Cmdrspockncc1701's Categories File for Mod Organizer 2 This is my very first mod upload. This is a categories.dat file for Mod Organizer 2. I created the file from scratch in MO2 as per the names of folders into which I organize my mod downloads for Skyrim SE. There are 50 lines, some with multiple and somewhat related mod types such as Textures & Models. Feel free to review its contents with a text editor such as Notepad++ before installing it if you like. It is free and helps with editing things such as .ini files because it color-codes parts of their contents. I This mod must be added manually as per the instructions provided below and will not work if added by using a mod Organizer such as Mod organizer 2 or Vortex. The instructions were created from Windows 10. 1) In your start menu go to Windows Administrative Tools ->Windows System and click on Run. 2) Type in %appdata% in the dialog box that pops up and click Ok. 3) Double-click on Appdata->Local and then on ModOrganizer-> SkyrimSE and put the categories.dat file in the Skyrim SE folder and close the Window. 4) Run Mod Organizer 2 and right click on any installed mod in order to sort it into a category. You may alter and edit this list from within Mod Organizer 2 customize it to your needs, but Please remember to endorse this mod and credit me for its creation and link to the original.