ME3 Gameplay tweaks: - General description - Game system settings; - Custom controls; - Main game settings; - Player properties; - Galaxy exploration; - Combat tweaks; - Mix settings to edit; ^ Here described 'Mass Effect 3 Coalesced.bin tool' and 'TankMaster`s Coalesce Interface' edit metods as most efficient. If you want to edit weapons through Wench Coalesced editor you must manually find values in editor (see weapon table) ^ ++++++++++++++++++++ General description ++++++++++++++++++++ All ME3 main game gameplay properties are stored in Coalesced.bin / biodifficulty, bioengine, biogame, bioinput, bioui, bioweapon files; All ME3 DLC gameplay properties are stored in Default_DLC_(DLC NAME).bin / biogame, bioui files (in each DLC folder); Most DLC gameplay properties already included to base game Coalesced.bin - DLC only add/override several values there; ^ Edit tutorial: Mass Effect 3 Coalesced.bin tool ------------------------------------ How to use: // Mass Effect 3 Coalesced.bin tool disassembles Coalesced.bin to .json files, which can be assembled back after adding changes // To decompile: - Drop a Coalesced.bin file into the "Gibbed.MassEffect3.Coalesced.EXE" to decompile the .bin file into .json files. It will decompile .bin to a folder with the same filename (same as DLC); - Remove/move for backup Coalesced.bin; - Edit file(s) with Notepad++; To (re)compile: - Drop the folder with the .json files (that were decompiled) back onto the "Gibbed.MassEffect3.Coalesce.EXE". It will make a new .bin file with the same filename (same as DLC); - Place New Coalesced.bin to its folder; ------------------------------------ Mass Effect 3 Mod Manager Use TankMaster`s Coalesce Interface ------------------------------------ How to use: // TankMaster`s Coalesce Interface disassembles Coalesced.bin to .xml files, which can be assembled back after adding changes // To decompile: - Drop a Coalesced.bin file into the opened Mod Managed window to decompile the .bin file into .xml files. It will decompile .bin to a folder with the same filename (same as DLC); - Remove/move for backup Coalesced.bin; - Edit file(s) with Notepad++; To (re)compile: - Drop the manifest .xml file with the same name of DLC (that was decompiled) back onto the opened Mod Managed window. It will make a new .bin file with the same filename (same as DLC); - Place New Coalesced.bin to its folder; ------------------------------------ Note: Gibbed's DLC Coalesced.bin tool does not properly serialize Type 3 and Type 4 entries which will (may) make duplicate elements appear in multiple places in the game, such as maplists and store items. ------------------------------------ How to edit my DLC: - Open my DLC folder - Decompile DLC`s .bin - Delete DLC`s .bin - Open decompiled DLC folder > Open file that you want to edit in Notepad++ - Open default base game Coalesced`s / default DLC`s folder - Decompile .bin(s) - Open file that you want to edit in Notepad++ - Use Nodepad++ Compare plugin - In default file select desired code line(s) > paste it to my DLC file / or edit value(s) there - Save file(s) - Compile my DLC - Delete decompiled DLC bin folder - ME3 Explorer / ME3 Mod Manager run AutoTOC utility /reload ME3 MM/ ------------------------------------ ^ Coalesced.bin structure: @coalesced - list of files - what to initialize (same name as DLC folder); bioai - AI settings (behavior, health, weapons, etc); biocompat - PC system settings configurator (CPU, GPU, etc); biocredits - game credits; biodifficulty - various configurations for each difficulty level; bioengine - system settings (graphics, textures, etc); biogame - global settings for gameplay (player, squad, game behavior, etc); bioinput - controls (keybord); biolightmass - light graphical system settings; biotest - developer section - game tests; bioui - additional global settings for gameplay (stores, etc); bioweapon - weapons properties; Difficulty modes: biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - NARRATIVE/STORY; level2difficultydata - CASUAL; level3difficultydata - NORMAL; level4difficultydata - HARDCORE; level5difficultydata - INSANITY; ^ Edit description: - Json file strings format: "sfxgame.sfxinventorymanager": { "maxmedigel": [ {"..."} ], "maxgrenades": [ {"..."