Hello and welcome to the N7 Armour Mod Installation Steps: 1. Copy from the "DLC_CON_ARMOUR" folder to inside the "...BIOGame\DLC" folder 2. Copy from 'Files' the contents of "For Placement in Binaries_Win32 Folder" to "...\Binaries\Win32" folder [only if you don't already have these files] 3. Enjoy! CREDITS (Please note that I have attempted to contact one author for permission but have not been able to get in touch. If that author does not wish their work to be part of this mod, as soon as they contact me I will remove it) Bioware - creation of all original assets princessdemeter - N7 Kaidan armour (male - N7 Shadow) - N7 Pheonix (male - N7 Fury) - Mass Effect 1 N7 Onyx armours Pezza - N7 Terminus (Battlesuit) textures - N7 Inferno (Paladin) textures FeralEwok - N7 Ajax textures (modified by me) - N7 Shadow (female) textures - N7 Slayer (male) textures Ele08 - Cat6 female armour mesh export - N7 Adept mesh export ashley66444 - creating a femshep PCC that included more armour meshes VasFar - Cat6 male armour mesh and texture export qly22 - making the male Cat6 armour available on Nexus voodoo-season - Ashley armour mesh for FemShep (female - N7 Slayer) Excella Gionne - providing the basis for the code to introduce the Collector SMG, Collector Sniper Rifle, and Geth Spitfire into single-player