These instructions are only for the "Reignite" version of JAM. The other version with only the epilogue music change does not need any of the changes listed below. This also isn't the readme included with the download. Instead, this covers the issue if you have an "exploded" Default.sfar because you have used texplorer. As of this writing, early 2015, the method below should solve it. I have a hunch that the way Default.sfar will get extracted by texplorer in the future may actually make these instructions obsolete. Using me3explorer, open up the Default sfar in DLC_CON_END. Extract all the remaining files from the CookedPCConsole folder in the Default.sfar into the CookedPCConsole folder where the Default.sfar unpacked you other pcc files. In Windows Explorer, create a Movies folder at the same level as CookedPCConsole so it's DLC_CON_END\Movies. Back in me3explorer, extract all the movies from the Default.sfar into that folder. Extract the PCConsoleTOC.bin file into the root of DLC_CON_END. Close the DLC editor. Open the TOC Tools -> AutoTOC and run it on the PCConsoleTOC.bin file you placed in DLC_CON_END. That should make it work. You've essentially made the official DLC_CON_END into the JohnP DLC method of a mod. Tip: For an example of how the DLC_CON_END folder should look with regards to PCConsoleTOC.bin, Movies folder, CookedPCConsole folder; simply look at DLC_CON_JAM to see the folder layout.