Instructions - Backup your files! - Open ME3Explorer ver. 109K - Tools\Mod Maker - File\Load Jobs, open .mod file. - Run\Run all. - Tools\TOCbinUpdater\File\Check PCConsoleTOC.bin - Find PCConsoleTOC.bin in your BIOGame folder and open it. - Let the scan run and click «YES» when the window pops up. If you have the Citadel DLC: - Get the DLC Patcher here: - Open ME3Explorer - Developer Tools\TOC\DLC TOC bin updater - File\Check SFAR - Go to ...BIOGame\DLC\DLC_EXP_Pack003_Base\CookedPCConsole - Find and open Default.sfar. - When the "Done" window pops up, press "OK", and enjoy your game!