Welcome to Serenade's Complete Builder's Pack! This pack was originally created for the Sands of Calimshan server. However I've decided to repackage and release it for anyone wanting to build. It's basically a fully functioning pack of everything decent I could possibly find worth using, with their 2DAs merged and all the blueprints properly working. The instructions on how to install are below, as is a list crediting everyone who's stuff is inside the pack. ------------------------ Instructions: Step 1 - Place the file Sere_Content.hak, and Sere_2DA.hak in the following location: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2 Step 2 - Open the Toolset, and go to View -> Module Properties. Then under the Properties tab on the right, go to "Hak Paks", and open up the menu that comes with it (little tab on the right). Step 3 - Now press "Add" twice. Select one of the two lines on the left that come up, and then press the FileName box. Go find one of the two Haks you had earlier, and open it. Then repeat this process with the other Hak, so that each value has a hak in it. Now press "Okay". Step 4 - Go to File -> Import... Navigate to the file Blueprints.erf, and open it. Wait for a moment, and it should show up with a little box, showing everything you just imported. You're done! Go make an area, and under the "Placeables" tab in your Blueprints, you should find everything. :) There's also a few things under "Environmentals", and a couple of scripts. Feel free to ignore or delete the scripts if you want, they're not very important. ------------------------ Credits: Now, given the size of this pack please understand that I may have missed someone in these credits. If you think I have missed you out, or you want me to remove something you made entirely from this pack, then please say so. This is especially the case given that the Vault appears to have been taken down. Since a lot of the packs were downloaded from there, understandably I can't credit their work since I don't know who actually made it. Now, in no particular order, here is everyone who's work went into this Pack so far as I know: - Baron - RWS - Tupoun - Amraphael - Trinity - Sigil (though imported by RWS) - Kamal - Kalister68 - Nagual ------------------------ Have Fun! ^.^ This pack was made by Serenade