Wednesday Jan 18 2017 21:22 version 1.0 Joe's Mandalore reskin This skin colors Mandalore,and gives him a Bobba Fett style paintjob,also I have played with the reflectivity of various areas of the Helmet.....Also I have upped his resolution to 1024 x 1024. This is a remake of my Mandalore skin from my 5 year old mod,TSL Party Project.. I am currently reworking all skins on that mod and plan on releasing a version 2.0 I have included an additional file,a modified CM_baremetal file from a different mod.I think it was an ebon hawk reskin... This might cause some friction ,But it creates a better reflection so i have included it. If the CM_Baremetal.tga is yours,I apologize... I know it was in my override folder... and this is a terrible excuse,but I simply don't know who created this file..You may tell me to remove it and I will or I will credit you,if you allow it..I hope you do as I have a few droid skins I would like to use it on....So thanks for considering letting me use it.. Installation.. Pop the 3 .tga files into your override folder... to uninstall,just remove them... hope you like it.