*****Camping Essentials Update Log***** v0.19 - balanced furniture to better match campfire requirements. It is now a crime to set up alchemy table, camping cot, small camping table in town. alchemy table now requires 1 glass to set up each time, this is to match campfire requiring bone meal for enchanting circle. fixed some small errors v0.18 - fixed some errors v0.17 - changed inventory and placement icons of camping chair, camping cot, and small camping table. v0.15 - added 3 new cooking ingredients Celery, Sweet Potato, Oats. These new Food items can be bought from Carlotta Valentia in Whiterun, Marise Aravel in Riften, and Garyn Ienth in Raven Rock. added 3 new cooking recipes Oatmeal, Chicken Pot Pie, Sweet Potato Pie. added 2 new camping furniture Small Camping Table(can place and pick up, use does nothing for now) and a Camping Cot. Notes: this mod now alters the LItemFoodRawNoMeat leveled list and will not be compatible with other mods then alter the same leveled list v0.10 - added 4 new cooking recipes uncooked pasta, pasta & cheese, apple juice, chicken noodle soup v0.02 - -renamed french fries - potato chips; changed some models for a few things; warning you may have to re-craft alchemy supplies/Chair after update, fixed some spelling errors I had v0.01 - first release. added portable alchemy table, alchemy supplies, camping chair, french fries, and all crafting recipes to match.