==================================================================================================== NWN Installer Tool Version History ==================================================================================================== 29 Sep 2024 v7.1.3 Bug Fixes: 4. Miscellaneous: 6. Bug Fixes - Addresses and issue where the Start Screen Manager displays an incorrect cursor when multiple   images are selected. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when the Start Screen Manager's image area is clicked and   multiple images are selected. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you open the Portrait Manager from the Tools menu while   the manager is minimised. The manager does not show any items in the list before it crashes. - Addresses an issue where the initial order of patch hak files is not preserved when you run the   Installer Tool for the first time. Miscellaneous - You can launch the Portrait Manager from the Character Summary Information by clicking the   Portrait Image when the Portrait Manager cursor is shown. The portrait you clicked on is selected   when the Portrait Manager opens. - Mod Explorer no longer closes when you press the Enter or Escape key while entering text into one   of the filter boxes. - The Start Screen Manager now has a search capability, which is activated by typing text to find   matching image names. - Help has been updated to reflect the changes. - The Loadscreen Manager has been renamed to NWN's Start Screen Manager to avoid any confusion   regarding how the images are used. - Search function added to the Classes, Skills and Feats Information dialogue. 31 Aug 2024 v7.1.2 Bug Fixes: 6. Miscellaneous: 9. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes on startup when processing the network synchronisation   options. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes on startup when the user does not have read and write access   to the Local Application Data folder. - Addresses an issue where the Loadscreen Manager's popup information windows (Tooltips) do not use   your font and colour preferences. - Addresses an issue where the wrong conflicting Mod's file is installed when the file names are the   same but have different upper or lower case letters. - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes when performing version checks on startup. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes if the folder containing the Mod being processed by Download   Project is deleted while it is still being processed. Miscellaneous - Added Full Screen button to NIT's Display Image dialogue. - Added Slide Show button to the Loadscreen Manager's ribbon, which displays a full screen slide   show of the load screen images. - Moving the cursor to the left or right side of the Loadscreen Manager's image displays the   Previous or Next Loadscreen cursor. - The cursor changes as you move the mouse over the Portrait Manager's image area and indicates the   action that will be taken when you click in the image area (Edit, Previous or Next Portrait). - Pressing the Left or Right Arrow keys in the Portrait Manager selects the previous or next   portrait.. - Added Loadscreens Statistics Text to the Loadscreen Manager's status bar. Hover over the text to   display a summary of included and excluded images. Click the text to display the Loadscreen   Information Report. - Added Slide Show Interval and Continuous Slide Show to the Loadscreen Manager's Options menu. - Display Character Summary includes the date and time the character file was last updated. - Help updated to reflect changes to the Loadscreen and Portrait Managers. 30 Jul 2024 v7.1.1 Bug Fixes: 6. Miscellaneous: 3. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes on startup when processing the Image Editor program file.   There has only been one reported issue of this condition and could be related to the program being   used. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes after starting. This is a rare issue issue probably caused by   an unusual timing event. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes while trying to determine Mod file conflicts. This is is an   attempt to fix an issue that I have been unable to reproduce and occurs infrequently. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes while validating installed file information after loading a   Profile at startup. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes after running NWN's Toolset. This may occur if you perform   other actions such as opening the Game Saves Manager, while the Toolset is still running. - Addresses an issue where the standard NWN portrait image may not be shown when you have enabled   Show BioWare's Portrait Images. Miscellaneous - Open Shared NIT Store added to the File menu. This is only shown when you have defined a Shared   NIT Store on the Locations page in Advanced Settings. - Remove Leto Log Files is added to the Manage menu when you set Delete Leto Log Files to No on the   Configuration page in Advanced Settings. - Ignore Double Clicks added as an option to the Mod Double-Click Action on the Configuration page   in Advanced Settings. 22 Jun 2024 v7.1 Features: 3. Bug Fixes: 8. Improvements: 1. Miscellaneous: 3. Features - Classes, Skills and Feat Information added to the Help menu. You can select this to display a full   list of classes, skills and feats along with their associated Neverwinter Nights descriptions. - Loadscreen added to the Manage menu. The Loadscreen Manager is intended to make it easy to select   and change the Neverwinter Nights load screen image. - You can specify that you want to see a different Loadscreen each time you start Neverwinter   Nights. This can be controlled from the Loadscreen Manager or on the Configuration Page in   Advanced Settings. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the description for the Ride skill was not available. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes on startup when the Windows Management Instrumentation   service is not operating correctly. - Addresses an issue where the bottom part of Huge Portraits or character's summary information is   truncated. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool may crash on startup when a previously connected   Shared NIT machine is turned off. - Addresses an issue where the Character Restorer Viewer shows the wrong summary information when   there are more than nine character files. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes while performing certain database operations. This is an   attempt to resolve an issue that I am unable to reproduce. - Addresses an issue where Restart does not always start the Installer Tool after closing. - Addresses an issue where NIT's Display Image incorrectly resizes images that are wider than the   screen resolution's width. Improvements - Duplicate feat names, such as Bard Song, have been eliminated from all Feat lists. Miscellaneous - A message is displayed at startup if the Windows Management Instrumentation service is not   operating correctly. You can click the Help button to display the FAQ explaining how to remedy the   problem. - Reduced the amount of memory used to store Feat Descriptions. - Implemented a mechanism to retrieve a Module's Save Name and Description when the standard process   fails. Currently, the only module exhibiting this issue is The_Lord_of_Terror_2_0_5.mod. 25 May 2024 v7.0 Bug Fixes: 1. Improvements: 2. Miscellaneous: 5. Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue where the Game Saves Manager's Activated game has not moved all the save   folder contents into the NWN Game Saves folder or the reverse for a Deactivated game. When this   condition is detected, NIT will try and fix the problem when you load a Profile or open the Game   Saves Manager. Improvements - The Character Restorer Viewer and Character Summary Information include Skills and Feat data. Many   thanks to Proleric and Mmat for helping with names and descriptions. - Character Restorer Viewer uses Windows File Explorer's sort sequence to order the character file   list. Miscellaneous - The Mod status does not reflect the userpatch or nwnpatch ini file status. This is intended to   make it easier to spot file conflicts in the Mod list. Many thanks to Hina for this suggestion. - "Hover over Properties Panel heading displays help information" added to the Behaviour section of   the Preferences Page in Advanced Settings. This is intended for seasoned users that are aware of   the action taken when clicking the Properties Panel heading area. - Display Character Summary has been added to the Installation Analyser's context menu (right-click)   and can be used to display information about the selected character file. - Character Summary Information is now handled by the Character Restorer Viewer. This is an internal   change to consolidate character information display into a single class. - A warning message is displayed when you open the Game Saves Manager. You can answer Yes to   continue and stop displaying the message or No to cancel the operation and continue displaying the   message. You can change this behaviour (Enable the Game Saves Manager) on the Configuration page   in Advanced Settings. 27 Apr 2024 v6.10.6 Bug Fixes: 3. Improvements: 1. Miscellaneous: 3. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes on systems using a non-standard Hot Track colour. - Addresses an issue where a white area appears prior to displaying popup status messages. - Addresses an issue where an uninstalled Mod's status icon and text are not updated after   performing a Move To operation on Mod Installer files (eg Move to Patch). Improvements - Removed item highlight delay when moving the mouse over the names in the Mod List. The delay was a   result of introducing the popup message showing how much time has elapsed since you last played a   Mod. Miscellaneous - Reduce progress messages displayed after exiting Neverwinter Nights. - Remove progress popup message after closing the Game Saves Manager. - Reduce Play tab menu item re-painting when selecting Mods. 20 Apr 2024 v6.10.5 Features: 1. Bug Fixes: 5. Improvements: 2. Miscellaneous: 3. Features - Convert Restorer to Mod added to the Edit menu, which allows you to convert manually installed   files into a NIT managed Mod. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes if you use File Explorer to make case sensitive changes to a   Mod Folder (eg override to Override) and then click on NIT. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes if you open the Portrait Manager and do not have any   Installer Tool installed portraits. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash while running Update Enhanced Edition Files when previously   detected files have been removed from the installation. - Addresses an issue where the Portrait Manager does not select the correct item when you click a   portrait name while the Manager is not the active window. - Rename supports case sensitive changes such as portraits to Portraits. Improvements - The Portrait Manager includes portraits that were not installed using the Installer Tool. - The Portrait Manager now includes the Tiny sized image in the portrait display area. Miscellaneous - User Rules can specify download information for Projects that are already defined in the Download   Rules file. Entries will be merged. - When you hover the mouse over a Mod in NIT's or the Mod Explorer's mod list, a popup message shows   how much time has elapsed since you last played the Mod. - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch   88.8193.36-13. 09 Apr 2024 v6.10.4 Bug Fixes: 5. Improvements: 4. Miscellaneous: 17. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Status erroneously specifies that the selected Mod is being   uninstalled when creating a Mod Installer for another Mod. - Addresses an issue where the Set Play Time's preference line is truncated when using larger fonts.   This issue might be occurring on other similar dialogues. - Addresses an issue where some of the shortcut keys do not work. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when a Mod's Contents Panel text file is selected via the   restore selections and you add a file to another Mod's Details Panel using an external program and   then activate NIT. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash while processing NWN's Client Log file after closing   Neverwinter Nights. Only one instance of this condition has been reported. Improvements - Significant changes have been made to the Portrait Manager's interface and capabilities. See Help   ›› Use the Tools menu ›› Use the Portrait Manager for more information. - The settings on the Configuration page in Advanced Settings are now listed within Groups to make   it easier to locate the item you want to view or change. - Your preferred font and colours are now applied to drop-down and context menu item tooltips (popup   information windows). - The Select Document File icon on the Status Bar has been replaced with the Selection Preferences   icon, which opens a dialogue where you can specify which Contents and Details items are selected   when you view a Mod. See Help ›› Get Started ›› User Interface ›› Status Bar ›› Status Icons for   more information. Miscellaneous - TGA File Editor has been added to the Locations page in Advanced Settings and specifies the   location of your TGA file editor program's executable. The Portrait Manager uses this to determine   whether an Edit Icon is displayed next to portraits that are available as non-compressed files in   the source Mod's Download folder. - The cursor changes to a Hand when you move the mouse over the Portrait Manager's Edit icon. - Image File Editor has been added to the Locations page in Advanced Settings and specifies the   location of your non-TGA image file editor program's executable, which is used by NIT's Display   Image to open the file. - When you hover the mouse over the Play Time Information on the Menu Bar, the popup window includes   the time played today. - The cursor changes to a Hand when you move the mouse over the Alias Section Editor's Edit icon. - The cursor changes to a Hand when you move the mouse over the Mods Sorted by Date Completed's   Filter Groups and Ratings Checkbox icon. - Portrait Image Web Page has been added to the Locations page in Advanced Settings and specifies a   favourite web site URL used to obtain images for Portrait file creation. - The Character Summary Information and Character Restorer Viewer dialogues include Details and   Summary buttons, which copy character information details and level summary to the Clipboard   respectively. - Select Play Time File on the Options menu has been removed (replaced by Selection Preferences icon   on the Status Bar). - Selection button added to Basic Settings and opens the Item Selection Preferences dialogue. - Help updated to reflect various changes that have been made. - ERF Utility Executable has been added to the Locations page in Advanced Settings and specifies the   location of the erf.exe file. When specified, Extract Portrait Images is available on the File and   context menus when a HAK file is selected. This feature is only of use for showing portrait images   when displaying Character Summary Information. - The default Restart Delay time on the Configuration page in Advanced Settings has been changed   from 60 to 100 milliseconds to accommodate additional processing that is performed during close   down. Your current Restart Delay time is not changed. - When you hover the mouse over a Mod in the Mods Sorted by Date Completed list, a popup message   shows how much time has elapsed since you last played the Mod. - The cursor changes to a Hand when you move the mouse over the Dependency Manager's Checkbox icons. - Added Clear Selection History to the Options menu, which allows you to delete Mod selection   information for the Contents Panel and Details Panel. - Added Clear Extracted Hak Portraits to the Options menu, which allows you delete the folders   containing portrait images extracted from HAK files. 09 Mar 2024 v6.10.3 Bug Fixes: 7. Improvements: 2. Miscellaneous: 19. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool may crash while performing certain operations when a   previously connected Shared NIT machine is turned off. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you select None from the Go to Group menu. - Addresses an issue where a number of context (right-click) menus did not use your font preference. - Addresses an issue where the About Neverwinter Nights Installer Tool's web link tooltips do not   work reliably as you move the mouse from one link to another. - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes after closing the Neverwinter Nights game while a Shared   NIT machine is running. - Addresses an issue where renaming a file in the Contents or Details Panel does not refresh the   file's property information panel. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you use the Game Saves Manager to delete the Active Game   Save and there are no other Game Saves in the list. Improvements - If a folder or file in it is in use by another program, you are given the option to close the   program and Retry the folder move operation. Unfortunately, this feature only works on English   Language operating systems. - Reduced the number Mod List, Contents Panel and Details Panel reloads performed when changes by an   external program have been detected. Miscellaneous - The Character Summary includes Hit Points information. - The Game Saves Manager displays NWN's save image when you hover over the Location heading area   (instead of only when you are over the text). - The save image displayed by the Restore Archived Game Saves no longer flickers when you move the   mouse between the Location heading and Location text. - You can Right-Click the Character Restorer icon in the Status Bar to display Character Summary   Information for the latest game save. - Restore Archived Game Saves dialogue includes the Display Character Summary and Open with File   Explorer icons. - "Hover over Character Summary text displays Save screen image" has been added to Behaviour   Section of the Preferences page in Advanced Settings and allows you to enable or disable the   display the game save image when you hover over the Character Summary Information text. The   default for this preference is disabled. - You can Right-Click the Display Create Installer Wizard Report icon in the Status Bar to open the   Wizard Builder for the selected Mod. - The Create Installer Wizard Report includes an Open Wizard Builder button. - You can Right-Click the Recycle Bin icon to open the Recycle Bin. - You can click "Mods:" in the Status Bar to display the Recent Mods list. - You can Right-Click the Select Document File icon to open the Document Organiser. - The cursor is positioned on the first entry of the Recent Mods list when you right-click the   Profile Name. - "Recent Mods Popup List Cursor Positioning" added to the Configuration Page in Advanced Settings   and specifies whether the Installer Tool moves the cursor to the first entry in the Recent Mods   popup list (Default is Yes). - You can click "Group:" in the Status Bar to display the Go to Group menu. - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch   88.8193.36-12. - The date and time you start playing is recorded and displayed in the Play Time Information window.   You can also right-click the time to specify the start retrospectively. - Right-Clicking the Game Saves Manager's Activate button installs the associated Mod if it is   uninstalled. - Right-Clicking the Game Saves Manager's Deactivate button uninstalls the associated Mod if it is   installed. - If you have Paint.net installed, the Portrait Manager displays an Edit Icon next to portraits,   which are available as non-compressed files in the source Mod's Download folder. Clicking the icon   opens the five portrait files in Paint.net. 17 Feb 2024 v6.10.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the nwnpatch or userpatch ini files excluded Patch folder hak files   installed without using the Installer Tool. - Addresses an issue where the Alias Section Editor allows folder name changes to something that the   Installer Tool does not support (eg path\portraits to path\MyPortraits). Improvements - You can copy Character Summary Information or Character Level Summary Line to the Clipboard by   Right-Clicking on the Character Summary text - The Game Saves Manager displays NWN's save image when you hover over the Location text. See "Crop   Game Save Screen Image (Top, Bottom)" below. - The Restore Archived Game Saves displays NWN's save image when you hover over the Location or Game   Saves Range text. - The Installer Tool displays the latest game save image when you hover over the ribbon's Manage   your Game Saves. See "Hover over Manage your Game Saves displays Save screen image" below. - The Portrait Manager displays the Large portrait when you hover over the Huge portrait area. Miscellaneous - Help file Hak Patch information updated in "The Installer Tool removes my nwnpatch or userpatch   ini file changes" and "Change the Hak Patch sequence" topics. - An information message is displayed the first time the Installer Tool makes changes to your   nwn.ini file to let you know how to customise the Alias Section and the file name of the nwn.ini   backup. - "Crop Game Save Screen Image (Top, Bottom)" has been added to the Configuration page in Advanced   Settings and allows you to change the number of pixels cropped from the top and bottom portion of   a saved game screen image - The Portrait Manager now supports additional Shortcut Keys. Delete for Exclude Portrait, Ctrl+Z   for Undo Exclude and F1 for Help. - "Hover over Manage your Game Saves displays Save screen image" has been added to Behaviour Section   of the Preferences page in Advanced Settings and allows you to enable or disable the display of   the saved game screen image. - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch   88.8193.36-11. 10 Feb 2024 v6.10.1 Features - Character Summary has been added to the View menu and displays character information for the   latest game save. - Clicking the Character Restorer Icon opens the Character Restorer Viewer, which lists all the   Character Files. You can select a file to display the character's summary information. The icon is   shown in the NIT Status Bar, Mod Explorer and Mods Sorted by Date Completed. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where invalid "Move to" menu items are enabled when a text file is selected in   the contents panel. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when the Hak Patch folder is not defined in your User Files   directory. - Addresses an issue where the Character Summary Information window truncated text information when   a very large text size has been specified using the Font and Colour Editor. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you use Windows Explorer's Copy path to paste a location   into the Create Run Menu's Program Location and then click the Browse for file button. - Addresses an issue where the nwnpatch or userpatch ini files were not updated correctly under   certain circumstances. Improvements - Always Select Next Portrait has been added to the Portrait Manager's Options menu, which you can   disable to select the next or previous item after excluding a portrait based on whether you   clicked the Next or Previous button. - The Portrait Manager displays the Small image in addition to the Medium and Huge portraits. This   feature can be disabled using the Portrait Manager's Options menu. - Create Installer is disabled for No Installer Projects that are defined in the Download Rules. - Implemented the User Rules File, which allows you to add your own local Download Rules (eg   NoInstallerProjects). View Download Rules File displays the User Rules and Download Rules Files. - Mod Properties are synchronised when you have defined a Shared NIT Store and enabled Synchronise   Mod Properties on the Preferences page in Advanced Settings. - Show BioWare's Portrait Images has been added to the Options Menu. If clicked, NIT downloads   BioWare's portrait files included in the Neverwinter Nights installation and moves the files to   the NIT Store's Backups folder. After this, built in portrait images are shown when displaying   Character Summary Information or using the Character Restorer Viewer. Miscellaneous - Portrait Manager has been included on the ribbon's Tools page. - Create Mod Installer has been included on the ribbon's Play tab. - Portrait Manager responds when certain keys are pressed. Backspace for Previous, Enter for Next   and Escape for Close. - Added "The Installer Tool removes my nwnpatch or userpatch ini file changes" to the Problems   section of the FAQ. 25 Jan 2024 v6.10 Features - Portrait Manager has been added to the Tools menu. This feature makes it easier to review and   maintain your installed portrait files. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you try to download a project that does not have any   downloadable files. - Addresses an issue where an incorrect ribbon button background colour is used for the default   colour theme when running under Windows 11. - Addresses an issue where "Open with" does not specify an application for certain file types. - Addresses an issue where uninstalling a mod does not uninstall all the dependencies. Specifically,   if Mod A requires Mod B to be installed and Mod B requires Mod C, then Mod C was not uninstalled. Improvements - Portrait image detection and rendering has been re-written to ensure the title area is always   removed, the orientation flipped when images are upside down and enforce compliance with NWN's   defined portrait sizes. - Display Character Summary looks in the Override and Ovr folders when the image is not present in   the Portraits folder. - The Hak Patch Priority Editor has been revised to ensure an accurate list of patch hak files is   displayed by detecting new and deleted files when the Editor is started. Miscellaneous - "Crop Portrait Images" removed from the Configuration page in Advanced Settings. 06 Jan 2024 v6.9.4 Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue where the Installer Tool may crash when rapidly deleting Mods one at a   time. - Addresses an issue where uninstalling a Mod uninstalls dependencies that are still required by   other installed mods. This bug was introduced in version 6.9.2 by changes made to resolve   recursive dependencies. Improvements - Mod Explorer restores the Rating and End Level filters that were applied the last time you used   the Explorer. - The Games Manager includes a close option in the dialogue asking whether you want to uninstall the   mod or mods for which Play Time has been recorded. Miscellaneous - Prevent display of unnecessary ExtractArchives warning when creating a new Wizard. 13 Nov 2023 v6.9.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue where the Installer Tool crashes when Run Neverwinter Nights is pressed and   you hit the Space Bar before Neverwinter Nights is started. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool does not re-create the Neverwinter Nights patch.ini   file after making changes with the Hak Patch Editor. The Tool only applies the changes when you   install a hak-patch mod. Improvements - The character summary information now includes the number of Gold Pieces and the portrait file   name. Miscellaneous - Added "Show Character Statistics in the Properties Panel" to the Configuration page in Advanced   Settings, which specifies whether the Installer Tool displays character statistics in the   properties panel when a character file is selected in the details panel (Default is No). 26 Sep 2023 v6.9.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Publish Mod does not replicate The Neverwinter Vault's archive name   correctly in Wizard files when certain characters are present in the Mod name (eg the quote   character). - Addresses an issue where pressing Cancel when selecting the NIT Store folder can result in the   Installer Tool crashing. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes when retrieving a Required Project that   references a Steam Workshop item. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when installing or uninstalling a Mod with recursive   dependencies. A recursive dependency is when Mod1 requires Mod2, which in turn requires Mod1 to be   installed. - Addresses an issue where pressing the Alias Section Editor's Delete button did not restore the   default Alias Section values. This could also result in spurious folders being created in the NWN   installation or User Files directory. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool does not recognise INI file comment lines. - Addresses an issue where the Download Rules IgnoreExcludes statement does not work. This problem   was the result of implementing an improvement to reduce the time taken to process file links,   which was released in version 6.8.2. Improvements - Reduced startup delay when processing Import information from a Shared NIT machine. - Installer Wizard processing is now case insensitive. Miscellaneous - Added "Mod Import Action" to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings, which specifies the   action to take when there are Mods available for Import. The installer Tool checks for Mods   available for import each time the Tool is started and when a Profile is loaded. - The Game Saves Manager's Display Character Summary and Open with File Explorer icons and context   menu items have been reversed so that Display Character Summary is shown first. - Help has been updated to reflect various changes and include the latest versions of Surazal's   Preferences and Configuration Settings. - Create Installer includes a list of Map Excluded files in the Log file. - Added "What are the best practices for using the Installer Tool to manage Mods?" to the FAQ   Questions section. - Added "Create Installer did not include all the files from the downloaded archives" to the FAQ   Problems section. - Added and updated a number of the popup progress messages. - The Play Time Viewer ensures that only one line is used for the Mod name side-heading when using   large fonts. 04 Sep 2023 v6.9.1 Features - Publish Mod updates a defined wizard to prefix folder and filename specifications with the   published 7-Zip archive name (eg mod_name_v1.0.7z\folder\file.hak). Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where, after editing text file content in the Details Panel, the panel displays   file property information instead of the changed text file contents. - Addresses an issue where Create Installer did not apply selections made in Wizards included in   downloaded files, even though subsequent requests were processed correctly. Improvements - If you use the Wizard Builder to open an existing Wizard containing the ExtractArchives command   and no archive files exist, the Builder displays a warning message and removes the command so that   the Wizard can be opened. - Create Missing Installers now runs Wizards that are included in downloaded files. - Create Missing Installers installs Mods when "Install Mods after Installers have been created" is   enabled on the Preferences Page in Advanced Settings. 28 Aug 2023 v6.9 Features - Change Installer Options has been added to the Manage Menu and Ribbon's Play tab. This feature   provides an easy way to re-create the Mod Installer so you can select different options or   preferences when the Wizard runs. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where an incorrect background colour was used for list tooltips which are shown   when the text does not fit in the column. - Addresses an issue where the Display Image window could not be moved. - Addresses an issue where the Document Organiser can cause a crash while closing. - Addresses an issue where text file property information in the Details Panel was not refreshed   after editing the text file. - Addresses an issue where editing text in the Details panel after clicking the Mod Notes panel   prevents the Notes being edited after saving the Details changes. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you click the Wizard Builder's Save button and there are   duplicate Choices or Preferences Display Names. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when the defined Beamdog Client's library folder has been   deleted. - Addresses an issue where the Wizard Builder displays "You cannot define a Wizard for..." message   and closes without removing the "Examining Mod folder contents" window. - Addresses an issue where Install Selected Mod is shown when the mod does not have an Installer. - Addresses an issue where the images for BMP files were not rendered under Additional Information   in the Property or Detail Panels. - Addresses an issue where the Document Organiser ignored files in sub-folders in the Mod's   Downloads directory. - Addresses an issue where the Wizard Builder did not processes nested sub-folders correctly. Improvements - After deleting all game saves for a mod (Delete or Finished), the Game Saves Manager always gives   you the option to uninstall the mod (instead of only when the play time was recorded). - Your preferred font and colours are now applied to almost all tooltips (popup information   windows). Drop-down and context menu item tooltips remain unchanged. - Significantly reduced the amount of time it takes the Wizard Builder to prepare the list of Items   Processed by Installer. - Create Installer now runs Wizards that are included in downloaded files. - You are given the option to uninstall a Mod when deleting the Mod Installer folder. - When you double click a batch file (file.bat), you are asked whether you want to run or open the   batch file. - The Mod Installer is automatically re-created when you delete a Wizard File in the Contents Panel. - Display Character Summary now includes statistics information. Miscellaneous - Some user cues and status messages have been updated to provide information and reduce flickering   messages. - The Windows Photos application icon is used for standard image files that do not have an   associated application defined. - Added "Use the same font and colours for all tooltips" to the Preferences page in Advanced   Settings and allows you to use the same font and colours for all the tooltips that are displayed. - When the Wizard Builder's file threshold is exceeded, the user is given the option to cancel the   operation, which avoids extremely lengthy processing times that can have the appearance of   hanging. This problem has been observed with Ragnarok_mr4's Alternate Combat Animations Pack (ACP   v4.1) Updated, which has more than 40,000 files and can take between 5 and 10 minutes to process. - Added "Wizard Builder File Threshold" to the Configuration Page in Advanced Settings and specifies   the number of files that the Installer Wizard Builder can process within an acceptable time. - The Daily Play Times Report includes play time information for a Shared NIT Store PC when it is   connected. - Added "Open image files with NIT's Display Image" to the Preferences page under File and Folder in   Advanced Settings. When enabled, the "Open with" menu and link uses NIT's Display Image to show   the selected image file. You can use the Display Image's "Open with" option to view the image file   with its associated program. 23 Jul 2023 v6.8.6 Features - Added Display Image/Character Summary to the File Menu and the selected file's Context menu   (right-click), which opens a window displaying the image or Character Summary. The Display   Image/Character Summary is only shown when an image or character file is selected. - Added a context menu (right-click) to Find Files in Profile that allows you to display the file   properties and, if selected, view the image or character summary information. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes after close processing has been completed. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when displaying character summary information and the image   file is in a HAK rather than the LocalVault folder. Improvements - Improved handling of special characters when displaying the location in which a game has been   saved. - Improved handling of special characters when displaying text file contents in the Details and   Property Panels. - Your preferred font and colours are used for many of the popup windows that display additional   information. Some exceptions to this are drop-down and context menu items and a few message   dialogue windows. - Ensures Download Project's Create Installer dialogue is centred rather than showing in top corner   of the screen when NIT is not the foreground window. - Improved detection of the unused portion of portrait images. 14 Jul 2023 v6.8.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Details Panel appears to be blank after pressing the Windows Restore   icon when the Tool is maximised and multiple items are selected in the Details Panel. - Addresses an issue where the Properties Panel height is not set correctly when NIT has been   maximised while more than one Details item is selected. - Addresses an issue where the selected BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF file is locked when an image is   shown under Additional Information in the Property Panel. - Addresses an issue where the Contents Panel was not updated after cutting and pasting to a Details   Panel sub-folder. - Addresses an issue where a paste operation failed with an erroneous message saying that you can't   Paste into an extracted file. Specifically caused when multiple items are selected for pasting and   the target selection is a file item. - Addresses an issue where toggling the Automatic Properties Panel Height option after changing the   size of the NIT Window did not work properly. Miscellaneous - The Installer Tool removes the unused portion of displayed portrait images. - The character summary information now includes the overall level achieved, the character's   experience points, the number of experience points required to reach the next level and, if   specified, the Deity. - Portrait images that are upside down are automatically flipped so that they are displayed using   the correct orientation. - "Rotate Portrait Images" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings and allows you to   specify whether the Installer Tool automatically rotates portrait images that are upside down. - "Crop Portrait Images" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings and allows you to   specify whether the Installer Tool removes the unused portion of displayed portrait images. - The previously displayed files and folder list is no longer updated when the tool detects that   changes have been made by an external program and the contents or properties of a file is   displayed in the Details Panel. - The Character Restorer icon is shown in the Status Bar of the Mod Explorer and Mods Sorted by Date   Completed when the selected Mod has an associated character Restorer. You can click the icon to   select the Restorer in the Mod List. - Portrait images associated with the selected character file (bic) are appended to the character   summary information displayed in the Property Panel. - "Portrait image display size" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings and allows you   to specify the size of portrait images displayed in the Details Panel and the Game Manager's   Character Summary. - When Automatic Properties Panel Height is enabled, the Properties Panel's height is adjusted to   accommodate the five lines of information about the file selected in the Contents Panel. - "Use the Options menu" has been added to Help. 15 Jun 2023 v6.8.4 Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue where the Installer Tool crashes when trying to update the status with the   number of items selected. - Addresses an issue where the context menu was not updated to reflect the default value being used   after performing a Reset for the selected item on the Configuration page in Advanced Settings. - Addresses a rare issue where the Installer Tool crashes when closing to perform a Restart. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes when trying to get the icon associated with a   file. - Addresses an issue where, under certain conditions, the Installer Tool can crash after clicking   the Game Saves Manager's Finished button. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you use the command line to start with Settings and   click Edit NWN Folder on a Map Folders item that has an Enhanced Edition folder defined. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when recording game play time information during startup or   after closing Neverwinter Nights. Miscellaneous - "Progress Display Preferences" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings and allows you   to specify your progress information display preferences for the dialogues containing a visual cue   showing how much of the processing has completed. - The Download Project's Retrieve function has been updated to display a message when a number of   file links are being processed. - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch 8193.35. - "Display a progress bar on processing messages" removed from the Configuration page in Advanced   Settings. - "Show Vault File Link Processing Progress" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings   and allows you to specify when to show a progress dialogue when Download Projects is converting   file links to download URLs. 22 May 2023 v6.8.3 Features - "Alias Section (nwn.ini)" has been added to the Manage menu and displays the Alias Section Editor,   which you can use to customise the location of folders defined in the Alias Section of the current   Profile's nwn.ini file. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where character information shows a class level of zero instead of one. - Addresses an issue where the colour theme was not applied to a number of Context Menus   (Right-Click). Improvements - The "Display Character Summary" now includes the portrait associated with the saved character   information. - An image is shown under Additional Information in the Property Panel when a Targa (TGA) file is   selected. - An image is shown under Additional Information in the Property Panel when a BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG or   TIFF file is selected. Miscellaneous - "Display Targa (TGA) Images" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings and allows you   to enable or disable the display of TGA file images. - "Display Standard Images" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings and allows you to   enable or disable the display of BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF file images. - The Help has been updated to include Alias Section Editor information. 15 May 2023 v6.8.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Download Project dialogue is hidden by NIT's main window when   processing a large number of file links. Improvements - The Download Project's Retrieve function has been optimised to reduce the time taken to process   file links. - Display summary information in the Property Panel when a character file (BIC) is selected. Thanks   to kevL's for providing the code to read BIC files. - "Display Character Summary" has been added to the context menu (Right Click) for the selected Game   Save in the Game Saves Manager. Thanks to kevL's for providing the code to read BIC files. Miscellaneous - "Concurrent Vault File Link Web Requests" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings and   allows you to tailor the Download Project's Retrieve function to suite your PC's configuration. - Help's Work with Game Saves has been updated to include the new "Display Character Summary"   feature. 01 May 2023 v6.8.1 Features - You can click the Finished button in the Game Saves Manager to delete all game saves associated   with the Mod linked to the selected save in the list. Bug Fixes - Updated debug code to help trace and correct URL tooltip bug. - Addresses an issue where some buttons remain highlighted when the cursor is no longer over the   button. - Addresses a timing issue that can cause a crash when NIT is closing. - Addresses an issue where the Game Saves Manager shows incorrect totals when Activating or   Deactivating a Game Save. Miscellaneous - The Daily Play Times Report allows you to display the report for a Shared NIT Store PC. 10 Apr 2023 v6.8 Features - You can specify an Auto option for the Play Time Information's Play Time Hours per Day, which uses   NIT's computed average hours played per day as the value for determining elapsed times for Mods   you are playing. - You can use the Installation Analyser's Convert button to copy NWM files to a MOD file so it can   be opened with the Neverwinter Nights Toolset. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where an incorrect total number of Mods that have been exported or are   available for import is displayed. - Addresses an issue where using Drag and Drop to move or copy a file from the Contents Panel of one   Mod to another did not work properly. - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes when establishing the install status image for the Recent   Mods list. - Addresses an issue where the Recent Mods list was not updated when deleting a Group containing   Mods listed on Recent Mods. This could also lead to the crash described above. - Addresses an issue where the Mod's Web Link stops displaying the URL when you hover over the Link   icon. This is a partial fix due to difficulties in reproducing the problem and only reduces the   frequency of the issue. Improvements - Removed the delay in displaying the About NWN Installer Tool dialogue for users that have defined   a Shared NIT Store. - Start-up time has been reduced for Shared NIT Store users. Miscellaneous - The total number of exported Mods is shown in the Status bar area after exporting one or Mods. - A tooltip is displayed when you hover over the Mod count or Group information text (Number of Mods   installed / Total number of Mods) as a reminder of what the two numbers mean. - You can click the Mod count information to display the number Mods available for Import and that   have been exported. - After loading a Profile, the status information includes Import and Export counts if any Mods are   available for Import or have been exported. - Play Time Information's minimum hours per day has been reduced to 1. - FAQ updated with an article explaining how to use NIT to open Official and Premium mods in the   Neverwinter Nights Toolset. - Report button added to the Play Time Information dialogue and displays how much time you spent   playing each day of the month. - The default extension map has been updated to include GUI as a valid file type. Currently used in   the Development version the Enhanced Edition. 12 Mar 2023 v6.7.8 Bug Fixes - Addresses a possible timing issue when processing updates. This causes a crash on rare occasions. - Addresses an issue where using Drag and Drop to move or copy a file from one Mod to another did   not work properly. Improvements - Installed Mods are uninstalled before moving Installer files from one folder to another (eg   Portraits to Override) and reinstalled after the move has completed to ensure that unowned   installed files are not inadvertently created. Miscellaneous - View NWN Config Ini File is no longer shown for Enhanced Edition Profiles. - The Weapons list now includes a number of custom weapons (eg Falchion). 