-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POOL OF RADIANCE REMASTERED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Markus "Wayne" Schlegel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Unpack the rar archive and copy the three directories into your Own Documents/Neverwinternights2/ directory. See the adventurer's journal for more details. KNOWN ISSUES PORR does not use any custom content besides the pictures and spoken narrations of the intro and endgame sequences. Therefore it is fully compatible to NWN2, MotB and SoZ in the latest game version. We will continue supporting the game so please check http://www.schlegels.de for latest news and updates from time to time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v (2012-05-27) - Several typos fixed - Several minor bugs fixed - Dialog/Cutscene overhaul for better cinematics and atmophere - Some minor changes for more stability - Orc mask works properly now - Balancing improved (Sorcerer's Isle, final battle) - Area update (Zhentarim Outpost) - Constancia wll not die anymore (show stopper removed) - Wall stuck bandits removed - Bug at the cracked crown fixed v (2009-05-27) - Minor issues fixed - All areas rebaked VERSION HISTORY v (2008-03-30) - Custom narrations are included into a hakpack now CHAPTER 2 - Cadorna quest bug with Podol Plaza fixed - Tarl is removed properly (Tarl dublication bug) - Walkmesh Laughing Goblin fixed (Shal and Ren will be spawned properly now after Podol Plaza - Gensor dublication bug fixed - Several minor issues concerning placeables fixed - "My house" mapnote added - Shal and Ren will be removed before going to Zhentarim Outpost v (2008-01-02) CHAPTER 1 - Camera handlers at adventurer camp removed CHAPTER 3 - Dragon sequence changed (for more stability) There are no visible changes in the scene itself. - Dragon is harder now (He is completely rebalanced, but clever tactics still may get him down without too much trouble. We've played the scene with different characters and the difficulty of this battle is affected by your chosen player class) - Trigger at Mansions fixed v (2008-01-02) CHAPTER 1: - (Shortcut) Ren has rogue skills now - (Shortcut) Ren's ranger skills and feats have been fixed - (Shortcut) roldd's helmet has the correct icon now - (Shortcut) Shal has a deity now - A function to restore camera settings at adventurer's camp has been added(hope it works) - Matteo's assistant description fixed CHAPTER 2: - Textile house floating doors removed - Blue flame over warrior's grave fixed - Aylaran buys some wepons now - Repetition removed from intro narration - Magical bow added as treasure - The Fairbanks will welcome Milli now even if the player didn't speak to them before - Ren's ranger skills and feats have been fixed - Laughing Goblin chair fixed - Matteo's assistant description fixed CHAPTER 3: - Textile house floating doors removed - Exit Lando's fixed (hope so) - Mansions doors fixed - Kovel Mansion secret door removed - Vampire is much harder now - Conversations updated (changes by SirChet) - Healing potions added to Ohlo's shop - Restoration scrolls added to Rowena's shop - Walkmesh Stormy Bay fixed - Pirate huts doors are static now - Companion hints for Altar of Bane added - Aylaran buys some weapons now - Nanther problems fixed - Shal dialogue about messenger will only fire when quest 3 has been started - Dragon is stronger now (He's stronger than a standard Bronze Dragon, now) - New options for final conversation with Cadorna added - Final sequence changed (technically) for more stability - New dialogue options for conversation with dragon added - Eldor will not drop his items anymore - Tarl will not receive double xp anymore - Some orcs will pursue you now upon entering the castle cellars - Cadorna will not drop all of his gear anymore - Lando shop bug fixed - Journal entries updated (Patrick) - New fx added to final sequence - New conversations for companions after death of dragon - Pirate hut door removed - Corben's conversations have been finished - Autosave added to final battle v (2007-12-03) CHAPTER 1: - Companion templates added for quick jump to chapter 3 - Speak triggers updated to new version (no more doubled lines) - Intro movie added - Additional lines for Roldd and Dirten added - Player will remove weapons when speaking with town officials now - Cutscene conversations will fade from black now - vendor hats fixed - Orc Blades cannot be sold anymore - Shortcut companions have deities now CHAPTER 2: - Conversation breaker Cadorna fixed (auction) - Speak triggers updated to new version (no more doubled lines) - Goran will not repeat his initial conversation anymore - Aylaran will take only 2 stacks of ingots (20 ingots) now - Bedroom added to "My House" - Intro movie added - Additional lines for Ren, Shal and Tarl - Player will remove weapons when speaking with town officials now - Typos fixed - Ren two-Weapon fighting added - Shal companion changed - Sasha Intimidate Bug fixed - Cutscene conversations will fade from black now - Texture problems fixed - chapter 3 transition added - Vendor hats fixed - Orc Blades won't sell anymore - Debug functionality removed Chapter 3: ### Beta version for public testing #### - House entrance should work now - Armor at temple of bane is now useable for paladins - Orc Blades won't sell anymore - camera changes to final scene - Salish makes clear that he wants you to break the door at Kovel Mansion v (2007-08-20) CHAPTER 1: - Roldd is removed properly now CHAPTER 2: - Door transition triggers changed for more stability - Rhys is immortal now - Barricade removed at Denlor's tower - Massus chest is closed now - Female cleric of Sune has a female voice now v (2007-08-12) CHAPTER 1: - Spelling and grammar fixed (SirChet) - New Journal Entry for Roldd