光明与黑暗——万圣节特别篇 Light&Darkness Halloween specials 制作组微博: MicroBlog http://weibo.com/u/1897677631 http://t.qq.com/oolonglgx 制作组名单(Development team): 制 作(Production): oolonglgx 策 划(Planning): ybn100 oolonglgx 编 剧(Script): ybn100 程 序(Program): oolonglgx 美 术(Art): kelavis 小 一 乱 跑 oolonglgx JUBEI2012 插 画(Illustration): 莱 恩 文 案(Writing): ybn100 oolonglgx NORA_LEE 配 乐(Music): ybn100 oolonglgx JUBEI2012 NORA_LEE 汉 译 英(English Translation): NORA_LEE 测 试(Test): JUBEI2012 ybn100 NORA_LEE [Resource] Model: Talon: 武器包 Standard Weapons Upgrade Project Yoshiboy: 巨魔怪的配套装备 A set of troll equipments OSP Spak_Items TES4_OSP_Andragorn 2 配乐: Music Stunt expo 2004 - Alexandre Desplat Bean's secert cider cellar - Alexandre Desplat Nabbed - Danny Elfman End title - Danny Elfman Expediente X - Theme from the X Files World Of Fantasy - Helloween Dr. Stein - Helloween Halloween - Helloween I can - Helloween 妖の街 - 森英治