} ] }, - Logic of value types: "0" - for force override; "2" - override and if not present add; Set "Type": 0, or type="0" to override value; Set "Type": 2, or type="2" to add value; - Always check accuracy of writing when you edit file! - Add code lines in alphabet order; - Place comma between lines in section, last line don`t contain comma - remove it after last line when you copy/paste lines; - Upcase and lowcase code lines are equal - Damage=damage; - Float numbers can be edited: 1.f > 2.0f; - In Notepad++ is present option to expand/collapse code sections - its useful for edit large files (+/- symbols on the field); Numerical values: Integer: Y=80; (min=0; max=unlimited, (recomended=999)); Boolean: true / false; (true=yes/on/use; false=no/off/don't use); Float type1: 0.7; (min=0.0/0; max=unlimited, (recomended=99.0)); Float type2: 0.7f; (min=0.0f; max=unlimited, (recomended=99.0f)); (f=float); Description structure: biogame -- .json/xml filename; SFXGame.BioConversation -- section in file; m_fShowLastLineOffset=0.0 -- value; ++++++++++++++++++++ Game system settings ++++++++++++++++++++ ======== How to disable logo movies ========= - Open "bioengine > fullscreenmovie > startupmovies" find "ME3_sig_logo" and "StartupLoop"; - Comment lines - use [< ; >] - ;ME3_sig_logo and ;StartupLoop ======== Alter how long the credits take to scroll ========= biocredits totalrunningtime=180 That makes it 3 minutes instead of the default of ~4:15; ======== Fix for mouse acceleration ========= bioinput bEnableMouseSmoothing=false MouseSensitivity=0.15 bUseMouseDampening=false - Now controlling mouse became much easier; // Set your desired mouse sensitivity in main menu //; ++++++++++++++++++++ Custom controls ++++++++++++++++++++ // ALL BUTTONS CAN BE REMAPPED: - Set your custom button in Name="..."//; // Add optional dual keys: Alt, Control, Shift: Bindings=( Name="K", Command="show scaleform",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=True) //; // If you set binding to default control key (for example: [Shift]) - dont forget to change controls (remove command) in the MAIN MENU (For example, when Shift is your Sprint key) //; // All keys settings are stored in bioinput file //; If you want to EDIT Coalesced files you can ADD options below to your file: Sections: sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase - Base section - all controls you add affect all game modes: exploration, combat, conversation, galactic map/scaning planets, vehicle drive, etc; sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault - all controls you add affect player camera in game modes: exploration, combat; sfxgame.sfxgamemodecommand - Main menu - (I don`t recomend to add anything to this section - it wont work); sfxgame.sfxgamemodeconversation - Dialogs with persons - (I don`t recomend to add anything to this section - it wont work); sfxgame.sfxgamemodecinematic - In-game movies/cutscenes (they all are pre-rendered - even texture mods can`t affect them) - (I don`t recomend to add anything to this section - it wont work); sfxgame.sfxgamemodegui - Player interface mode - HUD and command menu; sfxgame.sfxgamemodemovie - In-game movies/cutscenes (they all are pre-rendered - even texture mods can`t affect them) - (I don`t recomend to add anything to this section - it wont work); sfxgame.sfxgamemodegalaxy - Normandy on the galaxy exploration mode; sfxgame.sfxgamemodeorbital - Planet scanning mode; sfxgame.sfxgamemodevehicle + sfxgame.sfxgamemodeatlas - Vehicle drive mode (Atlas); sfxgame.sfxgamemodedreamsequence - Controls in dreams; sfxgame.sfxgamemodeflycam - Controls in FlyCamera mode; ======== Pause ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase ( Name=\"F1\", Command=\"PlayersOnly\" ) - This option is set Pause global usage. Works in exploration, combat, dialogs, etc; (Press button to switch on/off); ======== Player camera ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"F2\", Command=\"set SFXGame.SFXCameraMode FOV 100\" ) ( Name=\"F3\", Command=\"set SFXGame.SFXCameraMode FOV 17\" ) ( Name=\"F4\", Command=\"set SFXGame.SFXCameraMode FOV 75\" ) - This options are set camera view distance: 100 - camera moves to more far distance from player`s back - it is handy when you want bigger view angle for contolling combat; 17 - ME3 now became 1-st person shooter! You can shoot from 1-st person view (camera not centered, but hey, at least now you won`t see Shepard`s back every time in combat); 75 - default value - press button to return to default camera view; // camera settings are temporary - works in one location - to next level loading //; ======== Teleport ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"F6\", Command=\"Teleport\" ) - Moves player to location where crosshair points. Player can be teleported only into flat surface in combat mode; ======== Hide HUD ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase ( Name=\"F7\", Command=\"Show Scaleform\" ) - Hide/Show