***PLEASE DONT FORGET TO ENDORSE, I SPEND A LOT OF TIME DOING MODS AND A GOOD WAY TO SHOW APPRECIATION IS BY ENDORSING.*** NEXUS LINK: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/796/? DESCRIPTION: SkyTEST Settings is a simple mod that tweaks few aspect of Skyrim Version 1.21 * Added Player Blink fix. * Improved Mannequin to force them not to move. Version 1.20 * The mod is now dependant of Survival Mode. * Fooditems are now supported to fill hunger. Version 1.19.03 * Heartfire DLC Related Interior Homes has been set as "NoResetZone" to prevent Reset/Respawn. Version 1.19.02 * EDited Followers Follow Radius to stop them from pushing Player. Version 1.19.01 * Added Recipe for Baked Potatoes in CookingPot. * Added Recipe for Grilled Leeks in CookingPot. * Added Recipe for HoneyNutTreat in Heartfire Oven. * Added Recipe for TaffyLongTreat in Heartfire Oven. * Moved Recipe for ApplePie over to HeartFire Oven. * Moved Recipe for Bread over to Heartfire Oven. * Moved Recipe for SweetRoll over to Heartfire Oven. * Removed SkyTEST version of ApplePie Recipe. * Removed SkyTEST version of SweetRoll Recipe. * Removed SkyTEST version of Bread Recipe. * Removed SkyTEST version of BoiledCreme Recipe. Version 1.19 * Removed some Fooditems (They were no longer needed since the mod been merged with all DLC´s) * Removed some Recipes (They were no longer needed since the mod been merged with all DLC´s) * Greatly Reduced all Tree's Wind Movement Speed. * Added a new Spell tome called "Graceless" in the small camp outside of Riverwood... Version 1.18 * Reverted FoodItems to their original Value * Reverted Arrow Damage to Original Value * Now is 100% Chance of a Kill Move on last enemy within a group. * Barrels will no longer be Havok Enabled but still Breakable. Version 1.16 * Rebuild the mod with SkyrimSE CreationKit V1.1.50.0 Version 1.15 * Free Camera while MiningOre (Don´t enter Mining with 1st Person Camera, it has no animation) * Free Camera while Woodchopping (Same as above) * Added Recipe for Crafting WoodAxe * Added Recipe for Crafting PickAxe * Added Recipe for Crafting LockPick * Fixed distant Jump sound for NPCs Version 1.14 * Allowed a max of 6 arrows attached to actors. * AI Allowed Actors in Combat has been increased from 20 to 50. * Arrow Recovery chance has been increased by 20% * Actors will now Sandbox also on higher floors. version 1.1 * Actors will now Ragdoll as soon as they die, instead of spinning before death. * Added Craftable Left Hand rings variation of all existing non enchanted Rings, they can also be found as loot. * Arrows Speed has been increased by 20% * Wind in Trees has been increased by 40% * Children can now be killed and will Only use special children furniture (preventing them for enlarging themselves) * Dawnbreaker damage has been increased by 20% * NPC´s and Creatures will stop Dodging left/right Matrix Style when shot with Projectiles (they were even able to do this before spotting you! BS!) * Player and NPC speed while Sneak, Walk and Run has been tweaked to be a little bit more realistic. * Rebuild the mod with of the CreationKit. * Altars Blessing will last 24 hours instead of 8. * Expanded the Cooking Recipes (Added Flour, HoneyJar, MilkJug, WaterFlagon, Butter and more) * Food Items will now stop instantly recovering health and will instead give a gradual health regeneration, it takes to digest them. * Most Container Barrels can now be destroyed by hitting them (i left some as default as they were tagged as NoRespawn) Version 1.0 * Merchants will have more Gold as the Player levels up. * Dead Bodies by NPC and Creatures should now have Collision. Version 0_95 * Increased the Damage from arrows by 80%. Version 0_92 * Increased damage of Lightning Storm (For a Master Spell, it sure was way too Weak) * Increased Effectiveness of Dual Magic Casting. * Increased value of Silver Misc Items. * Increased chances of Actors fleeing when their Health is low. * Increased the Value of Nirnroots to double. * Rebuild the mod with of the CreationKit. * Increased damage of Runes & Walls (all 3 elements) * Cells and Actors will respawn every 7 days. * NPC´s will only randomly talk to you if you are close enough to them, no more random chat from far. * Magicka Regeneration while ON COMBAT has been doubled. * Force applied when killed by arrows has been reduced, to give it a more realistic feel. * Increased the value of the Animal Pelts and Tusks, so its now worth going out to hunt. * Increased Valude of Gold & Silver Ingots. * Followers will now move away from you if they are blocking your path. * Increase the value of the Troll Skull. * Set Female Nord race height to 1 (too tall for my taste) * Reduced melee force applied when dead. * Enhanced killmoves, now you will have a 90% chance of doing a kill move ON THE LAST ENEMY WITHING A GROUP. INSTALL: Remove all previous versions of the mod, Unrar files inside data folder which is located inside main skyrim folder. UNINSTALL: Delete SkyTEST-Settings-CCSM.esp Thats all, its an incredibly simple mod, but effective. CONTACT: etayorius@hotmail.com