06 Feb 2023 v6.7.7 Features - Import Maps has been added to Advanced Settings and is designed for people who want to synchronise   settings maps with another networked PC. The feature allows you to import Extensions, Folders,   Files and Excludes Maps from an exported Settings file. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool does not start after a generated restart is issued (eg   after applying a new colour theme). - Addresses an issue where the Game Saves Manager shows information for the last deactivated game   when the Neverwinter Nights game saves entry (the first item) is selected. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes while processing Mod file information. This is   a rare occurrence and is probably due to some kind of unexpected timing error. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes when retrieving the status icon for a Mod   Installer file. This may be caused by cancelling the checksum calculation and then selecting the   Mod. Improvements - The Installer Wizard now supports sub-folders containing files in the Mod's main, Downloads and   Published folders. - The Game Saves Manager's Play Time Recorded message now includes an option to uninstall Mods you   have finished playing. Miscellaneous - Deleting Game Saves now uses a single call to remove the backup and archived Game Save folders,   which reduces dialogue flickering. - Restart delay time added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings. This value should only be   changed if the Installer Tool does not start after a Restart request has been issued. - Select All displays a processing message while all the items in list are being selected. Depending   on size of the list, this may take a little while to process. - The error email that is displayed after an Installer Tool crash includes the location of the Error   Log File in case users are having difficulty using paste to attach the log file to the email. 11 Jan 2023 v6.7.6 Features - The Character Restorer icon is shown in the Status Bar when the selected Mod has an associated   character Restorer. You can click the icon to select the Restorer in the Mod List. - The Associated Mod icon is shown in the Status Bar when the selected character Restorer has an   associated Mod. You can click the icon to select the associated Mod in the Mod List. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where non-English date format conversions are incorrectly processed. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash when the Game Saves Manager is opened while Neverwinter   Nights is still running. Miscellaneous - The Document Organiser automatically marks renamed files for copying. - Enable Closing displays a confirmation message when Neverwinter Nights is still running. 02 Jan 2023 v6.7.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where after updating a Mod and selecting it in the Mod Installer folder, the   old description information is still displayed in the Properties Panel. - Addresses an issue where the Game Manager dialogue may be hidden when deleting Game Saves that   have a large number of archived saves. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when converting a Font size to a single-precision number and   the region’s decimal separator is a comma rather than a period. - Addresses an issue with Download Projects listing duplicate files in the download list. This   behaviour has only been observed for the Siege of Shadowdale Enhanced Edition project. Miscellaneous - The Find and Rename Mods Help page is displayed when you click the Help button or press F1. - All http:// web links defined in Mod Properties are changed to https:// when you load a Profile.   This action is only performed once for each Profile. - "Clear Text Position Information" has been added to the Options menu, which deletes text position   information for the Details Panel and Mod Notes. You can also use this option to change your text   position preferences. 22 Dec 2022 v6.7.4 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Manage Previously Downloaded Files dialogue may be hidden when the   Project downloads have been completed. Miscellaneous - The Game Saves Manager appends an ellipsis to file sizes while the disk usage in being computed.   The ellipsis is removed when file size processing is completed. - The Game Saves Manager displays a processing message while retrieving game save information. - Help's Import Mods has been updated to reflect changes made in a previous release of the Installer   Tool. - Help's tables were incorrectly formatted due to an issue with HelpNDoc (corrected in their latest   release). 10 Dec 2022 v6.7.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue with the Debug Options Menu's Set Play Time Value that prevented the user from   entering a time value. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash after deleting a Mod containing a large number of files.   This may be a result of an asynchronous processing timing issue. - Addresses a timing issue where NIT may crash after closing Neverwinter Nights and immediately   deleting the Mod that was being played. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when displaying the contents of a compressed file containing   a Mod that has "Status:" in its description. Miscellaneous - A backup copy of your NWN.ini file (nwn.ini.bak) is created the first time NIT attempts to update   it. If the backup copy already exists, no action is taken. - When you select an item in the Mods Sorted by Date Completed, the best weapon is shown above the   Mod Notes. - Restore Details Text Position has been added to the Preferences page in Advanced Settings. When   enabled, your position in text files displayed in the Details panel is restored when the file is   selected. - Processing messages are displayed when performing tasks that may take some time to complete, such   as updating the Profile Database and opening the Wizard Builder. - Restore Mod Notes Text Position has been added to the Preferences page in Advanced Settings. When   enabled, your position in Mod Notes is restored when the Mod is selected. 16 Oct 2022 v6.7.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue in the Mods Sorted by Date Completed where the "Show no End Level" filter is   ignored when "Show all End Level values" has been selected. - Addresses an issue where using Programs and Features to uninstall NIT fails with an unknown error,   which was caused by an incorrect .NET Framework version specification for the uninstaller   (basically I forgot to keep the uninstaller .NET Framework version in step with the rest of NIT). 06 Oct 2022 v6.7.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when renaming a Mod to a name containing illegal characters   such as a colon (:). - Addresses an issue where the Document Organiser crashes NIT when there are two files with the same   file and parent folder names. This is usually caused when processing the contents of the   nwcontinst.exe file which is part of an installer executable that is being extracted. Miscellaneous - When you use Import Mods from the File Menu, all Mods available for Import are automatically   selected. - Improved error messages when a fully qualified folder or file name exceeds the maximum character   length allowed by Windows. - Limit the number of characters that can be used for Mod names to prevent fully qualified folder or   file names exceeding the maximum character length allowed by Windows. 19 Sep 2022 v6.7 Features - Added Uncheck All to the Mod Document Organiser. This clears all document files marked for   copying. In other words, clears the ticks or unchecks all items in the document list, which can be   useful when there are a large number of documents detected and you only want to copy a few of them   to the Contents Panel. - Sub-dependencies are now supported. For example, if you add Rocky Mountains Fixes to Rocky   Mountains dependencies, then any other Mod that is dependent on Rocky Mountains automatically   includes Rocky Mountains Fixes. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes on startup while performing an Anneal during   its initialisation tasks. The crash is caused by an invalid entry in NIT's database (possibly a   result of a user terminating the Tool while it is in the process of updating the database). The   fix prevents the crash and removes the invalid entry. Miscellaneous - Added a full list of Preference settings to Help (Customise the Installer Tool ›› Specify your   Preferences ›› Full list of Preferences). - Help's Organise Mod Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes. - Added Show no End Level option to Mods Sorted by Date Completed Filter Options. - Hovering the mouse over the Filter Options for Mods Sorted by Date Completed displays an overview   of the filters being applied. 19 Aug 2022 v6.6.5 Features - Mods Sorted by Date Completed has been added to the View Menu. This shows a list of Mods sorted by   the last date the Mod was completed and ordered from the oldest to the most recent. You may find   this list useful when choosing which Mod you want to replay. - Added Directory Mapping support for Folder\Sub-Folder mapping (eg ccoh_v8.1.zip\override). - Added an option to automatically move Leto Log files to the Recycle Bin when NIT starts or becomes   the active Window. This is enabled by default and can be changed on the Configuration page in   Advanced Settings. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Import Settings does not retrieve the Play Time Hours per Day value. - Addresses an issue where the Mod Explorer's Play Time Information list is not cleared when there   are no Mods selected. - Addresses an issue where changes made to Mod Notes using the Mod Explorer are not reflected in   Notes of the currently selected Mod. - Addresses an issue where Mod Notes are not synchronised when edited using WordPad. As a result of   the changes, WordPad must be closed before trying to edit Notes for a different Mod. This only   applies when a Shared NIT Store has been defined on the Locations page in Advanced Settings. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when the Profiles folder has been removed from the NIT Store   by an external program. Miscellaneous - FAQ updated with How can I see which Mods I have not played for a long time? - Game Play Time files are displayed as read only to prevent inadvertent editing. 19 Jul 2022 v6.6.4 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Import Settings does not retrieve the Enable Development Folder option. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when removing illegal files that were previously installed.   This occurs when disabling the Development Folder option. - Addresses an issue where NIT does not preserved an existing Store when the configuration file has   been deleted and Settings are being restored from an existing Backup. Miscellaneous - Prevent unnecessary messages when moving illegal files to a Mod's Removed Items folder. 15 Jun 2022 v6.6.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes on start-up when the Tab key is pressed while NIT is   getting ready. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you use Advanced Settings to Reset the NIT Start-up   Sound and Neverwinter Nights 1.69 is not installed. 11 May 2022 v6.6.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where folders specified in Map Excludes were not being excluded by Create   Installer. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when performing a Find Next on text that has no more   occurrences. This is a rare crash that has only been observed when searching HTML files that are   rendered by NIT. Miscellaneous - Prevent the renaming of reserved Group and Mod names such as 820. Steam Workshop and ZZZ. NIT   Managed Restorers (Auto). 03 May 2022 v6.6.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue introduced in version 6.6 where NIT may crash when Updating Steam Workshop   Links. Improvements - The Manage Previously Downloaded Files dialogue is now positioned on the centre of the screen when   NIT is not the foreground application. 29 Apr 2022 v6.6 Features - The conversion of Steam Workshop identifies to mod names has been automated. Improvements - The Mod's Web Page link for new and existing Steam Workshop Mods opens Steam Workshop's mod page   instead of the Workshop Identifier folder. 11 Apr 2022 v6.5.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes when closing after access to the NIT Store is denied. - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes while updating file states for renamed files and checksum   value changes. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes if 7-Zip cannot be detected automatically and you try to   specify the 7-Zip folder using the Locations page in Advanced Settings. Miscellaneous - Applied all Visual Studio Code Analysis recommendations. 23 Mar 2022 v6.5.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where a user patch INI file is not created for hak files mapped to the Patch   folder. - Addresses an issue where the Document Organiser causes a crash under rare circumstances. Improvements - The Previously Downloaded message has been replaced with the Manage Previously Downloaded Files   dialogue, which accommodates Mods that have a large number of files. This prevents the dialogue   becoming too large to fit on some screens. Miscellaneous - Help's Update existing Mods topic has been changed to reflect the new Manage Previously Downloaded   Files dialogue. - Ensure the UTC file extension is defined on the Map Extension page in Advanced Settings. 22 Jan 2022 v6.5.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes while attempting to create a hak patch ini file. Probably   caused by a corrupted NWN installation. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes after renaming a Mod to the name of a deleted Mod that had   Game Map information. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash when the Cancel button is pressed while a Mod Installer is   being created. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash when Neverwinter Nights 2 is defined in the Steam's Library   folder. Improvements - Each time you run the Enhanced Edition, it migrates old database files to SQLITE format. When you   exit, NIT detects that these SQLITE files have been modified and updates the Database restorer.   This change ensures that the Restorer is only updated when changes have been made to the SQLITE   files rather than the same file having being recreated. Miscellaneous - Installed database files that are deleted are automatically removed from the NWN Database Files   (Auto)'s Mod Installer. - The Document Organiser's Rename To menu displays the file and the extension name and only includes   files with matching extension names. 14 Dec 2021 v6.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when using the Installation Manager to delete a Mod   Installation Set that has not yet been saved. - Addresses an issue where the Enhanced Edition's OVR folder was missing from Map Folders target   list. Improvements - Download Projects now displays a list of all existing files in the Previously Downloaded message.   You can delete files or move them to the History folder to minimise files processed by Create   Installer. The Tool automatically marks the files that are likely to be older versions of the ones   you downloaded. - The names specified on the Map Folders page in Advanced Settings are applied for sub-folders as   well as the parent directory of a sub-folder. Miscellaneous - "BD HD Textures Modular" is mapped to the OVR directory on the Map Folders page in Advanced   Settings. This entry can be removed or changed to the OVERRIDE folder if desired. - "CEP 1 Open" and "CEP 1 Starter" added to Demo Mod on the Map Excludes page in Advanced Settings.   This update is only applied if one or more CEP Mods have been excluded. You can add Player   Exclusions to include the new entries. - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch 8193.4. 24 Nov 2021 v6.4.10 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash on start-up in rare circumstances. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when the first user defined Steam Library folder no longer   exists. - Addresses an issue where Send Diagnostic Information does not work after closing the Neverwinter   Nights game. Miscellaneous - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch 8193.33. - Updated Map Folders in Advanced Settings to accommodate Stonehammer's Miscellaneous Medium   override version. 27 Sep 2021 v6.4.9 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT's database becomes corrupted after using Display Advanced Settings at   startup. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash when you select the NIT Configuration Files (Auto) mod. - Addresses an issue where erroneous configuration files could be created in Configuration Files   (Auto) for Mod Installers created using a Wizard. - Addresses a very rare timing issue that can cause NIT to crash after deleting files. Improvements - Download Project's list of eligible files for deletion has been refined to include additional date   qualified file name formats as well as deal with the latest version of CEP. Miscellaneous - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch 8193.32. 11 Sep 2021 v6.4.8 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where a Mod is not unpinned from the Recent Mods list after deleting all the   Game Save files unless it is selected in the Mod List. - Addresses an issue where the Mod Properties panel displays the last selected Mod's information   while a new Profile is being loaded. Improvements - You can use the Mod Explorer to add items to Recent Mods to make it easier to select Mods of   interest after closing the Mod Explorer. - You can right-click the Mod Explorer's filtered list to perform Mod related operations. 11 Aug 2021 v6.4.7 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Download Project defaults to the wrong Mod Folder when individual files   are present in more than one Mod Folder. 29 Jul 2021 v6.4.6 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Mod, Contents and Details Lists that were selected are not restored   when an item contains certain accented characters (eg Č). - Addresses an issue where NIT hangs or crashes when extracting the contents of compressed files   that contains certain accented characters in the full path name (eg a Mod name containing the   character Č). This problem can occur when downloading a Project, creating an Installer or   extracting a compressed file. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when Steam's libraryfolders.vdf file contains unexpected   entries. 15 Jul 2021 v6.4.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where making NIT's window very small or enlarging a very small window can cause   a crash. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes on start-up when Minimise to System Tray is enabled and NWN   Console Commands is not installed. Miscellaneous - Improved status messages displayed when downloading and updating the Installer Tool. 10 Jul 2021 v6.4.4 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes while closing under certain circumstances. - Addresses an issue where a Mod is unpinned from the Recent Mods List when an item in the Game   Saves Manager's list is deleted. The Mod is now unpinned after deleting all the Mod's Game Saves. Miscellaneous - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Stable Build   8193.28. 07 Jun 2021 v6.4.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where changing the maximum number of recent mods on the Configuration page in   Advanced Settings did not work. - Addresses an issue where the location of the Downloads folder cannot be established automatically,   which can cause crashes when certain operations are performed. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool may crash while creating or updating the   auto-generated original restorers for the Enhanced Edition. - Addresses a rare timing issue where the Installer Tool crashes while performing asynchronous   initialisation tasks. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes when trying to retrieve the icon associated   with the program used to open text files. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes when you right-click an empty list on the Run   Menu page in Advanced Settings. - Addresses a rare issue where the Installer Crashes when establishing the Group count for display   purposes. The fix means that should the problem occur, the Group count displayed in the Status Bar   may be inaccurate. Miscellaneous - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of Patch 8193.23. - You can now specify whether Game Saves are moved to the Recycle Bin or permanently deleted. This   is set to Recycle Bin by default and can be changed under File and Folder options on the   Preferences page in Advanced Settings. - The Game Saves Manager now sorts the backup game list from latest to oldest save rather than in   alphabetical sequence. 11 May 2021 v6.4.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Download Project's Required Project Group becomes blurred when you   drag the window off screen. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when a download rule contains an invalid Project page URL. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when trying to convert the last played date. The underlying   cause of this problem has not been determined. Miscellaneous - Adjusted the order in which Play Time Information is presented. - If a Shared NIT Store is defined, the About NWN Installer Tool displays the connection status. 12 Apr 2021 v6.4.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when a view Mod File Conflicts is requested with an empty   Group selected. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes for first time users when initialising the default Web Menu.   This problem was introduced in v6.3 when hard coded values were moved to an external file. Miscellaneous - Play Time Information now includes the most time you ever have played in one day. 06 Apr 2021 v6.4 Features - You can use Mod File Conflicts from the View menu to show file conflict information for Mods you   have selected. In addition, you can display conflict information for all installed or defined   Mods. - You can enable Select Play Time File on the Options menu to indicate that you want to select the   Play Time file as the first document when Select Document File is enabled. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool may crash on startup or create an erroneous one line   log file on the desktop. This is a timing issue that occurs infrequently and may be related to   Internet speeds or first time users. Miscellaneous - "How do I look at file conflict information for Mods?" added to FAQ. 31 Mar 2021 v6.3 Features - Automatic Properties Panel Height has been added to the Options menu and is enabled by default.   When applied, the height will be the same as the Mod Properties panel when a file list is   displayed and reduced for file contents. You can also click the Properties Panel heading to toggle   the Automatic Properties Panel Height option. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Install/Uninstall status is not updated when a file is added or   removed from Mod Installer folders using an external program such as Windows File Explorer. - Addresses an issue where elements of a dialogue (eg buttons) became blurred when you drag the   window off screen. - Addresses an issue where selecting a Mod and then a Group does not remove the Mod Properties panel   information. - Addresses an issue where clicking the Submit NWN Crash Dump button may cause NIT to fail. - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes on startup. Improvements - Additional Information is displayed when Neverwinter Nights File Types are selected and includes   File Types not covered in previous versions. In addition, all NWN file type definitions and   descriptions have been moved to the Application Definitions file so that updates are applied   without releasing NIT. Miscellaneous - All hard-coded values, such as web addresses, have been moved to an external file that is stored   on the web. This ensures that if values change, the Installer Tool does not need to be updated. - Beamdog's Support page web address (URL) has been removed from the Configuration page in Advanced   Settings because the web address is now stored in the external file. - About NWN Installer Tool updated to include Application Definitions file information and some   refinements to Required Programs. - Technical Information added to the Help's Reference topic. Intended for the insanely curious or   the disappearance of Surazal. - The default extension map has been updated to include MTR and TTF file types. - Validate Installed Files has been updated to accommodate new file types that are included in the   Neverwinter Nights (EE 8193.21) installation. In addition, the NWN installation information has   been moved to the Applications Definitions file. - Properties Panel Height Adjustment has been added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings.   This allows you to tweak the height of the text display panel by reducing or increasing the height   of the Properties panel. - Removed the blurring affect at the bottom of the Wizard Builder's "Items Processed by Installer"   list when you move an entry from long lists. - Removed Mod Properties panel flickering when selecting Mods. 04 Mar 2021 v6.2.6 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the user defined Font was not applied to all status bar items of NIT   windows, such as the Status Bar Mod Count and Group Information items. - Addresses an issue where using Paste from the Edit menu for Mod Notes or text in the Details Panel   does not work and displays an erroneous error message. - Addresses an issue where Mod Notes cannot be edited after changing the text in the Details Panel,   then clicking in the Mod Notes panel and receiving a message asking whether you want save the   changes. The message is displayed when you enable "Confirm Text file saves" on the Preferences   page in Advanced Settings. - Addresses an issue where hovering over a status bar element that is in the overflow area may cause   NIT to crash. This is usually observed when using large font sizes or reducing the Window size. - Addresses an issue where the bottom half of the Play Time Information dialogue is truncated when   using larger font sizes. - Addresses an issue where importing Settings can cause the Installer Tool to crash under certain   circumstances. - Addresses colour usage anomalies when importing Settings that make changes to the current Theme   Colours. - Addresses an issue where switching between Profiles may result in the loss of play time recorded   for deactivated games. This situation occurs when the same Mod is defined in more than one Profile   using different Mod Folder names. Miscellaneous - The Game Map User Responses Report allows entries to be deleted. - The Play Time Information window allows you to specify the value used to compute the number of   days shown in the pop-up when you hover over time played text. You can change this number to   represent the average number of hours you typically spend playing per day in order to get an idea   of the elapsed days spent playing Neverwinter Nights or specific Mods. - When starting Neverwinter Nights using the Installer Tool, the clipboard contents are not changed   if it already contains a DM command. - A Submit button has been added to the Crash Dump File Manager to make it easier to post   Neverwinter Nights bug reports. - Beamdog's Support page web address (URL) has been added to the Configuration page in Advanced   Settings to accommodate future changes by Beamdog. - The About NWN Installer Tool window has been updated to provide additional information and an   improved layout. - The FFmpeg utility used to convert BIC files to WBM format has been updated to version 4.3. 05 Feb 2021 v6.2.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the text colour in the Advanced Settings information panel did not use   Theme colours. This resulted in black text being used with darker Theme colours. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when a Mod is selected that has a large number of Installer   defined files and then a different folder is selected in the Contents panel before the Installer   folder files have been listed. Under these conditions, clicking the erroneous Navigate Up heading   causes a crash. The fix prevents any actions being taken until another Contents folder has been   clicked. Improvements - Download Project's list of eligible files for deletion has been refined to eliminate files that   should not be deleted or moved to the History folder. - Theme Colour changes are applied to all Notes and other Rich Text Formatted (RTF) files. This   feature is controlled by an option on the Preferences page in Advanced Settings. The first time   you run the Installer Tool after upgrading from an earlier version, you are asked whether you want   to enable this option. - Significant readability improvement of HTML files displayed in the Details and Property panels. - When automatically started after a Project Download has completed, the Document Organiser is   displayed as soon as a document file is detected rather than after all files have been processed.   This change allows the extraction progress to be seen when dealing with large or numerous   compressed files. Miscellaneous - "Minimise to System Tray" configuration option introduced. This specifies whether the Installer   Tool is moved to the System Tray when you press the Minimise button (the default is disabled).   When enabled, the Tool is minimised when you use NIT to start Neverwinter Nights and restored when   you close Neverwinter Nights. - Memory usage reduced when you press the Minimise button. - Restore a RBTray minimised instance of the Installer Tool when an attempt is made to start another   instance of the Tool. - "Concurrent Rich Text Format file processes" added to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings.   This allows you to specify the number of Rich Text Format files that are processed concurrently   when applying Theme colour changes. - The two Basic Settings preferences for copying information to the clipboard when starting   Neverwinter Nights has been clarified. - Prevent button text blurring when changing the size of windows such as Advanced Settings and   Document Organiser. - The Help has been updated to reflect a range of changes. 05 Jan 2021 v6.2.4 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Download Project does not display a list of existing files that are   candidates for deletion when checking for previous versions of the downloaded files. This affects   the default files marked for deletion and Wizard updates. Miscellaneous - Diagnostic information is always sent the first time the NWN's log date conversion failure message   is displayed. The message includes the option to notify the user the next time the failure occurs. 01 Jan 2021 v6.2.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where clicking an item in the Recent Mods list did not select the requested Mod   when two or more Mods are already selected. - Addresses an issue where closing NIT from the Windows Taskbar may cause a timing problem during   close processing that can result in a crash. - Addresses a failure to convert NWN's log date and time stamp that results in Mod play times not   been recorded. Improvements - Download Project detects date qualified file names when checking for previous versions of the   downloaded files. This affects the default files marked for deletion and Wizard updates. 28 Dec 2020 v6.2.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the colour of the Download Project's group selector is not changed when   it is enabled by altering the Mod's name. For dark Theme colours, this can also result in white   text on white background. - Addresses an issue where deleting Data Backups or Exported Settings may result in a crash. - Addresses an issue where Groups are incorrectly processed when using the Backup Manager to delete   exported Mods. - The Quick Access Toolbar did not comply with dark Theme Colours. Improvements - The Wizard Report icon is no longer shown at start-up before a Mod is selected. - Text Size and Theme Colours has been added to the Options menu. 23 Dec 2020 v6.2.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Wizard Editor detects Archive Sub-Folder Files instead of Archive   Sub-Folders when a directory name starts with the period character. - Prevent crash when NWN's log file entry time cannot be interpreted. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash when you answer Yes to "The current Mod does not match the   one you last played" message. Improvements - The colour of the "already downloaded" icon displayed by Download Project has been changed to   reflect the item's disabled status. - The Find icon colour changes when darker Theme Colours are applied. - Find text history items are included when using the Find button on information displayed via the   View menu. - The message displayed when an Error Log File is detected at startup has been changed to provide   additional options for dealing with the file. - The Error Log File is created in the Temp folder rather than on the Desktop and is placed on the   Clipboard so it can be pasted into the Error Report email. - Send Diagnostic Information added to Help Menu to make it easier to send additional information to   analyse problems. Miscellaneous - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version   1.80 Stable 8193.20 hot fix. 16 Dec 2020 v6.2 Features - Theme Colours can be selected using the Font and Colour Editor available via the Ribbon's Change   Text Size and Theme Colour or Font and Colours in Advanced Settings. The Help's Work with Fonts   and Colours topic has been updated to include Theme Colours. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where, under certain circumstances, an incorrect Mod status is shown after   installing a Mod. - Addresses an issue where performing an Anneal may cause a crash when the database is corrupted. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when calculating Mod file checksum values when the database   is corrupted. - Addresses a rare issue where NIT crashes when updating installer file information. - Addresses an issue where changes to "Concurrent file copies" are only applied after restarting   NIT. - Addresses an issue where the task bar progress is not cleared after checksum (CRC) values have   been calculated using more than one process. - Addresses an issue where the Documentation Organiser's Rename and Rename To buttons are always   disabled when the List Disabled Item and Item colours are the same. - The Ctrl+E Mod Explorer shortcut key did not work and has been replaced by Ctrl+R. - Addresses an issue where Create Installer ignores downloaded files containing a .Mod Installer   folder. This folder is usually created using NIT's Publish Mod function. Improvements - The Mod status shown for Recent Items is updated after Mods have been installed or uninstalled. - Find text within a file scrolls the found text to the middle of the text display panel to make it   easier to see. - The toolbar that is displayed when you click in a text area (eg Notes) includes a Find button,   which is also available via the right-click menu or the Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut. - After deleting the Game Saves for the Mod you have been playing and the Play Time is recorded, the   Mod is unpinned from the Recent Items list if you have enabled the "Select the Mod being played   when you press Play Neverwinter Nights" preference. - Find text history items in the drop down list are maintained across NIT sessions. A maximum of 10   items are saved when NIT is closed. - Additional checks are performed when validating Installed Data to detect and resolve corrupted   file conflict information. - Additional processing is performed when renaming Groups to prevent file conflict information   anomalies. - A number of the user interface images have been refined or replaced to improve clarity when using   darker Theme Colours. - The System Group heading style (blue text with trailing line) has been replaced with NIT's Group   heading style to improve consistency and clarity when using darker Theme Colours. - Create Installer copies and runs downloaded Installer Wizard files. Existing Wizard files are only   replaced if the downloaded file was updated more recently than the existing one. - The Enhanced Edition information displayed in the About NWN Installer Tool dialogue includes the   Build Date rather than the last time updated. If NIT is unable to determine the Build Date, the   updated information is shown. Miscellaneous - The original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version   1.80 Stable 8193.20. 02 Nov 2020 v6.1 Bug Fixes - Prevent occasional option and preference text truncation on some message dialogues. Improvements - After saving or deleting a Wizard, you are asked whether you want to create or re-create the Mod   Installer. The message offers the option of taking the same action you selected next time you save   or delete a Wizard. The action can also be changed on the Configuration page in Advanced Settings. - The Crash Dump File Manager dialogue is displayed when new diagnostic files are detected after   playing Neverwinter Nights. This can be enabled (default) or disabled in the File and Folder   section of the Preferences page in Advanced Settings. - The migrated version message now displays after analysing Enhanced Edition files has completed to   stop NIT obscuring the What's New help window. - Removed the momentary display of the Document Organiser window after downloading a project that   has no document files. - Reduced Details and Property panel flickering when selecting different items in the Mod and   Contents lists. Miscellaneous - NIT has been updated to use the latest version of the LazWorks Library, which resolves a number of   issues and includes some refinements. - Help updated to reflect the Create Mod Installer message after saving or deleting a Wizard. - Added "Send diagnostic information to Surazal" to the FAQ section in Help. 20 Oct 2020 v6.0.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses an "Adding items for copying..." loop that occasionally occurs when creating a Mod   Installer comprising a large number of files. Miscellaneous - Included additional Folder Map definitions to ensure that all NWNCQ Project's TGA files are placed   in the Override folder. - Open with program for batch files (.bat) changed to use the same program you use for INI files. - Added a new configuration option to Basic and Advanced Settings that allows you to copy the   DebugMode 1 console command to the clipboard when you press Play Neverwinter Nights. The default   for this option is disabled. - The Neverwinter Nights version information displayed in the About NWN Installer Tool indicates   whether Beamdog's Development version is being used. - Buttons have been removed from a number of dialogues to simplify the interface. For example, an   options dialogue now has a Select button instead of Apply and Default buttons. 20 Sep 2020 v6.0 Features - You can navigate to recently selected Mods by right clicking on the Profile heading and selecting   one of the Mods in the Recent Mods list, which is also available via Select Recent Mod in the Edit   menu. - Number Recent Mods has been added to the Options menu and allows you to number the items in the   list instead of showing the Mod's installation status icon. Bug Fixes - Addressed an issue that caused some buttons to be truncated when using larger font sizes. This   issue effected a number dialogues including the Installation Analyser and Wizard Builder. - Address a number of issues when displaying item lists. The issues include the bottom scrollbar   button not working until a scroll was performed, the mouse over highlight colour remaining when   the mouse is moved over the heading and horizontal scroll bar flickering on the initial display of   the list. These issues affected a number of dialogues including the Mod Explorer and Installation   Analyser. - Addresses an issue that caused a crash when NWM was selected in Map Extensions while an Enhanced   Edition Profile is active. - Addresses an issue where an error message is shown when the Browse button is clicked while editing   a Run Menu item in Advanced Settings. - Addresses an issue where only some of Start Menu shortcuts were created after installing the Tool. - Addresses an issue where an error log is created when closing the Tool due to a rare timing issue. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool is unable to determine the web address of Required   Projects or files using a relative address (/sites/... rather than   https://neverwintervault.org/sites/...). Miscellaneous - Added a new section to Help called Work with the Mod List, which explains how to navigate to   Groups and Mods. Mod navigation covers the Mod Selector and Recent Mods. - A warning message is shown in the Status Bar Information area when the number of game saves   exceeds the Game Saves Threshold (default is 700) after closing Neverwinter Nights. This acts as a   reminder to use the Game Saves Manager's Reduce function to speed up loading and saving games in   Neverwinter Nights. 22 Aug 2020 v5.7.6 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when started for the first time as a result of one of the   changes released in version 5.7.5. 20 Aug 2020 v5.7.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes after renaming a text file that has its contents displayed   and then activating another application before reactivating NIT. - Addresses an issue where renaming an archive file in the Contents Panel did not display the   extracted archive contents correctly. - Addresses an issue where installing a Mod did not copy a file when it conflicts with another Mod's   installed file that is different but has the same checksum value (eg different coloured   fog_genm.tga files). - Addresses an issue where uninstalling a Mod did not copy a conflicting Mod's installed file that   is different but has the same checksum value (eg different coloured fog_genm.tga files). Miscellaneous - Tries to makes the Installer Tool the active window after it has been started via Setup and Run. - Delete confirmation messages specify "permanently delete" when your active Recycle preference is   set to Delete Permanently. 20 Jul 2020 v5.7.4 Features - The text editor toolbar and its associated context menu now includes a Font Colour option for Rich   Text formatted files. Bug Fixes - Self-updater folder in use issue. - Addresses a potential issue that could cause NIT to crash when starting the automatic update after   downloading a new version of the Installer Tool. - Addresses an issue in the Tool's Setup program where unchecking the Desktop preference results in   the Tool not being installed and uninstalling via Program and Features fails. - Addresses an issue where the Mod Notes and Details toolbar only allowed one file to be opened with   WordPad or a text file editor program at time. This meant that open requests for a different file   were queued until the first program was closed. Miscellaneous - NIT has been updated to use the latest version of the LazWorks Library. 20 Jun 2020 v5.7.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue that causes NIT to crash when Download Project encounters a file name   containing illegal characters. - Addresses an issue that causes NIT to crash on startup when the Favourites folder has not been   created in the Windows Users directory. - Addresses an issue where font size changes made using Settings are not applied to the "NIT vX.X.X   is available" menu item until NIT is restarted. - Addresses a rare timing issue where NIT crashes when using the Game Saves Manager's Reduce   function to archive a large number of game saves. The archive operation is successfully completed   before the crash occurs. - Addresses an issue where Create Installer Wizard Option or Preference text can be truncated under   certain circumstances. Improvements - The Mod Explorer now includes Game Play Time information for the selected Mod. - The Mod Explorer will be maximised if the NIT window is maximised. - Automated correction of play time alignment logs the number of Play Time files rebuilt instead of   the number of Mods processed. - When NIT starts, it provides the option to delete an existing NWN Installer Tool Error Log File. - The NWN Installer Tool Update dialogue displayed using the "NIT vX.X.X is available" menu item   includes two new options to download and install newer versions of the Tool. The automated   download and install always uses The Neverwinter Vault to retrieve the latest version of the Tool. - Setup and Run has been added to the file you download from The Neverwinter Vault or Nexus and   launches the Installer Tool after the installation has been completed. - Update Now added to Help menu. - Download Project supports downloading and installing the NWN Installer Tool. This can be done via   the "NIT vX.X.X is available" menu or specifying the Tool's Vault Project page URL. Miscellaneous - Added TGA exceptions "anvil" and "crate" so that Enchanted Crates files are copied to the Override   folder. - Added Update the Installer Tool section to the Installer Tool's Help file. 20 May 2020 v5.7.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where orphaned Notes are created when Notes are synchronised for a Mod that is   not defined in the Shared NIT folder. - Addresses an issue where Group drop down menus were not updated after renaming a Group. - Prevent Move to Group being performed while downloading a Project, which may cause issues. - Addresses an issue where Mod names containing accented characters are not selected at start-up. - .Addresses an issue where Create Installer and Extract Compressed File fails when the Mod or   Archive name contains accented characters - Addresses an issue where Download Projects displays a wait cursor when errors have been detected   on all the files to be downloaded. - Addresses an issue that causes NIT to crash when computing the Download Project progress   percentage and errors have been encountered downloading the file or accessing the file's size from   NeverwinterVault.org. - Addresses an issue where clicking on the Hak Patch Priority Editor's help icon does not display   any help information. - Addresses an issue where NIT goes into a never ending loop when migrating from NIT 5.4.5 and   earlier. This issue occurs when there are no Exceptions defined for the Extensions Map. - Addresses an issue where accented characters are not rendered properly when displaying text files. - Addresses an issue where an incorrect Mod Status is shown after installing a Mod that has file   conflicts with one or more Mods. You can ensure all Mod States created by previous versions of NIT   are correct by running Validate Profile Data from the Tools menu. - Addresses an issue where recorded play times are incorrectly aligned when creating or updating   Game Play Time files. Miscellaneous - Help file updates to reflect previous changes to the Installer Tool. - Original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version   1.80 Stable 8193.13. - Automatically corrects recorded play time alignment issues for Game Play Time files created prior   to NIT version 5.7.2. 