Scaleform (HUD & Subtitles & Messages & Hints & Interface panels) - interactive objects display on screen in and out of combat mode (Press button to hide/show); ( Name=\"F8\", Command=\"ShowHUD\" ) - Hides HUD - interactive objects display on screen in and out of combat mode (Press button to hide/show); /In combat hides all elements except quick access bar/; +++ Note: There is a way to completely remove selectors (temporary of cource): C:\Users\\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\Config GamerSettings.ini LensFlares=False Add this line under [SystemSettings] category; // ! Main disadvantage of this parameter: you will loose possibility to interact with enviroment/world - all interaction points are dissapeares // Lens Flare - is an effect seen when staring at a bright light source, such as a Sun, or gun muzzle flashes. There are halo effects or changes in light intensity when this happens. Bioware strangely use this post process effect to draw selectors on your screen; But this option usefull when you make screenshots; Back to normal settings: just set LensFlares=True // +++ ======== Fly camera ========= sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase ( Name=\"F10\", Command=\"ToggleFlyCam\" ) - Allows camera to fly across the map; (Press button to switch on/off); Toggling the flycam during conversation mode will not allow you to move or look around unless you add the following commands: ( Name="MouseX", Command="PC_LookX" ) ( Name="MouseY", Command="PC_LookY" ) ( Name="A", Command="PC_StrafeLeft" ) ( Name="W", Command="PC_MoveForward" ) ( Name="D", Command="PC_StrafeRight" ) ( Name="S", Command="PC_MoveBackward" ) // controls for fly camera mode also stored in "sfgame.sfxgamemodeflycam" section //; ======== Take screenshots ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase ( Name=\"F11\", Command=\"Shot\" ) - Screenshots will be stored in: 'C:\Users\\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\ScreenShots\...'; // In .bmp file format (use image editors to convert screenshots to .png or another format) //; ( Name=\"F12\", Command=\"TiledShot 2\" ) - Snapshot of high quality - works correctly when depthoffield = False; Take screenshot with custom size of the screen resolution: TiledShot 3x3 - with a grid of 3x3 (input 1440x900, result 4320x2700); TiledShot 2 - twice the size of dimensions; TiledShot 2 200 - twice the dimension, overlaps 200 pixels from a grid cell; // can't be smaller than 2 //; ======== LEVITATION ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"Z\", Command=\"Fly | OnRelease walk\" ) - Shepard now can levitate [when holding button] - by using 30-45 degrees ground flat surface as launchpad; (prevents falling); "Walk" restores normal walking ability; // Note: this is Unreal engine 3 default console option that allows limited player-fly ability with locked camera - use with caution! - don`t fly over the map //; ======== GHOST mode ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"X\", Command=\"Ghost | OnRelease walk\" ) - Shepard now can float in any direction, even through walls [when holding button] - you can walk through all surfaces - all obstructions will be removed; (disables collision clipping, prevents falling); "Walk" restores normal walking ability; // Note: this is Unreal engine 3 default console option that allows limited player-fly ability with locked camera - use with caution! - don`t fly over the map //; ======== Fast game speed for travel and cutscenes ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase ( Name=\"MiddleMouseButton\", Command=\"SloMo 5 | OnRelease SloMo 1\" ) - This hotkey increases game speed x5 time while holding the "MiddleMouseButton"; It's helpful when traveling big distances, such as hub zones or planetary surface. It also works in cutscenes, allowing you to fast-forward normally unskippable cutscenes. Speed multiplier may be arbitrary. Using this on a keyboard key sometimes causes glitches, but binding on a mouse key doesn't; ======== Combat/exploration mode ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"PageUp\", Command=\"set SFXPawn_Player bCombatPawn true | QuickSave | QuickLoad\" ) ( Name=\"PageDown\", Command=\"set SFXPawn_Player bCombatPawn false | QuickSave | QuickLoad\" ) - This commands load combat and exploration modes - you can holster weapon down and run through combat area as in non-combat areas; // Lines with fast saving and loading are necessary, because at the moment of the game in memory there is no animation for transition between the modes: Explorer and Battle, which will lead to the drop of the