Mod: Detect All Creatures Color Coded Author: Cybyss Version: 1.0.0 Summary: Applies both the "Detect Life" and "Detect Dead" spell effects to your Vampire Lord's "Detect All Creatures" spell, thereby color coding creatures as friend or enemy. Description: Detect All Creatures Color Coded The Vampire Lord spell Detect All Creatures highlights everything only in white, whereas the Alteration spells Detect Life and Detect Dead will color code as friend (blue), enemy (red), and really dead (yellow). This mod simply copies the color coding effects to Detect All Creatures. The main reason I wrote this mod is not because I missed color coding, but because Detect All Creatures doesn't work at all for me. Nothing ever got highlighted when I casted it. This is an apparently rare issue that I have not been able to fix properly, so this mod is kind of my workaround. If the spell works properly for you, then great! Add this if you want color coding too (although only dead/undead will be color coded, since Detect Life and Detect Dead don't work for dwemer automatons). If you get the same bug as I do, then at least this mod will make Detect All Creatures useful, although you still won't be able to see dwemer automatons. That's not something I know how to fix. Compatibility I haven't tested this with other vampire mods, so your mileage may vary. As long as your mods change neither the spell nor the perk for Detect All Creatures, I think you'll be fine. Installation / Uninstallation Just use Nexus Mod Manager. Or you can copy the *.esp file to Skyrim's Data folder then activate the mod manually. I prefer the mod manager.