added - Tavern chairs are non-sitable now. - Global script set changes (compatibility to custom items) - Robrytha's conversation will not break when asked about history anymore. - Minor mistakes in journal entries fixed. - Kuto's Well (the well itself) is now massive CHAPTER 2: - Spelling and grammar fixed (Chet) - Tavern chairs are non-sitable now. - Goran cannot die anymore. - Carlo has more bolts now. - Carlo will be removed properly - The flaming sword is weaker now - The gnoll chieftain has a weaker weapon now - New restful object added to the gnoll barracks - Troll attack script changed - Map Note Western Ruins enabled - Cleanup with area tags - Time when Eldor shows up at the docks should be more clear now. - Minor mistakes in journal entries fixed. - Door scripting changed for better stability of area transition between parts - Spelling fixed in books and letters - The Zhentarim Leader keeps his armor upon dying now. He will use his sword now. - Message board removed - Blocking Chandelier changed at Cadorna Estate - Roldd and Rhys have the right amount of Experience now - Crypt trap changed to tangle trap - You receive experience for finishing the library quest now - Several doors have been changed to static -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v (2007-07-25) CHAPTER 1: - Language corrected CHAPTER 2: - Garret longsword removed - Ren's armor changed to Studded Leather - Giant swords removed - Traps adjusted at Denlor's Tower - Secret doors in ogre lair removed - Neutral slaver fixed - Nordmen position changed - Pyramid jail door changed to static - Chest removed at Sorcerer's isle - Trees removed from ogre cave - Floating rocks removed from Rolling Hills area - The History of the North is now properly removed - Conversation breaker Cadorna podol plaza quest removed - Several language changes - Auction trigger should be more stable now - The merchants at Podol Plaza will buy stolen goods now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v (2007-07-20 public beta) - Beta 0.8 of chapter 2 added - Converted to campaign - Full Debug functions enabled - ModuleLoad functions enabled - Dialog animations added - Remove functions changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.3 (2007-05-04) - Debug functions removed - Campaign setup removed and converted back to a stand-alone module - Hitpoints adjusted - ModuleLoad functions removed KNOWN ISSUES: Module transitions between chapter 1 and 3 sometimes stall. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTFIX 3 (2007-04-25) - Messed up roster script fixed again -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTFIX 2 (2007-04-24) - Chapter 1 Sokol keep final changed. Dirten stays with player now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTFIX 1 (2007-04-20) - Sokol Keep Water fixed - Conversation changes Roldd, adventurer camp - FirstEnter scripts changed (Trigger fixed) - LoadModule problem Roldd destroy script removed. Hope it works now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aylaran's Chain Coifs are Chain Coifs now. - Scripting triggers changed for stability - Most area Transitions are party transitions now. - Converted to Campaign module (Technical changes and full engine implementation for chapters 2 and 3) - Vendor buy prices reduced - Sokol Keep spawn breaker bug fixed - Aldo mapnotes removed - LoadModule freezing bug with Roldd fixed. - Spawned Monsters don't drop their gear anymore. (significantly less loot) - Alpha 1 of chapter 2 added - Testing area of chapter 3 added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.2 (2007-04-03) - Placeable lights changed (Thx Berliad!) - City life NPC waypoints improved - Typos fixed - Journal entry at Delorian's cellar will show up when the notebook is taken - Iron helm at Sokol Keep has the right appearance now - Ferran Martinez will not remain visible anymore after disappearing - Improved scripting during the attack at Sokol Keep. Attackers will not be blocked anymore. - Transition to Chapter 2 with small teaser showcase added. - Additional log message added to indicate the end of chapter 1. - Cutscene orcs and goblins will be deleted when the attacking force bashes the door open. - Ambient sounds added tp Sokol Keep - Ambient SOunds changed at new Phlan Docks. - Ambient lights Sokol Keep changed (again). - Flickering torches (right rate of flickering this time) added to many areas. - Alrems broken conversation branches fixed. - Robyrtha charges the correct amount of gold now. - Loadscreens changed to Generic_NWN2_Default on community demmand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.1 (2007-02-12) - Skeletons now lock the inner doors at Sokol Keep when the attack on the keep starts. - Sokol Keep armory is now walkable - Sokol Keep gate cannot be picked open anymore - Adventurer duplication bug fixed at Slums - Fixed some typos - Conversation breaker Ferran Martinez fixed - Conversation breaker Alrem Lorath fixed - Unlimited Supply kits upon loading bug fixed - Plot breaker at Council Hall fixed - Ambient sounds Bitter Blade fixed - Feat Orc Slayer will be granted upon defending Sokol Keep - Fire Bombs reduced to 2 at Sokol Keep - Leaving adventurers at docks removed - Waypoint to Slums added at Walled Settlement - Thugs conversation loops have been removed - New conversation options for Roldd - New conversation options for Dirten at Sokol Keep - Dirten will join you as companion and is not immortal anymore - Faction problem Kuto's Well fixed - Shops will buy for less gold now - Head model Tyrrans changed - All areas have display names now - Companions have proper experience for their level now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN ISSUES - Martinez is still visible under certain circumstances although he should be gone