23 Apr 2020 v5.7.1 Bug Fixes - Basic Settings does not save two of the preferences when you click the Apply button ("Select the   Mod being played when you press Play Neverwinter Nights" and "Copy the Mod name to the clipboard   when you press Play Neverwinter Nights"). 20 Apr 2020 v5.7 Bug Fixes - Addresses a rare issue in the Wizard Builder that causes a crash when switching Views. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when using Advanced Settings to change the Directory Map NWN   folder for the MOD or MUS entries. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes after displaying a warning that the Enhanced Edition is not   installed on your system. Improvements - Basic Settings has been updated and includes additional preferences associated with starting and   closing Neverwinter Nights. Miscellaneous - Correct Enable Debug Menu's description on the Configuration page in Advanced Settings. - Set Play Time added to Debug Options menu (intended to correct corrupted Play Time and not for   general use). - The user is asked whether to retain the current Play Time when switching to a Profile that does   not use the same Mod folder name, but does contain the same .MOD file. Previously the Play time   was automatically discarded. - Wizard Builder item detection type has been refined to allow for folder names containing the   period character. This means that items containing a period in the list of Items Processed by   Installer are correctly identified as folders rather than files when the Archive Sub-Folders View   is selected. - Yes or No is displayed instead of True or False when restoring items on the Configuration page in   Advanced Settings. - NIT's database entry for Settings.tml.tmp is updated after closing Neverwinter Nights Enhanced   Edition. 20 Mar 2020 v5.6.12 Bug Fixes - Corrects an erroneous Nexus URL used as a backup location for accessing application version   information. - Addresses an issue where Game Manager's Delete button is disabled after deactivating the current   game. - Addresses an issue where a Library that does not contain an OVR folder is treated as an invalid   library folder. This change to the Library's folder structure was introduced with Enhanced Edition   Development Build 8193.7. - Addresses an issue where NWN.ini file validation changes are overwritten when loading a Profile or   starting the Installer Tool. - Addresses a rare issue that causes the Game Manager to crash when activating a game. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash when activated after multiple renames have been performed   using an external tool such as File Explorer. - Addresses an issue where Create Installer displays an incorrect file number in the BIK file   conversion progress message when converting multiple BIK files. Miscellaneous - Improved resiliency and error handling for Steam Workshop's Mod and archive maintenance. - Download Project's default Group name can be specified on the Configuration page in Advanced   Settings. - Help file updated to reflect changes to the Configuration page in Advanced Settings. - Resetting the "Mod double-click action" on the Configuration page in Advanced Settings displays   the action that will be taken instead of blank text. - "Copy the Mod name to the clipboard when you Play NWN" added to the Configuration page in Advanced   Settings. This makes it easy to include the Mod name as part of your character's name when you   start a new game (eg Surazal Daggerford). The default value for this configuration option is   disabled. - A status message is displayed and the wait cursor shown when using the Backup Manager to delete   Data Backups, Exported Settings or Exported Mods. - Download Project allows shorter file names when checking for previous versions of the downloaded   files. This affects the default files marked for deletion and Wizard updates. - Renaming a Mod updates the Game Play Time heading to reflect the changed Mod name. - Original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version 1.80   Stable 8193.9. 20 Feb 2020 v5.6.11 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT's activation processing is not performed after a Create Installer   request has been issued or generated via Download Project. For example, when you switch back to   NIT after using your browser, file change checks and other housekeeping functions are not   performed. - Addresses an issue where NIT may crash when a previously connected Shared NIT Store becomes   disconnected. - Addresses an issue where a renamed Mod is not visible in the Mod list. - Addresses an issue where performing a Refresh using the Installation Analyser erroneously reports   the same changes previously detected by another process (eg checks performed after playing   Neverwinter Nights). - Addresses an issue where the Wait cursor is erroneously shown on the Details list after   downloading a project and copying documents via the Document Organiser. - Addresses an issue where the History folder was not excluded when performing Installer Type file   checks. - Addresses an issue where the Installer Tool crashes when opening the Mod Explorer and one or more   Mods are defined that do not belong to any Group. Miscellaneous - Nexus URLs updated to reflect the site's data structure changes, which impact direct links to Read   Me files, that NIT uses as alternative locations for Download Rules and application version   information. - Help file updates to reflect previous changes and correct some errors. - Download Project performs additional checks to determine whether any existing Mods are associated   with the project. 20 Jan 2020 v5.6.10 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where installing multiple Mods can result in copying files that should be   overridden by higher priority Mod files. - Addresses an issue where the default cursor is displayed on lists instead of an active wait   cursor. - Resolved a number of anomalies in the way that pending play time information is recorded and   managed. - Addresses an issue where renaming a Mod to the same name as another Mod in a different Profile can   cause a crash if the Mod in the other Profile has recorded play time information. - Addresses an issue where, under an unusual circumstance, NIT crashes after the Download Project   dialogue is closed. - Addresses an issue where, after removing a Select One or Select Many item, the Wizard Builder does   not show the display name of the next selected item. - Addresses an issue where the pending synchronisation list is erroneously cleared when the shared   NIT Store is not connected. This results in Note and Game Play Time changes not being propagated   to the shared NIT Store. - Addresses an issue where changes made to Mod Notes using WordPad were not synchronised with the   Shared NIT Store. - Addresses an issue where the wait cursor is displayed on some areas of NIT's window after saving   an Installer Wizard. - Addresses an issue where the Wizard Builder causes NIT to crash when different folders contain   files with the same name. - Addresses an issue where the text of certain dynamically created messages may be truncated. An   example of these messages are the ones created by the Installation Wizard. - Addresses an issue where the incorrect file installation state is shown after a Create Installer   is initiated and there are file conflicts with one or more other installed Mods. - Addresses an issue where the Display Create Installer Wizard Report icon is shown when an   Installer Wizard has not been defined. Miscellaneous - Ensure that the Delete and Copy progress window has the focus when displayed. - The Installation Manager displays a wait cursor when applying changes. - The Pending Play Times dialogue now offers an option to remove all entries from the database. - Profile data files created prior to NIT v5.0 are deleted. - The Documentation Organiser is automatically closed after downloading a Project for a single Mod   that does not contain any documents to copy. - A new preference has been added that specifies whether the Mod associated with the current Game   Save should be selected when you start Neverwinter Nights. This is enabled by default and can be   changed on the Preferences page in Advanced Settings. - Select first text file has been changed to Select first document file on the Preferences page in   Advanced Settings and now includes RTF, TXT, HTM, HTML and PDF files. - The Advanced Settings dialogue title and all references in the Help file have been changed from   Settings to Advanced Settings. - The Advanced menu item in Advanced Settings has been changed to Configuration. All Help file   references to the Advanced page have been updated to reflect the change to Configuration page. - Original Enhanced Edition files database refreshed to reflect updates to Infinite Dungeons,   Pirates of the Sword Coast and Wyvern Crown of Cormyr. - The next game in the Game Manager's list is selected when the active game is deleted. - Each time NIT is activated when a networked PC is disconnected, an attempt is made to connect to   the PC and, if successful, synchronise any pending items with the Shared NIT Store. - Prevent NIT being closed or restarted while the Download Project dialogue is displayed. - About NWN Installer Tool includes the release date in the displayed information. - You can no longer select more than one folder in the Games Manager's NWN Game Saves folder list. 26 Dec 2019 v5.6.9 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where closing NIT immediately after exiting Neverwinter Nights causes a crash. - Addresses an issue that can cause NIT to crash when downloading a Project and different files   belong to the same Mod folder. Improvements - The Installer Wizard's Display Name field increases in size when editing the name or you move the   mouse over the edit area. - Added Open Enhanced Edition Settings file to View menu and the ribbon's Diagnose tab. - Ignore temporary files created by newer versions of Word when checking for changes made by   external programs. Prevents unnecessary refreshing after viewing Word documents. Miscellaneous - Migration of Data and Settings is only supported for NIT v5.0 and higher. - Clicking the Wizard's Display Name side-heading toggles display name editing. - When running an Installer Wizard, ampersand characters (&) are shown instead of underlining the   next character. - You can use the Tab key to navigate to the Installer Wizard's Display Name edit area. - Wizard Builder created or updated Installer Wizards sort Choices and Preferences using the Display   Name (instead of the Folder or File name). - The note for "Open the Documentation Organiser after Project Downloads" on the Advanced page in   Settings has been corrected to show that multiple Mods will be processed if required. - Support for the Enhanced Edition's Development folder has been removed as requested by Sherincall. - Ensure Update Enhanced Edition Files is run after each Profile is loaded when the Original   Enhanced Edition Files database has been updated or a different version of the Enhanced Edition is   detected. - Original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version 1.79   Stable 8193.5. - FAQ updated to include information about using Enable Closing on the Options menu when you are   unable to close the Installer Tool. 15 Dec 2019 v5.6.8 Bug Fixes - Addresses a flaw in the way different builds are distinguished when the Enhanced Edition version   is the same. - Corrects an issue where unnecessary original EE file checks are performed. Improvements - Support the use of the development folder in the Enhanced Edition's User Files folder. Development   is defined as the secondary folder for .ncs files and includes bh_hak as an exception. - Ensure that the Installer Wizard Title text is not truncated in the Windows Title area. Miscellaneous - Removed Installer Wizard dialogue from Windows taskbar. - About's Enhanced Edition version information includes the date and time the nwmain executable was   updated rather than the build date. - Original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version 1.79 Stable   8193.4. 11 Dec 2019 v5.6.7 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where option item text can be truncated when displaying messages asking you to   choose which option you want to use. - Addresses an issue where preference item text can be truncated when displaying messages asking you   to select which preferences you want to use. Miscellaneous - Original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version 1.79 Stable   8193.3. - The Build Date is used in conjunction with the Enhanced Edition's version to differentiate   different builds (eg 79.8193 and 79.8193.3). NIT uses this information to control aspects of   installed files Restorer processing. - About's Enhanced Edition version information includes the build date. 10 Dec 2019 v5.6.6 Features - Implemented the Mod Documentation Organiser tool to help make documents stored in compressed files   more visible. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where file types were not correctly identified when extension names contained   upper and lower case characters. - Addresses an issue where NIT prompts for the name of the Mod being played for many of the Mods   included with Neverwinter Nights. This was caused by NWN's Mod information record containing _DEMO   as the Mod Name. - Addresses an issue where the Wait Cursor is displayed on some areas of NIT after downloading a   Project. - Addresses an issue where NIT appends an unnecessary .txt extension to saved log files (ie   filename.txt.txt). - Addresses an issue where the Wait Cursor is displayed on the NWN Game Saves folder list after   activating a Game Save. - Addresses an issue where the Wizard Report does not show any excluded folders or files when you   click None. Improvements - Automatic character Restorer creation supports multiple primary character file names. - The files listed in Download Project's automated Delete or Move to History dialogue are only   checked (ticked) by default when appropriate. - Clarification provided on various messages by including additional information or displaying a   Windows Title Bar Help Button (?). - When you use right-click to change a Configuration setting that has already been altered, the   selected option is applied instead of performing an Undo operation. - Download Project restores changed Rule settings to the values you defined on the Preferences page   in Settings. - Restart added to File menu. Restart provides an easy way to remove all temporary files by closing   NIT and starting it again. - Symbols are shown when displaying text files (eg ► will be shown instead of â–º). - A warning message is displayed when Mod Notes read failures occur rather than terminating NIT. - Automatically creates and maintains a Restorer to keep track of Character Journal Notes files. Miscellaneous - Help updated to reflect changes made during the various NIT releases, the introduction of the Mod   Documentation Organiser and some of the improvements. - Validate Neverwinter Nights no longer lists cryptographic_secret or userpatch.ini.bak as illegal   files. - Settings changed to Advanced Settings in the Options menu. - Manage Settings changed to Advanced Settings on the Ribbon's Customise tab. - "Restore Mod installation state after Installers have been created" is enabled by default or when   "Install Mods after Installers have been created" has been enabled. - Mod Documentation Organiser added to the Ribbon's Tool tab. - NWN.ini's NWMFiles key value is updated to reflect the path specified on the Locations page in   Settings when you start NIT. - Clear Wait Cursors added to Options menu to deal with any situations where a wait cursor is shown   erroneously. - Original Enhanced Edition files database updated to reflect the release of version 1.79 Stable. - Updated LazWorks Library and NIT to use .NET Framework 4.8 instead of 4.6.2. - View NWN Log File uses the Log File font specified in Advanced Font Settings instead of Fixed. 17 Nov 2019 v5.6.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when you enable Manage Steam Workshop Content and Steam is   not installed or an invalid Workshop Content folder has been specified. - Addresses an issue that causes a crash when performing NIT configuration file maintenance. Improvements - Download Project's Installer Wizard updater changed to improve matching new files with previous   versions referenced in the Wizard. Miscellaneous - SHD added to the default extension map. - Removed a number of file name prefixes from the Excludes Map to allow the inclusion of all MDL   files in Mod Installers (ashlw_, ashto_, ashsw_, iashlw_, iashto_ and iashsw_). - A number of corrections and updates to Help. 14 Nov 2019 v5.6.4 Features - Character Restorers can be generated automatically when you exit Neverwinter Nights. This feature   is controlled by the "Create Character Restorers automatically" on the Preference page in   Settings. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where renaming a Profile causes NIT to crash. Miscellaneous - Preferences in Settings are sorted alphabetically. - A confirmation message is displayed when uninstalling Mods that are required by other installed   Mods. - Manage Settings replaces Hide Ribbon Interface on the Customise tab of the Ribbon interface. 09 Nov 2019 v5.6.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes after downloading a Project under certain circumstances. 08 Nov 2019 v5.6.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where using the space bar to Install or Uninstall two or more selected Mods   resulted in all selected Mods being Installed or Uninstalled as each Mod was processed (ie the   same operation performed multiple times). - Addresses an issue where the Delete and Skip buttons are not visible when uninstalling NIT on high   resolution screens (2736 x 1824). - Addresses an issue when saving Settings that caused numbers containing more than two digits to be   truncated to the first two digits. - Addresses an issue where ampersand characters (&) are not shown in the Mod Explorer's Notes link   or heading text. - Addresses an issue where Cut and Pasting a single file from Windows File Explorer to the Details   list could cause NIT to crash after completing the operation. Improvements - Download Project automatically updates Mod Installer Wizards that reference one or more files you   deleted or moved to the History folder after completing the download. - Download Project "Delete old versions of downloaded files" icon has been removed because a   dialogue is displayed automatically after the download has completed. - The automated dialogue, which allows you to delete old file versions or move them to the History   folder, is displayed for both Project and Required Project files. - The Steam Workshop Subscriptions viewer's status text changed to provide more useful information. - Clicking links in NIT's Log file opens the appropriate web page in the default browser. Miscellaneous - Prevent nested NIT Store folders being specified on the Locations page in Settings. - NIT crash diagnostic information includes User Configuration settings. - Help's "Update existing Mods" topic has been revised to reflect the automation of deleting old   versions of downloaded files or moving them to the History folder. - Replaced the standard Windows message function with a custom version that provides display   positioning control as well as some cosmetic changes. - Ensure that one time only tasks are not repeated each time NIT starts. This change also ensures   that, if required, the tasks are run after performing a Restore Data operation. - The Surazal folder is removed from AppData if all the User Configuration files are deleted when   uninstalling NIT. - The Typing Speed on the Advanced page in Settings has been revised with more appropriate choices.   In addition, the default speed has been changed from 250 to 25. 17 Oct 2019 v5.6.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Mod Selector drop-down list replaced ampersand characters (&) with   underline characters (_). - Addresses an issue where Group lists replaced ampersand characters (&) with underline characters   (_). Improvements - When using Download Project to update an existing Mod, you can click the "Delete old versions of   downloaded files" icon to delete previous versions of files before the new ones are downloaded. - Added Manage Steam Workshop Content to the ribbon's Customise tab. Miscellaneous - Help's "Update existing Mods" topic has been changed to reflect the new "Delete old versions of   downloaded files" functionality. - Help updated to reflect additional information about Manage Steam Workshop Content on the ribbon's   Customise tab. - Additional checks are made if Settings has been used to change the location of the Workshop   Content folder. If the folder location has been set to blank, Manage Workshop Content is disabled,   otherwise the content information is refreshed. - Prevents NIT crashing when the Map Directories information in the user configuration file is   corrupted. 09 Oct 2019 v5.6 Features - You can use the Installer Tool to manage Steam's Workshop items, which is controlled by a new   Preference in Settings. - Installer Wizard supports archive's folders and files (ie contents of compressed files such as 7z,   Rar and Zip). - The Installer Wizard provides improved item descriptions when Create Installer invokes the Mod's   Wizard. These descriptions (Display Names) can be specified using the Wizard Builder or Wizard   Rule statements. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the Neverwinter Nights Version is accessed before it has been established   resulting in a crash. - Addresses an issue where Create Installer was erroneously uninstalling Mod dependencies. - Addresses an issue where a Mod is deleted before checking whether other Mods are dependent on it   and displaying a confirmation message. - Paste operation does not work when a text file is displayed in the Details Panel. - Addresses an issue that caused a Sync List Save failure. Improvements - New preference defined to specify whether Mods should be uninstalled before deleting them. In   addition, when Confirm Actions is enabled, the new preference can be overridden using the   confirmation message. - You can include folders when defining Map Excludes for File Names (eg Folder\FileName). - Open Download Rules has been moved from the Debug Options Menu to the View Menu. However, it is   only available when you have Notepad++ installed and have added the Notepad++ DownloadRules   Language (optional download). - The Download Project dialogue shows the Open and Refresh Download Rules icons when you have   Notepad++ installed and have added the Notepad++ DownloadRules Language (optional download). - You can access the Installer Tool window while the Download Project dialogue is displayed. This   allows you to delete old versions of files before the new version is downloaded. Miscellaneous - Introduced a new version of Download Rules that contains new statements to support Workshop   Identifiers to Mod names. - Notepad++ Download Rules language parser updated to accommodate the new WorkshopMap statements. - The equals symbol (=) has been removed from the From and To statements to accommodate equals   symbols being included in parameter (eg From = becomes From ). - Equal symbols (=) are allowed on statements where the rule syntax requires an equal symbol. - Help has been updated to provide Workshop Subscription management information and reflect the   changes made to the Wizard Builder. - Debug message displayed when a panel restore error is detected is now logged instead of being   shown. 