Weapon Enchantments Fixed - no longer affected by Augmented Destruction Perks by MaoDelinSc initial release 21.11.2020 Features In the Destruction Perk Tree there are three perks called augmented frost, augmented flames and augmented shock which claim to amplify spell damage. Yet an enchanted elemental weapon also gets amplified damage from these perks. Even worse the perks amplify ALL spell damage on the weapon, meaning you can double enchant a weapon with the Extra Effect perk and get a 50% bonus on non-elemental damage when combining it with an elemental enchantment. This mod fixes both of these issues as a lightweight esl with only 7 entries (2 for each perk since they have a 25% and 50% boost) which won't add to your load order limitation. It has no dependencies other than the base game and is compatible with everything that doesn't change the augmented perks from the Destruction Tree (which don't get touched by the official Add-Ons or USSEP so no worries). As the title says, weapon enchantments will no longer get amplified by the augmented perks from the Destruction Tree. All other non-weapon-bound spells will still get amplified as intended. I realized it via equipped items so if you have at least one spell in either hand and not a 1H-weapon in either hand then the spell damage gets amplified, else not. Spell damage still gets amplified when holding a shield, staff or torch in the other hand. Limitations As long as you have no spell equipped the damage values shown in your magic menu are not affected by the perks, meaning they show lower values than they actually deal damage once you equip them. And vice versa the values depicted on your weapons are affected by the perks as long as you have at least one spell and no weapon equipped, meaning they show higher values than they actually deal damage once you equip them. So if you want to know how much damage your Frostbite really does just equip Healing Hands and an Elven Shield or whatever. And if you want to know how much Fire Damage your Dawnbreaker deals equip an Iron Dagger or whatever. Known Issues Since I worked with Reference.PlayerRef as the reference object for condition checking it may affect NPC spell damage in an unintended way. A Master Necromancer for example has the Augmented Frost perk and its application to their frost spells should be depending on what the player has equipped - meaning if you equip a weapon the Master Necromancer loses the damage amplification of their Augmented Frost perk. This is of course unintended behaviour but working with Subject as reference object did not work on the player so I had to go with the Reference.PlayerRef. Credits Bethesda for providing Skyrim Special Edition SSEEdit for providing the tool to look into esp files and edit them Creation Kit Documentation for explaining what these entries and values actually mean