Summary Know Your Enemy adds different traits to the creatures and inhabitants of Skyrim that make them resistant or susceptible to various types of attacks. It also randomly distributes books that teach you about those traits to dungeons throughout Skyrim. But after playing for hundreds of hours, it seemed that I rarely came across those books. And why would books be hidden in dungeons and not also occasionally be found in stores? This patch attempts to fix those issues by distributing the books (infrequently) to vendors and NPCs. Originally written for use with DarkLadyLexy's LotD Skyrim SE Modding Guide, I thought I'd make it available to anyone else who was interested. Installation 1. Install Know Your Enemy. This patch will not work without it. 2. Install Know Your Enemy - Books For Sale! using the mod manager of your choice (just please not NMM). 3. Let Books For Sale load after KYE. The only file that will overwrite is the startup script. The associated plugin is flagged ESL so it will not take up a slot in your load order. Compatibility 1. A New game is required when installing this patch. 2. Should be compatible with any mod that KYE is compatible with, unless it alters the Blacksmith/Apothecary vendor buy/sell lists. Otherwise would need a patch. FAQ Q: They are still too hard to find! A: Edit the globals as you see fit. Q: They are too easy to find! A: Edit the globals as you see fit. Q: Will you create a patch for X mod? A: Unlikely. It is likely trivial to do in xEdit, this would be a good opportunity to practice. Acknowledgements Great thanks to tjhm4 for both creating Know Your Enemy, as well as opening permissions. It is a wonderful mod and I have hard time imagining playing without it anymore. Thanks to DarkLadyLexy for the guide and letting me hang out on the Discord. Thanks to Sthaagg for scripting advice. Thanks to ElminsterAU and the xEdit dev team for the ongoing development of xEdit. Thanks to Bethesda for the Creation Kit.Chance of distribution Chance of vendor/NPC with book in inventory Blacksmith: 8% chance of physical bias Apothecary: 2.5% chance of alchemical books Books of Skyrim: 15% chance of any Caravan: 10% chance of any Fence: 8% chance of any General: 1% chance of any Spell: 6% chance of magic Vigilant: 4% chance of supernatural