effects, which has been "pulsed" (turned on/off) for several versions, is now active for even less time. It has gone from being active ~20% of the time to being active ~10% of the time. The time between pulses is also slightly less so there should be slightly fewer instances where you notice NPCs without prints yet. - Fixed the cloak being active immediately upon game load, i.e. before I could manage its status with the main script. This didn't matter before implementing the ignored location/world/interior system, but now meant the cloak was briefly running before it could be shut off for ignored locations. - Other miscellaneous script fixes and improvements that are not worth enumerating. New in 1.5.2 - Resaved normal maps in linear BC7. When rushing to convert them for 1.5.1, I inadvertently saved them all as sRGB BC7 which caused slightly incorrect lighting. New in 1.5.1 - Replaced old texture formats that were causing crashes for some people with new DX11 formats. Specifically, some of the _n files. - Converted the _h DDS files to a better DX11 format. New in 1.5 - Ported to SSE - Added several optimizations    • The system that adds footprint effects to NPCs will no longer run in any interiors whatsoever, which unfortunately disables the effect in some ice caves and a few other interiors which have snow. The PC will continue to have prints in these locations however.    • The system will turn off for entire world spaces and locations where the effects for any supported material (snow, ash, etc) are not necessary. This includes places like Riften, Markarth, Solitude, Whiterun and their surrounding exteriors. I will continue to add locations deemed suitable in future updates.    • Footprints on NPCs will now expire after a short duration and they need to be close enough to regain the effect. - The optimization options from the MCM in 1.0 still remain even though the MCM was removed for SSE. You can configure the limits for NPCs and FX via the console, as well as turn off the system entirely (see below). New in 1.0 - Major rewrite.    • In order to *vastly* simplify the scripts, Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC are now required.    • Scripts are now templated (e.g. Biped, Quadruped, Werecreature) so there are now fewer total unique scripts in use.    • NPC Footprints and NPC Footprints with FX are now "ref counted", i.e. tracked. This is done so that they can be limited by the user. If you want no NPCs to have prints at all, you set this to 0. You can also set the number of FX prints to 0 to disable particle FX. This does not apply to the player and some races like horses. - Extensibility with a Custom Footprints hook    • Third party plugins can add additional footprints to the game. This can be used for custom races or to override existing ones.    • Script templates for Bipeds, Quadrupeds, and more allow mod authors to include footprints for their races without any scripts of their own.    • Separate FormLists for extending the Player footprints and the NPC footprints. Meaning a third party plugin can target only the Player or only the NPCs if needed.    • To use more than one plugin, the end user will need to be able to merge the FormLists from each plugin with a merged patch. ============================================================================== FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ============================================================================== Q: "This isn't working for me." A: The two most common issues in this case are:    • You don't have decals turned on.    • You are improperly using the console to COC from the main menu or from the intro cutscene in a new game. This is not a proper way to test ANY mod. Q: "How long do the footprints last?" A: They are decals so how many decals are placed before disappearing is defined by your INI file decal settings. See the Technical Section below for INI edits. Q: "Is there a performance/FPS hit?" A: It will likely depend on your system and how many script-intensive mods you have already installed. A: I see no performance impact whatsoever. See: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/articles/291/ Q: "Is it compatible with ________ mod?" A: It is self contained and doesn't touch vanilla races or NPCs, so it is inherently compatible with all mods. However, it does rely on certain things like bone names, their positions in the skeleton, and the correct animation events being sent by the animations. There are mods which break these things. If you suspect any incompatibilities, look at your animation replacers before anything else. Q: "Do you support custom playable races?" A: My mod will attach footprints to ANY humanoid races, as long as they use the humanoid skeleton and the mod properly defines the race as "ActorTypeNPC". ============================================================================== INSTALLATION ============================================================================== Install the BSA and ESP to your Data folder. Activate the ESP. ============================================================================== UNINSTALLATION ============================================================================== ** It is highly recommended you simply disable the effect via the console and not attempt removal ** Instructions 1. Open the console and enter: set fp_IsFootprintsDisabled to 1 It will eventually shut off completely. **IT IS NOW AS GOOD AS DISABLED** It will periodically check if fp_IsFootprintsDisabled is set to 0 and otherwise there is ZERO overhead. **THERE IS NO BENEFIT IN ATTEMPTING A FULL UNINSTALL** If you absolutely must attempt to uninstall it, do the following: 1. Play for a while (real-life