INFO The Seal of Asrahmat is a one-map Halloween campaign for Left 4 Dead 2, made by Imaculata. It includes custom models, sounds, textures and scripting, including an all new enemy. There are optional Jack-o-lanterns that the players can light, along with several new items to collect. STORY In the early 20th century there was a stage magician known as Charles England. At a young age he was drawn to the supernatural; First stage magic, then actual magic. Along with a group of like-minded individuals, he formed a society known as the Veridical Gentleman's Club (Later known as the Veridical Society). Their goal was to separate truth from fiction in the area of the paranormal. At some point in time he came into the possession of an ancient tome called the Book of Asrahmat. Cautious of the terrible powers contained within, he retreated to a remote area of England. The Winterriver Manor was located on a small island in the middle of a lake, far removed from society. It was hard to reach, accessible only by one small feeble bridge. It is unknown who built the manor and if Charles England had always been its soul inhabitant, but it is believed that it is here that he first started experimenting with the book. The book contained instructions for dark rituals and incantations, including spells to contact the other side. Charles England believed that maybe he could contact his late wife and daughter, but instead he contacted something else entirely. It started with a strange feeling of being watched at night. Then strange sounds, muddy footsteps in the mainhall, the sound of running feet, whispers in the dark... Charles must have believed that the lake would provide some kind of natural barrier for the evil that he would unintentionally unleash, but he was gravely mistaken. The catacombs underneath the manor provided a fertile soil for evil to fester. Perhaps a great darkness had always slept at the bottom of that lake, biding its time and waiting to be awakened. It didn't take Charles long to realize that he was in contact with neither his late wife nor deceased daughter, but with something dark that fed on his grief and fears. Charles England concluded that since the book had unleashed this calamity, that the solution could also be found within its pages. It is here that he came upon the Seal of Asrahmat; an ancient incantation to imprison powerful entities. He entrapped the darkness in a heavy stone coffin, located in the attic of the manor, where it would be 'closest to the stars'. For many years, the arcane barrier held strong. But for reasons unknown, the power of the seal has started fading and now evil roams unchecked. A plague of undead creatures has started swarming the land, pouring forth from the manor and the darkness within. Four heroes travel to the manor in order to find the source of this evil and put a stop to it. You must find the book and restore the Seal of Asrahmat! WALKTHROUGH Starting from the bridgehouse, collect a primary weapon from the hood of the car. There's a fireaxe hanging from the wall which can also be picked up. Leave the saferoom and deal with the zombies outside. Make your way around the bend and through the main gate, and fight your way to the gazebo where the medkits are located. On the front porch is your first jack-o-lantern. Lighting them all will open a special room and provide extra supplies for the finale. (1 jack-o-lantern in total) Next, head through the front door, and grab the item on the small table. When the whole team is inside, be sure to close the door, to slow down the next horde. Head through the double doors and into the main hall. Once again, close the doors behind you. There is an item on the piano, a jack-o-lantern on the upper landing, and another jack-o-lantern at the dead end in the east wing. Next, head into the west wing by following the trail of muddy footsteps. (3 jack-o-lanterns in total) Head through the rooms until you reach the diningroom. There's a sniper rifle mounted above the fireplace here, and a jack-o-lantern on the dresser. Head through the double doors and through the drafty hallway. (4 jack-o-lanterns in total) Before heading into the kitchen, check the storage room across from the kitchen, which usually contains a few useful items. At the end of the hallway is a dumbwaiter which leads to an optional secret area. Do so at your own risk! To climb in the dumbwaiter, melee the vase out of the way, and crouch into it. There is a small lever on the inside of the elevator, allowing you to raise and lower the dumbwaiter. Otherwise, continue into the kitchen. Open the fridge to find another jack-o-lantern. (5 jack-o-lanterns in total) From the back of the kitchen, head into the basement. There is an MP5 at the bottom of the stairs, located just to your right underneath the table. Continue past the wine barrels, and make your way around the brick support wall. There is another jack-o-lantern around the corner. You can pass the wooden shelves on either side, but one side is always randomly blocked by a stack of crates. As you make a turn right, notice the secret tunnel on your right that is blocked off with wooden boards. Break the boards to pickup a bonus item. Next, head up the ladder just across from this secret tunnel, leading into the garden. (6 jack-o-lanterns in total) Another jack-o-lantern is located on a bench in the garden. There are often a lot of zombies here. There are two routes you can take from the garden. Either take the door close to the ladder, which leads into the tearoom, or make your way through the greenhouse. The greenhouse route is longer, but yields more pickups. There is a jack-o-lantern in both the tearoom and the greenhouse. Gas cans can also often be found in and around the greenhouse, which will be useful in dealing with a horde. After heading into the greenhouse, the jack-o-lantern is on a table on your left, just before the door. (9 jack-o-lanterns in total) Head through the door and into the game room. On the bar is a medicine bottle, which instantly restores 3 hp upon pickup. A bottle of pills can often be found on the mantle of the fireplace. You can optionally go up the stairs and search the upper area for another item. Once you're done, head through the door underneath the stairs. As you go through this door, there will be a staircase down into the basement, where another jack-o-lantern is located. Sometimes an upgrade also spawns down here. (10 jack-o-lanterns in total) Leave the basement area, and now follow the hallway into the office. In the office you can open up a shortcut back to the mainhall by pushing the piano. Your main objective however, is to locate the secret lever underneath the desk. Using the lever will move the closet in the small room across from the desk, and reveal a secret passage. Head through the secret passage, and use the other lever at the end. You'll now be at the entrance of the library. You can push aside the two