Weightless - Predence00 version: 2.0 Installation: 1. Install mxpf framework from: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68617/? 2. Extract Weightless.pas into your xedit "Edit Scrips" folder 3. Run the script in xedit with you load order and adjust multipliers according to your needs Preset settings: Default: weightModArmor := 1; weightModTool := 0.5; weightModWeapon := 1; weightModPotions := 0; weightModFood := 0; weightModBook := 0; weightModIngredient := 0; weightModOreIngot := 0; weightModGem := 0; weightModAnimalPart := 0; weightModAnimalHide := 0; weightModClutter := 0; weightModMisc := 0; weightModScroll := 0; weightModSoulgem := 0; Literally Weightless: weightModArmor := 0; weightModTool := 0; weightModWeapon := 0; weightModPotions := 0; weightModFood := 0; weightModBook := 0; weightModIngredient := 0; weightModOreIngot := 0; weightModGem := 0; weightModAnimalPart := 0; weightModAnimalHide := 0; weightModClutter := 0; weightModMisc := 0; weightModScroll := 0; weightModSoulgem := 0; Unlimited ingredients: weightModArmor := 1; weightModTool := 1; weightModWeapon := 1; weightModPotions := 1; weightModFood := 1; weightModBook := 1; weightModIngredient := 0; weightModOreIngot := 1; weightModGem := 1; weightModAnimalPart := 1; weightModAnimalHide := 1; weightModClutter := 1; weightModMisc := 1; weightModScroll := 1; weightModSoulgem := 1; Traveling Craftsman: weightModArmor := 1; weightModTool := 0.5; weightModWeapon := 1; weightModPotions := 0.5; weightModFood := 0.5; weightModBook := 0.5; weightModIngredient := 0; weightModOreIngot := 0; weightModGem := 0; weightModAnimalPart := 0; weightModAnimalHide := 0; weightModClutter := 1; weightModMisc := 1; weightModScroll := 1; weightModSoulgem := 0;