hours, days) then go to an INTERIOR. **There seems to be some general confusion about this 1st point** **You cannot have footprints anywhere on the ground before disabling** **If you save in an Interior, when traveling outside the game SHOULD remove any decals if their ESP has been disabled but this is not a guarantee** 2. Save the game and Exit. 3. Disable/Remove the ESP. 4. Load the game and make a new save. **AT THIS POINT YOU CANNOT USE ANY OLD SAVES THAT ARE SAVED IN AN EXTERIOR WHICH HAS FOOTPRINTS** **IF YOU ATTEMPT TO LOAD A SAVE IN AN EXTERIOR WITH FOOTPRINTS YOU WILL CTD** **IF YOU NEED TO ACCESS THESE SAVES, SIMPLY RE-ENABLE THE ESP** **THIS IS WHY IT IS RECOMMENDED TO LEAVE THE ESP ACTIVE BUT WITH ALL SCRIPTING DISABLED** IF/WHEN Hadoram's is redone for SSE: 5. OPTIONAL: Clean the save using Hadoram's Save Cleaner. You can look these instructions up yourself. ============================================================================== RE-ENABLING ============================================================================== ** For if you have disabled Footprints via console and would like to re-enable it ** Instructions 1. Open the console and enter: set fp_IsFootprintsDisabled to 0 It will eventually turn back on. ============================================================================== COMMAND LINE ============================================================================== To modify the NPC limit (default 50): set fp_FootprintsNPCLimit to X To modify the FX limit (default 20): set fp_FootprintsFXLimit to X where X is your desired value. ============================================================================== COMPATIBILITY ============================================================================== - Certain animation replacers can break the animation events being sent, and if you use these your player will not receive footprints. There is nothing on my end that I can do. This mod works on the vanilla animations and skeletons, so the fix has to be on their end. - I have confirmed that FNIS/XPMSSE by themselves are compatible with Footprints, but the animations you are using may not be (see above point). ============================================================================== PRE-1.0 CHANGELOG ============================================================================== 0.1 - Initial Release 0.2 - "Brawl bug" fix, Possible fix for those receiving errors or CTDs. Please report if this release fixes either issue for you. No new prints this release. 0.2.1 - Human prints tweaked 0.3 - Sound doubling fixed (for NPCs and most creatures), Version Control scripting added 0.4 - Added Giants, Mammoths, Spriggans, Cows, Goats, Trolls, Skeevers, and Werewolves. Werewolf transformations are supported for the player. 0.7 - **SKSE and Dawnguard features are OPTIONAL, if you do not have these, the mod will disable these features automatically and seamlessly. ** > Initial boot detection support. Currently only generic and barefoot prints. Entire subsystem is there, so I merely need to create textures. > Initial Dawnguard support (most all races, except chauruses, Dwemer). > Ghosts and familiars should no longer leave prints. > Performance and stability improvements. > Improvements to upgrade process. 0.9 - Partial rewrite, simpler code, can stop and restart on command. - New textures for humans. - Parallax for humans. ** Looks best with ENB, which fixes certain bugs ** - Particle Effects for humans. One for walk and one for run. More will be added in the future. 0.95 - Strafing Detection - Separate particle FX for running, walking, and strafing. - Improvements to the FX including more realistic gravity, speed, and the addition of wind. - Bugfix - Regression which caused player to lose footprints after race change - Switched to uncompressed normal maps (same resolution) for less blocky lighting. - General restructuring and optimizations in preparation for menu options. 0.96 - Strafing Detection for Werewolf and Vampire Lord - Particle FX for Werewolf and Vampire Lord - New textures for: Werewolf, Vampire Lord, Elk, Canines, and Giants. - Limited water splash FX for humans, vampire lords, werewolves. - Bugfix for females on new games, and werewolves/vampire lords when loading a savegame. - Bugfix for some NPC AI putting up Wards or other spells in response to the cloak which gives NPCs footprints scripts. - Bugfix for lack of prints when sprinting with magic drawn. 0.99 - Dragonborn support. **Snow only** Ash material / Solstheim support will be released in a supplemental package. - Barefoot textures reintroduced. - Textures redone for better realism. All textures now have the same visual style. - All textures now have a slight transparency to help with terrain blending. - Special prints for Arvak, incl. Fire particle FX. The fire FX will be optional and include a few colors in a separate package. - Bugfix: Wards / shields no longer activate on NPCs (i.e. the "blue swirlies") - Bugfix: Fixed a typo which caused an error when applying spells to Daedra. - Optimization: The script which adds footsteps effects should spend significantly less time on Actors which already have an effect or are unsupported. ============================================================================== PERMISSIONS / LICENSING ============================================================================== - Permission is NOT given to redistribute this mod in whole or in part. ============================================================================== SPECIAL THANKS ============================================================================== Chesko for initial brainstorming RalphDamiani for initial test textures eztwister for the mod idea