dressers to open up another shortcut to the mainhall. Head through the double doors and into the library. Clear out any zombies in the library, and stock up on supplies. On the left is another jack-o-lantern on a table, near a katana on the wall. You must now find the Tome of Asrahmat, which will be in a random location in the library. If the tome isn't on the table at the back of the library, 2nd floor, then it is located in one of the two secret rooms. Search for the lever, open up the secret room, smash the glass and take the book. On the 2nd floor of the library is a door blocked by crates. Smash the crates and go through the door. This takes you to a secret balcony above the gameroom, where you'll find tier 2 weapons and another jack-o-lantern. Then head back to the library, and place the book in the magic circle. Now prepare for the horde. It is advised to defend from one of the balconies and not from the area above the main entrance, as the zombies can come through the window and attack you from behind. Once the ritual has concluded, the magic seal will break, granting you access to the 2nd floor. Wait for the book to come back down, and pick it up, as you'll need it later. (12 jack-o-lanterns in total) Head through the now unsealed door on the 2nd floor of the library and avoid the gap on your left. Instead, take the first door on your right (at the wheelchair) and find another jack-o-lantern in the bathroom. Then double back to the hallway and take the other door. Make your way through the upper west wing until you find yourself back outside, above the manor entrance. You'll pass another jack-o-lantern which is easy to miss. It is just behind the door. There are also tier 2 weapons here on a table. Then head into the east wing of the manor. (14 jack-o-lanterns in total) Keep a lookout for the Hexagonal Crank, which will be in a random location of the 2nd floor of the east wing. As you head through the first hallway, don't miss the jack-o-lantern to your left, below the window. You can either continue on your way through the dark bedrooms on the left, or explore the bedroom to the right. Another jack-o-lantern is located in the bedroom on the right, but it is easy to miss if coming from the other side, as it will be behind the door. Lastly, head into the large bedroom with the two beds, and notice the secret tunnel at the back of the closet. There's another lever at the end of this passage, leading into another bedroom. Leave the bedroom and open the shortcut into the gameroom on your right. The head left, to the pole with the hexagonal slot. If you haven't found the hex-crank at this point, recheck the rooms you just passed. Once found, place the crank in the slot and hold the use button. The other survivors will need to defend you as you slowly lower the ladder. (16 jack-o-lanterns in total) Head up the ladder and into the ritual room. At higher difficulties, there are less medkits in this room. Placing the Book of Asrahmat on the altar will immediately start the finale, but you might want to explore a bit first. From the ladder, when facing the Cthulhu statues, this will from now on be considered north. The doors to your left are the west wing attic, and the doors to your right are the east wing attic. It is easy to get lost here. The south door is a shortcut back to the mainhall. The first door in the west, leads to a locked pumpkin door. This door will only open once you've lit every jack-o-lantern, so lets do that now. From the ritual room, head through the first door on the right and then straight ahead. This leads into a small seance room, where another jack-o-lantern is located. Leave the seance room, and follow the wall to your left until you see a flight of stairs. Another jack-o-lantern is located on a shelve at the top of the stairs. Exit the upper room via the door on the left, which takes you outside onto the roof. There is an extra ammo pile located here on a table. (18 jack-o-lanterns in total) From the rooftop, take the small path between the two rooftops and go through the door at the end. In this dark attic room, take the first door on the right until you find yourself inside a large room with stained glass windows. There's another jack-o-lantern located on top of the platform above the exit. Remember the location of the exit blocked by a magic seal, as you'll need to exit the manor here after the finale. For now, head up the staircase at the back left of the room. Head through the first doorway until you find yourself at a stairhouse with an old wooden staircase leading down. The last jack-o-lantern is located on a large crate here. You can now descend the stairs, head straight ahead, and take the last door at the end (next to the blocked stairs). This will take you back to the Ritual Room. The pumpkin door to the observatory is now unlocked. You will find the game's strongest weapons here, as well as some other pickups. (20 jack-o-lanterns in total) The finale: Place the Book of Asrahmat on the altar and the tomb will immediately start opening. You must collect blood candles for the ritual, which will seal the tomb for good. A ghost called The Darkness will crawl from its stone coffin and start chasing the survivors. The ghost cannot be harmed by any weapons and will kill any survivor instantly upon touch. The ghost can walk through walls, so pay attention to which survivor is being targeted and listen to its sound cues to know how close it is. Search the attic for all the candles (which appear in semi random locations). You need 13, but there are always 14 candles to be found. Unlike with a normal scavenge event, the game tracks the total number of candles collected by the group, so anyone can place the candles. Once all 13 candles have been placed, the Darkness is drawn back into the tomb. Wait for the ritual to complete and deal with any tanks, before making a dash for the exit. Once the ritual is complete the seal on the exit will break. But beware! At higher difficulties a bonus tank spawn right at the exit. Make your way outside, descend the fire escape and stand within the marked area near the hearse. Congratulations, you have escaped! CREDITS Special thanks to Robin for providing the voice of Charles England. Also thanks to Sigilien, Warbishop and Robin for testing the campaign. This mod includes a modified version of the Cadillac Hearse model by Dr House and its coffin. Retextured Necronomicon and the mirror by TurdBurglar & Stay Puft, from their Left For Evil Dead mod. Sae model, Camera Obscura and music from Fatal Frame. Jack-o-lantern models from Guild Wars 2. Music extract from The Haunting of Hillhouse. Curtain model from Silenthill 2. Orrery model by Korolevalidia. Gramophone model by Devansh Tyagi. Blood altar model by Runsbuns. Cthulhu statue model by Samize. Stylized Runic Pillar model by Unixium. Jur-Tomb model by A_Hornets_Nest. Iron Brushed Trunk model by Capus-design. Many sounds used from