09 Sep 2019 v5.5 Features - Installer Wizards that provide file selection options when performing Create Installer operations. - New Download Rule statements to define Installer Wizards for Vault Projects. - Installer Wizard Builder to make it easy to create Installer Wizards. - Dependency Manager to define Mods required to play a specific Mod. - Installing a Mod automatically includes any other Mods required to play the Mods being installed. - Uninstalling a Mod automatically uninstalls required Mods that are not being used by any other   Mods. This is controlled by a new Preference in Settings that is OFF by default. Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where GameSaveMap rule's From name is used erroneously. - Addresses an issue where Reset Window Layout, unchecking "Restore NWN Installer Tool layout at   start-up" in Settings or clicking the Settings Cancel button did not restore NIT's default panel   sizes. - Cancelling Settings after an Import operation did not restore the NIT Window and Panel layout   correctly. - Pressing the F1 key when the Download Projects dialogue is displayed, did not open the associated   Help page. - Addresses an issue in Installation Manager where using the Group Selector to remove Groups from an   Installation Set could result in NIT crashing. - Addresses an issue where file links specified by the ExcludeDirectLinks rule could be applied to   non-direct link files. - Addresses an issue where pasting a file from a drive letter (eg E:\FileName) causes NIT to crash. - Addresses an issue where Cut operations via the Edit Menu were treated as Copy operations. This   problem probably started with one of the Windows 10 releases. - Addresses an issue where a very small NIT window results in hidden areas of the Download Project   dialogue. - Addresses an issue in Download Project where the File Status was not updated when you changed the   Mod Folder Name. - Prevent Required Projects including the Project being retrieved by Download Project. - Prevent NIT crashing when starting Download Project with two or more Mods selected. Improvements - If the mod associated with the saved game is not installed, Play Neverwinter Nights asks whether   you want to install the Mod before starting the game. - Copy Mod's Web Page Link added to the Edit Menu to make it easier to use Download Projects for Mod   Dependency and Project updates checking. - Tools tab containing commonly used Tools Menu utilities added to the Ribbon interface. - Pressing the Enter key when typing or editing the web address in Download Project, performs a   Retrieve operation (instead of an Install). - Exclude Folders in Settings supports sub-folder specifications. This includes sub-folders   contained in compressed files (eg archive file.7z\sub-folder). Miscellaneous - Additional code clean-up based on the latest version of Visual Studio 2019's code analysis. - Help updated to provide Installer Wizard Builder and Dependency Manager information. - Notepad++ Download Rules language parser updated to accommodate new Installer Wizard Rules. - A default Download Rules File is used when the rules file has not been created. This accommodates   first time execution as well as Internet access problems. - Copyright information in NIT's About dialogue replaced with Download Rules source and revision. - Developer menu enabled based on machine rather than user name. - Map exceptions updated to accommodate HD Splash Screen Override and Custom Menus projects. 10 Aug 2019 v5.4.5 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where GameSaveMap rule's From name is used erroneously. 09 Aug 2019 v5.4.4 Bug Fixes - Fix applied to address an issue where NIT generated restarts do not always start NIT again. Improvements - Ignore temporary files created by Word when checking for changes made by external programs.   Prevents unnecessary refreshing after viewing Word documents. - Additional logic has been implemented to reduce the number of situations where NIT asks the user   to specify which Mod they are playing. - Ensure the user interface continues to update when creating or re-creating the Game Save Data   file. - Additional processing introduced when switching between Enhanced Edition Retail and Development   libraries to fully automate the procedure. Miscellaneous - Log information about changes made using external programs. - Game Map Data debug report includes the Save Name. - Additional report (Game Map User Responses) added to Debug Options menu. - Notepad++ Download Rules language parser updated to accommodate new Game Map Rules. - General code clean-up based on Visual Studio 2019 analysis. - Delete pre-version 5.0 backup folders and exported settings files when NIT starts. - Existing project and required project information is cleared when the Retrieve button is clicked   on the Project Download dialogue. - Support added for new database and settings files introduced with EE development version 8188. - NIT's About dialogue includes Neverwinter Nights edition and version information. 22 Jul 2019 v5.4.3 Features - You can Right-Click on the File Name displayed in the Download Project dialogue to copy the File   Name or Direct Download Link to the Clipboard to help create Download Rules. - The UnsupportedProjects section in Rules can be used to specify a message that is displayed when   Download Projects needs to be disabled. Bug Fixes - Ensure 64-bit programs such as NotePad++ and 7-Zip are automatically detected from their registry   entries. - The CEP project page URL is now recognised as valid Vault Project page address. - Fixed Download Project so that it works with the changes made to all the Neverwinter Vault's file   download links. - Addresses an issue in Project Download where the status of a downloaded file or Required Project   could be changed by double-clicking the item in the list. Improvements - Ensure that a Project Rule's "Required Files From Project" overrides any specific rules for the   same Project. - Restart NIT after the Enhanced Edition Library folder has been changed on the Locations page in   Settings to ensure that all file changes are identified and processed correctly. Miscellaneous - Notepad++ Download Rules language parser updated to accommodate new parameter. 26 Jun 2019 v5.4.2 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Download Project fails to create an installer because the Group   containing the Mod is collapsed. 19 Jun 2019 v5.4.1 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Exclude Required Projects were not applied to nested to Required   Projects. - Addresses an issue where the Import Mod's BIK to WBM dialogue Cancel button is clipped when the   source folder display exceeds one line. - Prevent users entering illegal folder name characters when using New Mod or Folder. - Addresses an issue where default Map Exclude Folders could not be removed. Improvements - Download Rules supports specifying a Required Project File that would normally be excluded (eg   file name contains Old). Miscellaneous - Notepad++ Download Rules language parser updated to include missing keywords. - Critical Rebuild files added as mandatory entries in the Exclude Files list to prevent inclusion   in Mod Installers. 19 Apr 2019 v5.4 Improvements - Download Project Rules updated to provide support for any number of Project Page Vault folder   types (eg nwn1 and nwnee). Miscellaneous - Migrated code to Visual Studio 2019. - Notepad++ Download Rules language parser updated to accommodate new commands. 10 Mar 2019 v5.3.13 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where erroneous Play Time can be logged using information from a previous NWN   execution. This can occur when you exit NWN after having played and then use NIT to start NWN   again and cancel the execution via the UAC prompt. - Prevent crash when using the Installation Analyser to delete Enhanced Edition Crash Information   and the NWN folder is selected. - Ensure the oldest item is selected when the Crash Dump File Manager is opened. This also prevents   NIT crashing when the Delete button is pressed without selecting an entry. - Ensure a Crash Dump File Manager item is selected when the user clicks on the blank area below the   list to prevent NIT crashing when the Delete button is pressed without selecting an entry. - Addresses an issue where NIT crashes when accented characters (eg é) are used in the path names   defined in NWN's INI files. Improvements - Close the Crash Dump File Manager window when all files have been deleted. - The Installation Analyser recognises NIT created INI file backups rather than reporting them as   Unknown. - The Installation Analyser does not report the source of .SHD files as Unknown. - The range list heading in the Restore Archived Game Saves dialogue now matches the save names   shown in the Game Save Manager's list. 10 Feb 2019 v5.3.12 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where the game play time is erroneously recorded when switching between   multiple user configuration files that share the same NIT Store and Game Saves directory. - Addresses an issue that causes a crash when processing drive information. - Addresses an issue where the game play time is erroneously recorded when switching between   Profiles that do not have the same Mod name for the current game saves. Miscellaneous - Ensure that pasted files are visible in the list after completing copy or move operations. - Added Copy Mod Names to the Mod Explorer's Tools menu so that filtered Mod names can be copied to   the Windows Clipboard. 10 Jan 2019 v5.3.11 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where Auto-Backup status information is not displayed when a single backup   folder has been created. - Prevent a crash when NWN and EE installations have not been properly detected. - Resolved an issue where Download Project was not handling file name prefix conditions correctly. Miscellaneous - Various corrections to Help. 10 Dec 2018 v5.3.10 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where opening the Game Saves Manager displays incorrect Game Save count   information under certain circumstances. Miscellaneous - Display game save status information if an Auto-Backup has been performed when opening the Game   Saves Manager. 08 Dec 2018 v5.3.9 Bug Fixes - Prevents a prompt, which contains duplicate Mod names, asking which game has been played. Miscellaneous - Beamdog's Library number descriptive text on the Locations page in Settings and the Enhanced   Edition Information dialogue updated to reflect the removal of the Digital Deluxe version. 15 Nov 2018 v5.3.8 Bug Fixes - Do not treat the NIT created patch INI backup file as an illegal file. - Prevent crash when performing Validate Installed Data and one or more installed files have been   deleted by an external program during the current NIT session. - Resetting Neverwinter Nights on the Locations page in Settings checks for GOG's registry entries   as well as NWN's. - Prevent a crash when NWN location is Reset to a blank value (ie NWN is no longer installed). - Download Project transfer rate is always saved after files have been downloaded. - The Project's file download status is updated when you change the Mod Folder name. - Game Saves Manager shows incorrect status message when the NWN Game Saves folder does not exist. Miscellaneous - Corrected a number of typos in Help. - Game save to Mod name conversion performance improvement by avoiding unnecessary scan of Mod files   in all Profiles. - Uninstalling NIT using Program and Features provides options to permanently delete NIT's Settings   files (user.config) and the NIT Store folder. 28 Oct 2018 v5.3.7 Bug Fixes - Prevent Download Project crash when the default Group does not exist. This can happen when None   was selected as the Group Set the first time NIT was run. Miscellaneous - Open Help's "Run the Installer Tool for the first time" section when NIT is run for the first   time. - A backup patch INI file is created before updating it for the first time. - Revised the information displayed when the path to the NIT Store is requested. - Explanatory information provided when asked to specify a Group Set the first time a Profile is   loaded. - Revised the information displayed when NIT asks for the Mod name associated with a saved or played   game. 26 Oct 2018 v5.3.6 Bug Fixes - A message is displayed at start-up when the nwn.ini file does not exist or cannot be read. Improvements - Ask the user to specify which edition is installed when an NWN installation cannot be detected.   This ensures that the user can specify the correct folder locations for the NWN installation. - Automatically detect when GOG's Enhanced Edition is installed. - The message asking where to create the NIT Store folder now has additional information about the   recommended path and includes the drive containing the Documents folder as one of the options. - Automatically detect when GOG's NWN Diamond Edition is installed. Miscellaneous - Added Open Download Rules Files and Reload Download Rules File icons to the Download Project   dialogue. These are only available when Enable Debug Options Menu has been set to Yes and   Notepad++ is available with the Download Rules Language installed. - Revised Work with Download Rules in Help to include additional information about defining and   submitting user defined rules. 20 Oct 2018 v5.3.5 Bug Fixes - Prevent crash when NoInstallerProjects rule applies to a Project being downloaded. - Prevent crash when processing a Project page that contains certain types of links in the   description. Improvements - Avoid downloading individual Required Project files defined by a Project's rule when the files   defined by the Required Project's rule have already been downloaded. Miscellaneous - Various corrections to Help. - View, Clipboard positions the cursor at the start of the contents rather than the end. - Introduced new Download Rule statement to prevent processing Projects that cause NIT to crash or   generate incorrect download options. - When you use the Ribbon to export your Settings, a message is displayed for a short time to let   you know the export completed normally. - The Download Rules File retrieval location is displayed in the Title Bar of the Download Project   dialogue. 18 Oct 2018 v5.3.4 User Interface - Display a marquee progress bar on messages displayed to indicate that processing may take some   time (eg Getting Ready...). Bug Fixes - Prevent crash when restoring NIT's panel layout. - Prevent crash when using Settings to specify a blank Game Saves folder location. - Use the Saves folder specified by the nwn.ini file when NIT's Game Saves folder location has been   set to blank. Improvements - Detect potential Profile Data corruption on start-up and prevent a crash. A message is displayed   that includes an option to validate and try and correct the Profile Data problem. - Provide support for Windows 10 custom scaling. 12 Oct 2018 v5.3.3 Bug Fixes - Addresses an issue where an erroneous EE installation is detected when Steam is installed. - Update Enhanced Edition Files has been refined to accommodate installed Mods such as the Community   Patch Project as well as eliminate unnecessary updates. 09 Oct 2018 v5.3.2 Bug Fixes - Prevent crash when migrating default Map Exception Prefixes from NIT versions 5.2 and older. 09 Oct 2018 v5.3.1 Bug Fixes - Prevent crash when creating original Restorers and a Group item is selected. - Ensure that the path specified by the NWMFiles key in the Enhanced Edition's nwn.ini file matches   the one specified on the Locations page in Settings. Miscellaneous - Fixed erroneous links in Help's Related Topics. - Detects which Notepad++ language to use when opening the Download Rules File from Debug Options   menu. - Use 1 second as the minimum download time estimate. - Log NWN and EE path information to help track down erroneous EE detection that some people have   experienced. 05 Oct 2018 v5.3 Features - A ribbon-like interface has been implemented to make it easier to find the functions most commonly   performed. - The Font and Colour Editor has been simplified to make it easier to make changes to the text size   and switch to monochrome colours. - The Basic Settings dialogue has been implemented to make it easier to customise key preferences   and user interface configuration options. Bug Fixes - Correct URL validation to reject addresses that do not start with https. - Ensure downloaded Mods are always selected and visible in the Mod list. - Installers are not created when one or more download errors have been detected. - Prevent migration from unsupported versions of NIT (ie pre-v4.0.6). - Additional changes to prevent crash when closing NIT caused by timing problem. - Prevent crash creating an Installer when a specific combination of directory and extension names   are met. - Addressed an issue that caused the wrong font sample text to be displayed when opening the   Advanced Font and Colour Editor. - Prevent crash when creating a Restorer for a Mod Folder that does not have an existing Mod   Installer folder. Improvements - Download Project includes refined error handling for Required Project web address issues. - Download Project status line includes a time estimate for the files marked for download. - New Download Rules statements implemented. - Extensions to Download Rules condition statements implemented. - Eliminated an unnecessary prompt for a Game Save's Mod name when certain criteria are met. Miscellaneous - Help updated to reflect the new features. - Map exceptions updated to accommodate Streamlined User Interface Fog Removal file. 21 Sep 2018 v5.2 Features - Download and/or install Neverwinter Vault Projects and associated required Project files. - New Preferences added to control which rules are applied when downloading Neverwinter Vault   Projects. Bug Fixes - Prevent rare crash when closing NIT. - Prevent crash when recording time played and the game has not been saved. - Correct erroneous display of list tooltip. - Prevent random crash after Publishing a Mod. - Ignore Update Downloads requests for Group items. - Fixed the Mod Explorer displaying the wrong Notes text when typing rapidly into the Mod Filter. - Hide the Properties Panel when the Details Panel does not have any items listed. Improvements - The Installation Analyser Tool can be used to view and delete Extended Edition crash information. Miscellaneous - Help updated to reflect the changes made to the Installation Analyser. - Help updated to provide information on downloading Neverwinter Vault Projects. - Help updated to reflect other changes that have been made since the last release. 16 Aug 2018 v5.1.1 Improvements - The Installation Analyser Tool can be used to view and delete Extended Edition crash information. Miscellaneous - Help updated to reflect the changes made to the Installation Analyser. 15 Aug 2018 v5.1 Bug Fixes - The Game Manager ensures that the Game Saves entry is visible in the list after it has been   deactivated or activated. - Additional change made to the LazWorks Library to try and prevent the crash when restoring panel   layouts at start up. - Prevent crash when NWN's registry entry does not contain the Path key. - Prevent crash when the Saves folder specified in the NWN.INI file does not exist. - The "Demo" map exclusion has been refined to ensure that names such as Demon are not excluded when   creating Mod Installers. - Pasting files from an external source (such as File Explorer) into a Mod Installer no longer   causes NIT to crash. - After installing a new version of NIT, the Debug Options menu is now shown when you start the new   version for the first time. - Game Manager always detects Archived Game Saves when opened for the first time (fixed timing   error). - Prevent occasional crash when closing Game Manager after a Reduce operation has been performed on   a large number of Game Saves. - You can now specify a non-default EE source folder when using Settings to create a profile's NWN   folder. - The install status explanation displayed in the Mod Properties panel is now updated after pasting   files into Mod Installer folders. Improvements - Automate the link between Game Save files and the Profile Mod name. My thanks to @pscythe for   solving the problem of reading .mod file information to enable this automation. - The Game Saves Manager now includes the NIT Mod Name in the list to make it easier to identify   Game Save information. - Play Times for Mods not defined in the Active Profile are saved in a new information file. When   the Profile containing the Mod is loaded, the Mod's Game Play Time file is created or updated to   include the saved information. - Create Installer ignores WBM files for NWN and, for EE, ignores BIK files when a corresponding WBM   file is present. - Automatically install or reinstall Mods after creating Mod Installers. Options to control this   behaviour have been added to the Preferences page in Settings. Miscellaneous - Help updated to reflect Game Save Mapping and Game Saves Manager changes as well as a number of   other amendments. - Extension Map updated to correct folder assignment for "New Rain" mod files. - A simple text ReadMe file is now included in the NIT Download package. - Send Feedback added to Help menu. - If defined, XP2_Chapter2.nwm is removed from the Excludes Map to reflect the latest version of the   Community Patch (v1.72 Release Candidate 5). - Help's FAQ updated to include "How do I uninstall the Neverwinter Nights Installer Tool?"   question. - Help's "Deal with existing installed Mods" updated to include "Create NIT Mods from Restorers"   section - Help's "Community Patch Project (CPP)" section updated to reflect the latest version of CPP. 02 Jul 2018 v5.0.4 User Interface - Replaced Extended Edition references with Enhanced Edition to reflect the correct name of the new   edition of NWN. Bug Fixes - Prevent crash when restoring panel layouts at start up. - Fixed drag and drop of files from the contents of one Mod to another. 12 Jun 2018 v5.0.3 Bug Fixes - Prevent crash on start up when the NIT Store has been deleted using an external program. - Display additional information for wbm files in the properties panel. - Prevent crash when more than one Mod is selected and Collapse Group issued using the Status Bar. - Play Time files are merged when importing Mods from one Profile to another on the same PC. - Accommodate variations in Steam's Extended Edition Library folder name to prevent erroneous prompt   for NWN exe location. 02 Jun 2018 v5.0.2 Bug Fixes - Prevent crash when a list of items has been placed on the clipboard that does not contain file or   folder items. - Prevent crash when displaying the missing nwn.ini file error message. - Use correct encoding when displaying the game save's location. Improvements - Original file information for the Extended Edition is automatically updated when a different   version of EE's nwmain.exe is detected. Miscellaneous - Original file information for the Extended Edition is always updated when NIT has been migrated to   a new version. - Original file information for the Extended Edition included with NIT has been updated to version   1.75 build 8176. - If required, Original file information for the Extended Edition is recreated after a Restore from   backup has been performed. 10 May 2018 v5.0.1 Bug Fixes - Prevent crash when migrating from v4.0 using the default toolbar. 10 Apr 2018 v5.0 Features - Find dialogue to find files in the current Profile, Contents or Details as well as text in the Mod   Notes, Details and File Properties. - Patch Hak files support. Includes nwnpatch or userpatch ini files included in the downloaded files   as well as creating the required ini file entries when hak files are moved to the Patch folder.   