GrimReaper2121’s ReShade Presets Note: Intended for Deus Ex Human Revolution (Director's Cut) Running on DirectX 11 Hello everyone! It has been many years! My last mods were for Fallout New Vegas (yes, really, that long ago). Adulting has a way to keep you from sometimes devoting time to things you love and enjoy. Here is my ReShade Presets for Deus Ex Human Revolution Director’s Cut running on DX11. I love you all. Take care and stay safe. Installation Instructions 1) Go to and download the most recent ReShade. 2) Install ReShade browsing to your DXHRDC installation and select DXHRDC.exe. 3) Extract the I Asked For This.ini, dxgi.ini, and the reshade-shaders folder from GrimReaper2121’s ReShade ZIP file into your game directory, overwriting all files if prompted.