The Hak Patch Priority Editor allows you to manage the order in which Patch Haks are defined in   the nwnpatch or userpatch ini file. The ini file in the NWN folder is updated when Mods are   installed or uninstalled. - Automatic generation and maintenance of key Restores (eg original NWN files including INI files),   NIT Configuration files and Database files. - Generate Character only Restorers to help maintain files related to Mods you have played. - Profiles have been enhanced so you can define the NWN Installation or EE User Files folder to use   when NWN is launched using NIT. This allows you have to have multiple NWN installations active at   the same time. - Renders html files as plain text in the Details area so you don't always have to open them. - Synchronises Notes and Game Play Time files in the background when you have specified a networked   PC. - New Anneal menu item checks that the correct conflicting files are installed based on the Mod's   priority (sequence). Although this is done automatically, the feature accommodates any anomalies   caused by unforeseen circumstances. - You can recover lost Group information from a backup or a version 4.0 Group Data file. - Creates Mods from compressed files. This is intended for Mods that have been packaged as a single   file download. - A range of validation and repair functions have been introduced to recover or repair the database   when things go wrong. Hopefully this should only be needed when you have power or OS failures, but   also helps deal with NIT problems. - Works with Neverwinter Nights Extended Edition. - Mods can be exported and imported from one Profile to another. - Creates Restorers for campaigns, expansions and Mods included with Neverwinter Nights. This allows   you to Rate and make Notes for these Mod entries. - Automatic conversion of BIK to WBM formatted files using FFmpeg for Extended Edition Profiles when   you Create Mod Installers, Import Mods or Paste files. User Interface - Reduced screen flicker when various operations are being processed. - Text editor tool bar for all editable text. - Improved feedback while lengthy operations are being performed so you know that something is being   done. - The main Menu bar has been reorganised to improve usability and make it easier to locate the   functions you want to use. Bug Fixes - Crash when migrating from v4.0 default toolbar selected Improvements - Settings revamped to make it easy to do selective resets, undo changes and an improved structure   for changing things. Also has built explanations so you don't have to refer to the Help file. - Significant performance improvements for many operations and includes reduced time for NIT start   up, mod installs and uninstalls. - Mod Explorer now provides extensive Mod filtering capabilities. - Game Play Time file contents have been reformatted and contains entries for all players sorted by   descending date order (ie the latest entry is listed first). Time recording is more accurate and   the creation of the Game Play Time files has been automated. - Networked PC support has been enhanced and includes performance improvements. When a Shared NIT   Store is defined, Game Play Time Files are automatically merged and synchronised between the   networked PCs. - Significant improvement in handling conflicting files when Mods are renamed, deleted or moved to   different Groups. - Data backups now use a compressed 7-Zip file, which significantly reduces the amount of space   used. - The Game Saves Manager user interface has been redesigned to make it easier to use and provides   additional information about your game saves. - When you exit a Neverwinter Nights session that has been started via NIT, Database and INI file   Restorers are automatically updated to reflect any changes that have been made by playing the   game. - Create Installer uninstalls Mods before recreating the Mod Installer. This prevents orphaned files   being held in your Installation or User Files folder. - Installation Manager usage has been simplified and automates install status tracking. - Installation Analyser interface revised and includes additional functionality. - Game Play Time dialogue uses the current save game to determine the Mod name you have defined.   Game Play time is automatically recorded when you delete the Game saves. - Find and Rename Mods has an improved user interface and includes additional options as well as   resolving a number of bugs. - When you exit a Toolset session that has been started via NIT, the INI file Restorer is   automatically updated to reflect any changes you have made to your Toolset environment. - Mod Export and Import provides a number of automation features that include uninstalling Mods   before the import and then reinstalling them after the import. Game Play Time files are   synchronised before the import is performed. Successfully imported Mods are removed from the   Export list. Mods that no longer exist are removed from the Export list. - Create Missing Installers function revamped to provide full control over creating Installers for   all the Mods in your Profile. This includes selective exclusion of Mods from the process so you   can repeat the operation without having to repeat previous exclusions. - Help documentation restructured and completely rewritten. - Additional information about Mods and files affected by installing and uninstalling Mods as well   as other operations is available via the Information icon in the Status Bar. 13 May 2017 v4.0.6 - Fix: Contents List was not updated properly after moving Content items to the History folder 13 Apr 2017 v4.0.5 - Fix: Pasting text into the Mod Selector was not working 10 Apr 2017 v4.0.4 - Tweak: Game Play Time files include login name to avoid Export/Import mods replacing Time files - Tweak: Game Play Time preserved when the imported Settings value is more than the current value - Fix: Correct Mod Selector problem that seems to be related to the Windows 10 Creators Update - Fix: Prevent crash when Run Menu item file does not exist - Fix: Prevent loss of formatting when editing Mod Notes text. 15 Feb 2017 v4.0.3 - Fix: Create Mod Installer not including required files under certain circumstances 01 Feb 2017 v4.0.2 - Fix: Create Mod Installer did not use the latest version of a file under certain conditions - Fix: Add Files did not display the properties of an extracted file or folder 01 Dec 2016 v4.0.1 - New: Display file Properties context menu and icon added to the Installation Analyser - Map: Added "nwm" as the Secondary Folder for BackupMod extensions - Tweak: Multiple selections are restored when starting NIT (Restore Selections in Preferences) - Tweak: Selections are restored after performing a number of different operations - Tweak: Folders and files removed using an external program are detected when NIT is activated - Tweak: Option to clear the contents of the log files added to the NWN Error Log Information window - Tweak: Display a warning if the 1.69 Critical Rebuild is not installed - Tweak: Category Groups renumbered to remove duplicate number prefixes - Fix: Answering Yes to "Do you want to save your changes..." on the Locations page caused crash - Fix: Automatically adjust Identifier File types when Cut and Paste operations result in a change - Fix: Use the Secondary Folder as the target for moving files from a folder that has the same name - Fix: Prevent crash when Mod List is refreshed after adding a Mod with Windows File Explorer - Fix: File information was not displayed when pasting a compressed file into the Contents List - Fix: Resolved a number of Cut and Paste anomalies, some of which, could result in NIT crashing - Fix: Mod folders added by validation were not been processed properly - Fix: The File Information panel's "Open with..." link failed if the file name contained any commas - Help: Updated to reflect various changes 10 Nov 2016 v4.0 - New: Customise the Quick Access Toolbar - New: Mod Installers and Restorers changed to ensure that the file configuration is unique - New: Add Dummy File removed from Mod Menu - New: Status Bar icon that displays details of changes detected in the NWN Installation Folder - New: Data Backup Manager added to View Menu - New: Information about how much time has been spent playing NWN added to Menu Bar - New: Web Menu added and contains the links previously appended to the Help menu - New: Preferences option that controls whether Add Mod Files uses Copy or Move when adding files - New: Validate Mods includes Identifier File Configuration validation and correction - Tweak: The width of the Mod Selector changes so that it always matches the width of the Mod List - Tweak: Display explanatory information when you hover over Preferences items in Settings - Tweak: Add Mod Files added to Mod context menu (right-click on Mod) - Tweak: Revised default Quick Access Toolbar (Add Files replaces History plus additional Separator) - Fix: Unable to open or edit URLs starting with "https" (Editing "https" URLs caused NIT to crash) - Fix: Add Mod Files only enabled when a Mod is selected (caused crash when a Group was selected) - Fix: Installation Analyser now ensures that selected items are visible after checking files - Fix: There were a number of conditions where Installed Counts for Mods and Groups were not updated - Help: Menu Bar (Web Menu), Options (Customise Toolbar) and View (Data Backup Manager) updated - Help: Play Time Menu added to Menu Bar - Help: Using the Status Bar updated to include the new Display Details icon - Help: Added "How do I include DLLs in my Mod Installers?" to the FAQ - Help: Miscellaneous updates to reflect changes made to NIT 05 Oct 2016 v3.3.1 - New: One-way synchronisation of Mod Notes to another PC - Map: Added definition for files created by the NWN Toolset with an extension name of BackupMod - Tweak: Prevent not-responding state while checking your installation files (eg Create Restorer) - Tweak: Prevent not-responding state when performing Validate Neverwinter Nights - Fix: Prevent crash when deleting an active game with a name that ends with a period - Fix: Incorrect File Information title for certain types of files - Fix: Ignore EXE files that cannot be extracted when creating installers - Fix: Prevent crash if there are file copy failures when installing mods - Fix: Detect and repair missing Backup Folder - Fix: Prevent crash when upgrading Backup Game Saves and Deleted Saves under certain conditions - Help: Updated to reflect changes resulting from applying the fixes and addition to Locations 05 Sep 2016 v3.3 - New: Patch folder support for Hak file overrides - New: Support for DAT files to allow offline authentication for NWN Premium modules - Fix: Ensure selected Details item is visible after updating an existing Restorer - Fix: Prevent double entries being displayed after pasting a Mod from another profile - Help: Updated to reflect Patch folder and DAT file support as well as correcting some typos 05 Jul 2016 v3.2.4 - Tweak: Create Restorer name is set to the Mod name of an existing Restorer that is selected - Tweak: Display additional File Information for NWN Modules (.nwm files) - Tweak: Removed erroneous Alt key shortcuts from quick access toolbar - Tweak: Create Installer tells you when an archive (.7z, .rar, etc) could not be extracted - Settings: Add Player on Map Excludes defines additional default Demo, File and Folder excludes - Fix: Prevent Installation Manager crash in some circumstances when selecting different Mod Sets - Fix: Prevent crash under certain circumstances when processing hub-and-spoke game saves - Fix: Prevent crash when refreshing an empty folder or archive - Fix: Move to History not updating Mod Status when a new History folder needs to be created - Fix: Ignore hidden or system files and folders when creating Installers - Help: Updating an existing Restorer has been amended to reflect Create Restorer change - Help: Updated to reflect changes and fix a few typos 05 Jun 2016 v3.2.3 - New: Expand or Collapse the active Group by clicking the Group name in the Status Bar - New: Icon added to Status Bar to toggle between selecting the first Contents text file or item - New: Press the Shift Key when clicking the Game Saves Manager's Disk Usage to calculate the size of all Game Saves - New: Press the Ctrl Key when starting NIT to suppress playing the start-up sound - New: Press the Shift Key when starting NIT to display Settings (same as -Settings command line) - New: Press the Alt Key when starting NIT to Restore Data (same as -Restore command line) - New: Repair CRCs added to Options Menu - New: Remove ERF Files added to Options Menu - Map: New option to exclude non-Texturepacks ERF files when creating installers (default is On) - Map: "potm_" added to TGA exceptions so that POTM Skybox files are copied to the Override folder - Tweak: Display the wait cursor when moving one or more Mods to a group (or "ungrouping" Mods) - Tweak: Provide additional feedback when creating Mod Installers - Tweak: Provide feedback when installing or uninstalling one or more Mods - Tweak: Prevent Mod Explorer outline display when starting for the first time - Tweak: Prevent not-responding state while calculating the total size of all your Data backups - Tweak: Prevent not-responding state while Game Manager calculates the size of your game saves - Tweak: Prevent not-responding state while Validate Mods (Options Menu) is processing - Tweak: Removed unnecessary disabled Tab Stops from the Tab Stops Settings page - Settings: Specify that the first text file is selected instead of the first Contents List item - UI: Installation Analyser now includes a Help icon and Close button - Fix: Prevent crash when specifying an existing Restorer that is not a member of the selected Group - Fix: Prevent crash when "Remove old versions of data files after updates" is enabled - Fix: Validate Mods (Options Menu) refreshes the Mod list when changes have been detected - Fix: Prevent crash when validating Mods with a removed file selected in the Details List - Fix: Prevent crash when a file operation (eg Paste) is cancelled - Fix: Group installed count now updated when a single Mod is installed or uninstalled - Help: Added a section on Using the Status Bar - Help: Updated Map Exclusions example to reflect new and removed entries - Help: Expanding and Collapsing Groups added to the Working with Groups section - Help: Updated Program Error procedure in the FAQ - Help: A variety of changes to improve explanations and provide usage tips 17 May 2016 v3.2.2 - Fix: Incorrect 7-Zip executable used to determine whether an EXE file can be extracted 16 May 2016 v3.2.1 - New: Validate Mods added to Options Menu - Map: Definitions for 2da files changed so that they are always mapped to the Override folder - Tweak: Ignore NWNPlayer.ini JournalPage entry when checking for differences with a Mod Installer - Tweak: Either Map Extension Remove or Exception is enabled based on the list being worked on - Tweak: Improved folder move performance for Game Saves Manager - Tweak: 7-Zip progress displayed when extracting files or Publishing mods - Tweak: Validate Neverwinter Nights now checks for any file changes in NWN's installation folder - Settings: Start-up Sound added to Locations (default is None) - Settings: Show Hidden files and folders added to Preferences (default is Off) - Settings: Show System files and folders added to Preferences (default is Off) - Settings: Check for Mod changes when starting NIT (Default is On) - Settings: Check for file changes after running Neverwinter Nights added to Preferences (Off) - Settings: Confirm Actions moved to Behaviour section of Preferences - Settings: Mouse-over colour selection added to Font and Colour - UI: General refinements and improved consistency - Fix: Reduce Saves for Mods with long names failed because the generated folder path was too long - Fix: Prevent crash when comparing installed INI files with Mod Installer versions - Fix: Prevent crash on certain operations caused by rare clipboard failure - Fix: Restore emboldened text headings in the file properties panel after closing Settings - Fix: Game Save Manager supports multiple saves created by hub-and-spoke type mods - Fix: Installation Manager was not sorting mods when updating Mod Sets - Fix: Installation Manager now scrolls to the selected mod after removing items - Fix: Navigating to an extracted parent folder from an extracted sub-folder now scrolls to the selected item - Fix: Correct false change detection for NWToolset.ini - Help: Updated to reflect changes 25 Apr 2016 v3.2 - New: Installation Manager added to View Menu to help track down problems with installed mods - New: Installation Analyser added to View Menu so you can establish how each file was installed - New: Warning Icon is shown on the status bar when AR_ERROR.LOG or NWClientError1.txt contains text - Map: Added NWN directory INI file support (remove entry from Map Extensions to disable tracking) - Map: Added Music to Map Folders in Settings to accommodate AutoRun Wav files installed by NWN - Map: Added spells_level.2da to Map Files in Settings to accommodate CPP v1.72 Beta 13 or higher - Tweak: Displays warning about possible game save corruption if "display cell location" is enabled - Tweak: Main menu Help icon displays "Finding the help you need" instead of "Using the Menu Bar" - Fix: Removing Files from Map Excludes was not working - Fix: Mod Explorer crashes if there are mods that do not belong to a Group - Fix: Selecting multiple items in the Mod List crashes NIT if the first selected item is a Group - Fix: Removing mods from the Mod List caused a crash under certain circumstances - Fix: Adds or removes on certain Settings pages could cause erroneous horizontal scrollbars - Fix: Treat Web Links starting with "http://neverwintervault.org/forum/new" as valid even though tests indicate that the location is Forbidden - Fix: Settings not saving and restoring panel rations ratios correctly under certain circumstances - Fix: Export Settings now saves the current Window position and size - Fix: Temporary Log File created in Documents folder was not been removed - Fix: Save and Copy text functions for reports maintains linefeeds and special characters - Help: Working with Restorers updated to include additional information and examples - Help: A more comprehensive example illustrating the use of Map Exclusions for non-mod builders - Help: Updated to reflect changes 11 Apr 2016 v3.1.1 - Tweak: Additional information is displayed when a mod is selected in the Installer's Details list - Tweak: The Game Saves Manager allows the active game to be deleted - Tweak: Create Restorer only prompts for the name if there are any files to add - Tweak: Create Restorer allows you to add files to an existing Restorer - Tweak: Mod Explorer's filter list tick options reversed (Tick includes and Clear Tick excludes) - UI: Clicking an "Open with" link in the Details List does not select (highlighted) the link text - Fix: Crash when clicking the "Open with" link in Details List after a specific selection sequence - Fix: Crash when an invalid link is clicked in an RTF file displayed in the Details List - Fix: Opening file with its associated program on start-up after closing NIT with the file selected - Fix: Show either the Install or the Uninstall icon on the toolbar when multiple mods are selected - Fix: Prevent "focus" box on first entry in Mod List after closing Settings dialogue - Fix: Prevent Mod List scrolling after closing Settings Dialogue - Fix: Mod Explorer's Installers Only option did not work properly with certain filter combinations - Help: Updated to reflect changes 19 Mar 2016 v3.1 - New: Publish Mod added to Mod Menu - New: Paste compressed files into the Mod List (intended to support Published Mod compressed files) - New: View Menu updated to include options to open the NWN and NWN Player INI files - Tweak: Weapon dropdown list extended to include all melee and ranged weapons - Tweak: Typing in the Rating and Weapon dropdown areas displays a list of suggested entries - Tweak: Improved display of rich text formatted files and information (eg Tables shown correctly) - Tweak: Contents displayed for an extended list of text file types (eg .txt, .ini, etc) - Fix: Refreshing the Details List can cause a crash under certain circumstances - Fix: Links in the Mod Explorer's Mod Notes area now work - Fix: Prevent truncation of Main Menu text when using larger font sizes - Fix: Prevent hangs in Settings when the Font size is set to a very large size - Fix: Remove empty folders in the Mod Installers - Fix: Remove erroneous scrollbars in the Mod Properties panel when changing the font in Settings - Fix: Prevent blank Mod List in certain circumstances when changing the font in Settings - Help: Updated to reflect changes 07 Mar 2016 v3.0.1 - New: Map Excludes updated so you can specify text to identify demo mods that should be ignored - New: "Exclude Demo mods when creating Installers" removed from Map Extensions - New: Map Excludes updated so you can specify files to be ignored when creating Mod Installers - Tweak: Allow excluded Demo Mods to be pasted into the Mod Installer folder - Tweak: Refined deleting backups from the Restore Data list - Tweak: Reduced flickering when NIT loads after starting the operating system - Tweak: Added Go to Group and Mod Explorer to Quick Access Toolbar - Tweak: Added Install/Uninstall to Quick Access Toolbar (either Install or Uninstall is shown) - Tweak: Removed toggle to switch between Restorer/History and Install/Uninstall on Toolbar - Tweak: Exclude Demo mods includes "Test" as an identifier - Fix: The contents of Excluded Folders (including History) were not being processed properly - Fix: Prevent crash if extracted file contents are displayed when saving Settings - Fix: Resolved Alt-Key Main Menu shortcuts conflicts with the Toolbar - Fix: Remove folders that have been moved to the Mod Installer - Fix: Update the Mod Installer status when moving items from the Installer to the History folder - Fix: Selected Contents List item not highlighted after pasting items into the Details List - Fix: Handle Tab Stop changes correctly after importing Exported Settings - Help: Added "Using the keyboard to access the Menu Bar" to the Menu Bar topic - Help: Added information about creating Alt-Key shortcuts on Run and Help Menu items you add - Help: Updated to reflect changes made in this release 29 Feb 2016 v3.0 - New: Settings updated so you can configure how Installers are built - New: Installer and NWN folder processing architecture rewritten to support configuration changes - New: The contents of the History folder are ignored when creating Mod Installers - New: You can specify additional folders to be ignored when creating Mod Installers (Map Excludes) - New: Move to History added to the File Menu - New: Clicking a Mod's status icon will Install or Uninstall the Mod - New: Options Menu has toggle to switch between Restorer/History and Install/Uninstall on Toolbar - New: Tweaks page in Settings has been incorporated into the Preferences and Map Extension pages - New: Mod Dummy File changed to a zero-byte file stored in a NIT folder in NWN's directory - New: Help start page rewritten to provide quick navigation to topics of interest - Tweak: Changes to the NIT user interface provide more consistent headings and refresh options - Tweak: Improved user interface rendering on initial start-up - Tweak: Default Quick Access Toolbar has Restorer/History icons instead of Install/Uninstall - Tweak: Preferences page in Settings allows you to show or hide the Mod Information area titles - Tweak: Reload Text File has been removed from the File and Context menus to reflect the UI changes - Tweak: Game Save Manager messages and selection behaviour refined - Tweak: Default NWN folder for placeables.2da changed to Override - Tweak: Default folder for TGA files, which satisfy specific criteria, has been changed to Override - Tweak: DMVault set as the secondary folder for BIC files - Tweak: Changed the icon used for the Mod Installer folder and Create Installer on the Mod Menu - Fix: Crash when renaming a Program Name on the Utility Programs page in Settings - Fix: The number of Henchmen was set to zero when you clicked in the field or set it to blank - Fix: Install/Uninstall enabled correctly when pasting or deleting files and adding Mod Dummy Files - Fix: Inconsistent install status after pasting or deleting files from a Mod Installer - Fix: A range of bugs primarily affecting displays and item selections - Fix: Cater for leading spaces and trailing periods in game save names (eg " Tortured Hearts I.") - Fix: Restored missing NIT icon in the Windows Title Bar - Fix: Removed duplicated Alt-M shortcut from the Quick Access Toolbar - Help: Dealing with Mod updates added to Getting more from the NWN Mod Installer Tool - Help: A range of updates to improve readability, accuracy and reflect changes made in this release 07 Feb 2016 v2.3 - New: Customisable Run Menu added to launch other programs - New: Utility Programs page added to Settings that allows you to customise the Run Menu - New: Support for downloaded files to be included in your Mod folder via File, Add Mod Files - New: Default Download Folder added to the Locations page in Settings - New: Support for PLT, SSF and UTI files, which are assigned to NWN's Override folder - New: Move WAV files between the Ambient and Override folder - New: Display NWN's client log file added to View Menu - New: Location within the module being played displayed on the Title bar - New: Tweaks page in Settings updated to enable or disable showing the location on the Title bar - Tweak: Unrecognised Installer folders and files are removed when NIT starts - Tweak: Unrecognised Installer folders and files are removed when refreshing Installer Details List - Tweak: Default NWN folder for soundset.2da changed to Override - Tweak: Default NWN folder for WAV files starting with "vs_f", "vs_n", "c_" changed to Override - Tweak: Rating default group set replaced with Category, which is based on Nexus Mods categories - Tweak: Improve folder assignment for files pasted into a Mod Installer - Tweak: Security check performed at start-up to ensure NIT can access required folders - Fix: Error messages for naming operations (eg New Mod, Create Restorer, etc) were not displayed - Fix: Prevent crashes when pasting unsupported files into the Mod Installer folder - Fix: Stop the Mod Selector being activated when switching back to NIT after using another program - Fix: Another attempt to Ensure Games Manager is visible after performing Disk Usage calculation - Help: Updated to reflect changes - Help: New FAQ explaining how to deal with NWN crashing when you start it from NIT 07 Jan 2016 v2.2.5 - UI: Text and selection colours reordered on the Font and Colour page in Settings - Fix: Game Saves Manager incorrectly backing up the current game if the mod name ends with an "S" - Fix: Mod Notes text changes made in the Mod Explorer were not been saved - Fix: Tab Stops list fonts were not using the list font specified in Settings - Fix: Ensure Games Manager window is visible after performing Disk Usage calculation - Help: Miscellaneous updates to reflect changes 05 Jan 2016 v2.2.4 - New: Mod name Find and Replace function added to Edit Menu - New: A separate colour for displaying Information Status Text has been defined in Settings - UI: The contents of a New Text or RTF file is displayed after closing the associated program - UI: Mod Explorer search box moved to the top of dialogue - UI: Game Save Manager keep count moved above the games saves list - UI: The colour of the Mod State text can be changed on the Font and Colour page of Settings - Tweak: Changed a compile option so that NIT runs in 32-bit mode - Setup: Creates the Start Menu items under Surazal instead of NWN Installer Tool - Fix: Disable tracking of NWN's Database files is now applied when creating Restorers - Fix: Clear the Mod Explorer's details panel when nothing matches the Mod Search text - Fix: Incorrect background colour was being used for the Sample Text in Colour Settings - Fix: Mod Explorer list fonts were not using the list font specified in Settings - Fix: Remove clipboard usage for internal operations to avoid rare clipboard contention problem - Fix: Corrected anomalies when using Right-Click or Arrow Keys to activate the Mod Selector - Help: Miscellaneous updates to reflect changes 18 Dec 2015 v2.2.3 - New: Mod Explorer rewritten to include an integrated filter options panel with new capabilities - New: Disk Usage option added to Game Saves Manager - New: New Text File and New RTF File added to the File Menu - New: Additional log entries created at start-up and for Import Mods Notes file copy failures - UI: Game Saves Manager look and feel altered - UI: Exported Mods List look and feel altered and allows multiple Mod selection - UI: Restore Data look and feel altered - UI: Pressing the F1 key shows context-based Help for all dialogues showing the Help Icon - Tweak: Memory usage reduction after start-up and before launching any programs (eg NWN) - Fix: The Delete function on the Exported Mods List is disabled if nothing is selected - Fix: The Refresh All function on the Exported Mods List now updates the Notes field correctly - Fix: Mouse hardware problem can cause the Game Manager's Reduce Saves to fail - Fix: Go to Group now ensures that the selected Group is highlighted - Fix: Prevent NIT being closed while loading a Profile (can cause a crash if allowed) - Help: Mod Explorer, Game Saves Manager, Exported Mods and File Menu updated to reflect changes 07 Dec 2015 v2.2.2 - New: Mod Selector rewritten to list partial matches as you enter your search criteria - New: Refresh All menu item added to Exported Mod List - New: Copy Name copies the names of all selected items to the clipboard - New: Tab Stops page added to Settings - New: Option to exclude Demo mods when creating Installers added to the Tweaks Page in Settings - New: Option to move deleted Log Files to the Recycle Bin added to the Debug Page in Settings - New: Restore Data enables selection by backup date, display of disk usage and backup deletion - New: Repair Database added to Options menu - UI: Reduced list flickering - UI: Improved item selection and de-selection performance for long lists - UI: Improved performance when moving a large number of selected items to Portraits, Overrides, etc - UI: Improved performance when deleting a large number of selected items from the Contents List - UI: Improved performance when copying a large number of selected items to the clipboard - UI: Improved performance when pasting a large number of items to the Contents and Details Lists - UI: Rationalised what happens when the Tab key is pressed - UI: Implemented Alt+Key shortcuts for NIT's menu - UI: NIT main window, Settings and Mod Explorer altered to improve aesthetics (may be subjective) - UI: Various improvements to feedback messages shown in the Information Display area - UI: Rename dialogue text changed from Files to Contents for the selected item in the Contents List - Fix: Prevent crash when reloading an Installer after a cut and paste to an external program - Fix: Prevent rare crash when automatically selecting imported mods - Fix: Under certain circumstances, Settings was not restoring the correct Panel Ratios - Fix: Prevent crash when the Details List is selected before making changes to Colour Settings - Fix: Prevent crash at start-up under certain conditions arising from a corrupted NIT Database - Fix: Corrected duplication of Mods when using the Debug Rebuild Mod Data File - Fix: Prevent crash when double-clicking the Refresh heading of the Mod, Contents or Details lists - Help: File Menu, View Menu, Options Menu, Mod Selector and Importing Mods updated - Help: Settings updated to reflect the new Tab Stops page as well as Tweaks and Debug page changes - Help: FAQ updated with How do I rebuild NIT's Database? section 27 Oct 2015 v2.2.1 - New: New features for the Game Saves Manager as well as changes to the design of the dialogue - New: Run Leto from the Options Menu if you have added it to the Locations Page in Settings - New: Exported Mods List added to View Menu - New: Default Import Mods path added to the Locations Page in Settings - Tweak: Web Pages in Settings allows full control over the sequence and link item separators - Tweak: Added option on the Tweaks page to close Settings after an Export has been performed - UI: Improved resizing behaviour for Font and Colours page in Settings - UI: Provide feedback on exit when removing temporary files and saving information - UI: View Log menu item icon changed - Fix: Prevent crash when importing a mod to a group and it already exists in another group - Fix: Mod Explorer displays a hyphen character for fields that have not been specified - Fix: Correct cursor moving to beginning of text on certain dialogues such as Rename - Fix: Change illegal characters to spaces when pasting text while editing names - Help: Game Saves Manager updated to reflect the new features and layout - Help: Settings updated to reflect the changes to the Locations, Web Pages and Tweaks pages - Help: View Menu updated to reflect the addition of Exported Mods List - Help: Added omitted documentation for Create Missing Installers on the Mod Menu 14 Oct 2015 v2.2 - New: Detect and copy .itp and .pwk files to Overrides when creating a Mod Installer - New: Mod Export/Import to transfer mods and associated information between networked machines - Tweak: Added Settings option on Tweak page to disable tracking of NWN's Database files (Default) - Tweak: Text display dialogues amended for View Log and Debug Reports - Tweak: About dialogue layout changed and includes information about all loaded libraries (DLLs) - Tweak: Log file includes CRC timing information - Tweak: The initial width of the Log File display window has been increased - Tweak: Clipboard text content is restored after installing or uninstalling mods, otherwise it is cleared - UI: Icons for folders and files without an extension have been changed - UI: Properties menu icon has been changed - UI: Separator added after each group of three Web Links on the Help Menu - Fix: Backup Folder changes in Settings not creating the correct folders under certain conditions such as changing the default when running NIT for the first time or after a Settings Reset - Fix: Text formatting in the Details List text area lost after saving or cancelling Settings - Fix: Prevent extracted files from being moved, deleted or renamed - Fix: Prevent partial display of some progress dialogues when long path names are used (eg CRC) - Help: The File Menu has been updated to reflect the addition of Export Mods and Import Mods - Help: Tweaks page of Settings updated to reflect changes - Help: About NWN Mod Installer Tool dialogue updated to reflect changes - Help: Number of threads to use for CRC calculations section updated on the Tweaks page 19 Sep 2015 v2.1 - New: Web Pages added to Settings and defines the web page links displayed on the Help Menu - New: Reload Text File added to the File Menu and refreshes displayed text files (txt or rtf) - New: Operations performed during a session are written to a log file (for use in problem solving) - New: Log File added to View Menu and displays the NIT program log file - Tweak: Allow zero to be specified as the maximum number of Party members (Henchman) - Tweak: Bioware's Neverwinter Nights forum added as one of the defaults to Web Pages - Tweak: Backup and Restore icons on the file menu have been changed - Tweak: Start-up status includes NWN installation file counts and only shows non-zero counts - Tweak: Reload the active profile by clicking the selected (ticked) profile on the View menu - Change: Version migration adjusts Party Member (Henchman) maximums to accommodate zero values - UI: Data Backup shows the backup folder in the Status Bar and doesn't ask users to answer messages - UI: A range of minor changes to improve status messages and general UI feedback attributes - Fix: Clicking Create Downloads in the Mod Menu now performs the operation (wasn't doing anything) - Fix: Clicking the selected item in the Details List disabled the open file or folder in the File Information panel - Fix: Colour of open file or folder text in the File Information panel was reset to black after saving or cancelling Settings - Fix: Text formatting in the Mod Information text area lost after saving or cancelling Settings - Fix: Pressing Delete when Start, End or Party has no text causes program error - Fix: Maximised Window state is restored as well as the Restore Down Window size and position - Fix: Minimised Window state is changed to Normal on close (prevents crash on NIT restart) - Fix: Corrected anomalies with restoring Panel Ratios when changing Preferences in Settings - Fix: Prevent crash when text is entered in the Profile Path without selecting a Profile - Fix: Prevent crash when text is entered in the Locations Path without selecting a Location - Setup: Assign appropriate icons to NWN Mod Installer Tool -Restore and -Settings shortcuts - Help: Settings and Help Menu updated to reflect the addition of Web Pages - Help: File Menu updated to reflect the addition of the Reload Text File item - Help: FAQ item added to illustrate how to reload the active profile - Help: FAQ item added to explain how to resolve missing NIT entries from the Windows Start Menu - Help: View Menu updated to reflect the addition of the Log File item - Help: Backup and Restore Data updated to reflect changes 08 Sep 2015 v2.0.1 - Tweak: Game Save Manager supports backup and restore of multiple versions of the same game - Tweak: You can use drag & drop in the Mod Information text area - Tweak: You can drag & drop text from the Details text display to the Mod Information text area - Fix: Don't display "...files installed from unknown source..." message for NWN database files - Fix: The NWN Installer Tool closes when you select Exit on File menu - Fix: Settings is displayed after migrating to a new version and the profile path no longer exists - Fix: Prevent crash when the settings file (user.config) is corrupted - Fix: Prevent program error when trying to drag & drop an "Open with..." entry in the Details List 31 Aug 2015 v2.0 - New: Game Saves Manager allows you to manage multiple mod game saves and switch between them - New: Launch Neverwinter Nights Toolset from the Options menu - New: Validate Neverwinter Nights added to Options menu and reports on any erroneous files detected - New: Settings Import-Export location replaced by Backup Folder, which has separate sub-folders for exported Settings files, Data backup folders and Game Saves - New: Detect and copy .utc and .dlg files to Overrides when creating a Mod Installer - New: Add Dummy File added to Mod menu to deal with rare mod conflict scenario - New: Unhandled exceptions display an understandable message and write diagnostics to a text file - Change: Mod Explorer starts with the mod list sorted by Rating (instead of Mod Name) - Change: Version migration moves existing exported Settings files and Data backup folders into the new Backup Folder structure - Change: If you import a pre-version 2.0 exported Settings file, files and folders are moved from the old location to the new Backup Folder structure - Change: Refreshing the contents of an archive (eg zip) will extract the file's contents again - UI: Toolbar changed to include the Game Saves Manager icon and remove the Move to Folder icon - UI: Mod Explorer List Filtering dialogue prefix heading removed - Fix: Prevent NIT crashing when Cancelling Settings after a version upgrade - Fix: Prevent rare drag and drop related crash probably caused by inadvertent mouse actions - Fix: Ratings and Best Weapon changes are now saved whenever they are updated by the user - Fix: Prevent Unhandled Exception error when starting NIT that some people experienced Thanks to HadToRegister for testing the solution - Fix: Ignore any invalid files that are present in NWN's installation folders (prevents crash) Thanks to HadToRegister for identifying the issue and helping to locate the problem - Fix: Corrected installed mod counts for mods that have a single file conflicting with another mod - Fix: Move to Group was crashing when cursor positioned in Mod Information text area - Fix: Selected text in the Mod Information's Start, End and Party is replaced when typing - Fix: Change illegal characters to spaces when names are pasted rather than typed (prevents crash) - Help: Updated to include Game Saves Manager and reflect changes to Settings and the Mod Explorer - Help: Added Downloading a Mod and correcting the Installer to the Getting Started section - Help: Added Migrating existing Mod folders to NIT to the Getting Started section - Help: Options menu updated to include Validate Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights Toolset - Help: Mod menu updated to include Add Dummy File - Help: Various changes that include the Introduction and images as well as tweaks and amendments 15 Aug 2015 v1.6 - New: Detect Database files (cdx, dbf and fpt) to allow Restorer creation for backup purposes - New: Mod Explorer supports some simple Mod Name filtering capabilities - Change: Mod Explorer sort order for mods that have not been rated - UI: NIT's title bar includes the game you are currently playing (based on your game saves) - Misc: Migrated NIT and the Utility Library from Visual Studio 2013 to 2015 - Help: Updated "Using the Mod Explorer" to reflect the changes - Help: Updated "Settings >> Tweaks" to comment on NWN Database file processing 01 Jul 2015 v1.5 - New: Detect and copy .ncs and .nns files to Overrides when creating a Mod Installer - Help: Corrected typo in Creating a Mod Installer 03 Jun 2015 v1.4.2 - New: Display additional group information in the status bar (Members Installed/Member Count) - Fix: Paste files into the correct Mod Installer sub-folders (prevents crashes) - Help: Added a critical step when setting up The Aielund Saga (Setting up complex Mods, step 8) - Help: Note about handling duplicate files added to Creating a Mod Installer 03 May 2015 v1.4.1 - Fix: Display start-up information when Restore Selections is set - Fix: Rare crashes when performing certain operations after migrating Settings to a later version - Fix: New text displays always start in the home position (the scroll position was not being reset) 01 Mar 2015 v1.4 - New: Settings option to restore your Mod, Contents and Details selections on start up - New: Help is displayed with the Settings dialogue when you start NIT for the first time - Help: Updated to reflect new Settings option - Help: Miscellaneous corrections 14 Jan 2015 v1.3.1 - New: Added support for .txi file extensions - New: Font file detection when creating Mod Installers - New: Allow moving of .erf files between the Erf and TexturePack folders - UI: Default width of NIT Window increased slightly to prevent toolbar overflow when "Move to TexturePack" is displayed - Fix: Corrected .Key file problem causing issues with Create Restorer and Mod Installer pastes - Fix: Corrected handling of pasting existing files into Mod Installer - Help: Updated to include erf file moves plus some other minor corrections 12 Jan 2015 v1.3 - New: Mod Explorer added to View menu - Fix: Paste to sub-folders in the Downloads directory was not working correctly - Help: Updated to reflect the introduction of the Mod Explorer 04 Jan 2015 v1.2.1 - UI: Clear all lists when refreshing Mod List - UI: Moved Create Downloads from File to Mod menu - Misc: Check the NWN installation folder for changes before creating a Restorer (allows for changes made when NWN is launched from NIT, such as character saves) - Setup: Creates a link to the Help in your Start Menu (if the Start Menu option is ticked) - Fix: Correct problem with .Key file installations (CPP patch installations) - Fix: Prevent NIT crashing if Play NWN is cancelled via Windows UAC prompt - Fix: Correct handling source processing when performing Cut & Paste operation from Mod Installer - Fix: Prevent suspension of Mod Installer display processing under certain circumstances - Help: Updated to reflect menu changes 02 Jan 2015 v1.2 - New: Play Neverwinter Nights added to Options menu and Toolbar - New: Create Mod Installers for Community Patch Project (CPP) patch files - New: Handles .Key and .Bif file extensions as well as the TexturePacks folder to support CPP files - Misc: Feedback while Mod States are being calculated - Misc: Additional Neverwinter Nights installation folder validation in Settings - Fix: More stringent Mod Installer file checks (prevents crashing when certain types of file changes are made with an external tool) - Fix: A number of changes to prevent crashes under various unusual conditions - Help: Miscellaneous revisions and corrections to text and screen shots 22 Dec 2014 v1.1.1 - New: Tweaks Settings now allows non-fixed fonts to be used for File Properties text - New: Toggle Bold, Italics and Underline in Mod Notes - Enhancement: Greater flexibility in which Backups can be Restored - Misc: Revised default Group sets - Misc: Shortcut key for Create Installer changed from Ctrl+I (now used for Italics) to Ctrl+L - Fix: Renaming Groups in Settings moves the folder if the path has been changed - Fix: Session Recycle Bin toggle now works correctly (was being ignored) - Fix: When Overwrite is OFF you no longer get messages telling you that the file already exists - Fix: Drag & Drop from Windows File Explorer to Mod List now works works correctly - Fix: Prevent scroll bars appearing on progress windows - Fix: Only allow one instance of NIT to run - Fix: General stability improvements - Help: Tweaks Settings page updated - Help: Additional information on default Group sets - Help: Edit Menu and Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts updated to reflect changes 20 Dec 2014 v1.1 - New: Drag and Drop support - New: Choice of two default Groups or no Groups when creating a new Profile - New: Enhanced checking of files that have been installed in your NWN directories - UI: I-Beam cursor used for text boxes instead of an Arrow - UI: Reduced flicker for Details List when creating Restorers - UI: Added Create Downloads to the Toolbar and shortened some of the text displays - Fix: Correct status for Mods containing one file that is present in the NWN installation folder - Fix: Correct handling and reporting of files that have been installed from an unknown source - Fix: Copy handles selected Group and Mod items correctly - Fix: Prevent data repair being performed for new Profile folders - Fix: Correct handling of empty lists - Fix: A range of other stability and display corrections - Help: Added new FAQ question and answer - Help: Updated to reflect new Default Group choice dialogue - Help: Applied miscellaneous corrections 17 Dec 2014 v1.0.1 - New: Specify your preferred site for downloading new versions of the NWN Mod Installer Tool - New: Additional Font preferences are available on the Settings Font and Colour page - New: Hovering over the Web link in the Mod Information panel displays a tool tip showing the URL - UI: Fixed width font now used for File Information panel to correct text alignment - UI: Changed Status Bar Overwrite button to an icon - UI: Status Bar icons for Overwrite and Recycle Bin display a tool-tip showing their current status - Fix: Prevent crash when building a Mod Installer caused by duplicate files in the database - Fix: Prevent crash when the 7-Zip location is blank and the Browse button is pressed - Fix: File Information is now displayed after a text or RTF file has been viewed - Fix: Total Mod count shows correct value (was out by +1) - Help: Updated to reflect the addition of the Download Site - Help: Updated to reflect changes made to Settings Font and Colour page - Help: Updated to reflect Status Bar changes 15 Dec 2014 v1.0 - Initial release of a tool that automates the creation of Mod Installers, installing and uninstalling mods as well as file conflict handling.