client //; // ! If you make a save in the middle of shooting enemies, then when you load that save - enemies from current spawn won't be there; Slaughter all enemies and only then switch to exploration mode //; ======== Armor/casual appearance mode ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"Underscore\", Command=\"set SFXPawn_Player busecasualAppearance true | QuickSave | QuickLoad\" ) /<-> or <_>/; ( Name=\"Equals\", Command=\"set SFXPawn_Player busecasualAppearance false | QuickSave | QuickLoad\" ) /<=> or <+>/; - This commands load player`s armor(combat) and casual appearance(exploration) modes - you can wear casual clothes in combat areas and vice versa; // Lines with fast saving and loading are necessary, because at the moment of the game in memory there is no animation for transition between the modes: Explorer and Battle, which will lead to the drop of the client //; // ! If you make a save in the middle of shooting enemies, then when you load that save - enemies from current spawn won't be there; Slaughter all enemies and only then switch to casual appearance mode //; ======== Weapon selection menu ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"End\", Command=\"ShowWeaponSelection\" ) - Opens loadout menu; ======== Squad selection menu ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodedefault ( Name=\"Add\", Command=\"ce hench_picksquad\" ) /Num+/ - Select available henchmen where you are standing from menu (in the middle of mission); ( Name=\"Subtract\", Command=\"ce hench_empty\" ) /Num-/ - Play solo (removes squad); // Don't use this in tutorial Anderson, DLC Omega, or any other mission, where your squadmate is leading the way to objective //; ======== Global gravity alteration ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase ( Name=\"O\", Command=\"setgravity -381.0\" ) ( Name=\"P\", Command=\"setgravity -981.0\" ) - Set Gravity value to 1/3 from Earth type; /O - On; P - Off/; // changes gravitational pull direction. Positive values above zero gives: anything that loose touch with ground is pulled up. Negative values from -0.001 to -999.999 gives weakened gravity (fall very slowly). -981.0 is default value. Negative values below -1000 pulls down strongly (increases gravity) //; ======== Teleport to the Normandy ======== sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase ( Name=\"Home\", Command=\"at biop_nor\" ) - Load Norandy level; // Note: when you are on Normady shuttle bay, crew deck or another mission , it may trigger landing off the map, in space, or trigger a mission start without squad, and without a cutscene at the beginning //; ++++++++++++++++++++ Main game settings ++++++++++++++++++++ ======== Skills ========= biogame sfxgame.sfxgameconfig levelrewards (Level=60,ExperienceRequired=121400,TalentReward=12,HenchmanTalentReward=18) - Determines given skill points count/per level for player and squad; // when you manage your and your squad skilltrees it is always newer enough skills to achieve higher levels of them - 1 or 2 skillpoints always required. Now you can unlock max skill levels in each branch //; ======== Conversation ========= biogame sfxgame.bioconversationcontroller m_fShowLastLineOffset=0.0 - In conversations, determines how much time passes between the NPC last line and the appearance of the dialogue wheel. Setting this to 0.0 will cause the wheel to appear immediately, and helps prevent choosing unwanted answers when skipping dialogue; m_fShowRepliesOffset=20.0 - Option makes the dialogue wheel appear as soon as an NPC's last line of dialog starts; m_fDefaultInterruptWindowDuration=3.0 - Paragon/Renegade dialogues interrupts duration; bioinput sfxgame.sfxgamemodeconversation ( Name=\"SpaceBar\",Command=\"set BioConversationController m_bSkipRequested true | OnRelease set BioConversationController m_bSkipRequested false\") - Skip conversations without accidentally choosing responses; ======== Notifications and hints ========= biogame sfxgame.biohintsystembase m_fMinimumTimeBetweenAnyHints=20 - Time between hint messages display; // in seconds //; m_aHints=(HintName= ... MaxDifficulty=1 - Disabled hints after Tutorial level (prologue Earth), except in NARRATIVE difficulty; m_NotificationData=(nmType= ... DisplayTime=0.5 - Reduced the amount of time the notification boxes display; // in seconds //; nwwisemusicvolumertpcplotvar=5 - Volume of notification messages; bioui sfxgame.bioeventnotifier fpassivepopupdisplaytime=2f - Popup messages display time; nwwisemusicvolumertpcplotvar=5 - Volume of notification messages; bioui sfxgame.biosfhandler_choicegui m_nInfoScrollSpeed=4 - Time between pop-up info messages display (money, upgrades, etc); ======== Player`s HUD ========= (head-up display) bioinput sfxgame.sfxgamemodebase radarmapdisplaytime=7.0 - Map with quest marker time display (when you holding map button); bioui sfxgame.sfxsfhandler_hud m_fFullStatFadeTime=0.001 - Time of full recharged shield`s bar dissapeares from the screen out of combat and when combat ends; m_fBarAnimRate=15 - Combat menu/power wheel show/hide speed; m_fLowHealthWarning=0.05 - Red "veins" on the screen display when your health is low; biogame sfxgame.biopawn RadarRange=7000.0f RadarFOV=65.0f - Radar scan range and zoom (small round map with quest marker); ++++++++++++++++++++ Player properties ++++++++++++++++++++ ======== Stamina & physical damage ========= biogame sfxgame.sfxgame physicsdamagemultiplier=1.2f - Damage that player deal in melee combat; StormStamina=10000.0 - Combat stamina duration; StormRegen=10000.0 - Combat stamina regen speed; StormStaminaNonCombat=7.0 - Non-combat stamina duration; StormRegenNonCombat=3.0 - Non-combat stamina regen speed; ======== Medkits & grenades ========= bioweapon sfxgame.sfxinventorymanager maxmedigel=10 maxgrenades=10 - Base medigel & grenades capacity (without upgrades); biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; (StatName=\"MedigelHealAmount\",StatRange=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f)) - How much health will be restored when you use medigel; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max=1.0f / where 1.0f=100% /; (StatName=\"XPForExcessMedigel\",StatRange=(X=25.0f,Y=25.0f)) - XP count given on medkit pickup; 25.0f=250 XP; // when player`s medigel capacity is full, when you pickup more medkits - you will receive some amount of XP //; ------------- Health ------------- -------------------------- Health base capacity value is unknown - we could change only health sections, modifiers per difficulty and skill levels; -------------------------- Health gate -- It's when enemy single attack deal more damage than your remaining health, the extra damage will be block on certain %; Enemies have it too, though for them it only reduces the extra damage that carries over into health or armor instead of eliminating it entirely; - Health gate has a cool down time (minhealthgateinterval). This means if a gate is broken and you regain health from medkit or heath regeneration starts then how much seconds must pass before the gate will block enemy damage; // if (healthgatethreshold=0.25f); (minhealthgateinterval=2.0f); (PlayerHealthGateDuration=3.0f) = your incoming damage will be reduced on 25% on 3 seconds every 2 seconds when your shield is depleted //; -------------------------- ======== Global health parameters ========= biogame sfxgame.sfxmodule_damagenativebase total_health_steps=10 - Global health bar is separated to sections /for squadmates and AI/; ======== Player + squad health parameters ========= biogame sfxgame.sfxmodule_damageparty healthgatethreshold=0.25f - Health gate - incoming health damage reduction; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max=1.0f / where 1.0f=100% /; healthregendelay=1.f - Delay between: when player receives health damage and health regeneration starts; // in seconds //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; minhealthgateinterval=0.1f - Health gate cool down time; // in seconds //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; - This means if a gate is broken and you regain health from medkit or heath regeneration starts then how much seconds must pass before the gate will block enemy damage on certain % (healthgatethreshold=0.25f); ======== Player health parameters ========= biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; (StatName=\"PlayerHealthGateDuration\",StatRange=(X=1.5f,Y=1.5f)) - Health gate duration time; // in seconds //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; biogame sfxgame.sfxmodule_damageplayer total_health_steps=15 - Player`s health bar is separated to sections; healthgatethreshold=0.25f -> same value for squad as in section above ^; healthregenpct=0.3f - Amount of health will be restored on health regeneration; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max=1.0f / where 1.0f=100% /; - health regeneration will start after delay (healthregendelay=1.f (in seconds)); initialbleedoutpct=0.1 bleedoutstartthreshold=0.1f - when player`s health equal/below this values - player starts to bleed out and loose some amount of health/per second; // in %-s //; min=0.0(f); max=1.0(f) / where 1.0(f)=100% /; bleedoutsfxinterpspeed=2.0 bleedoutvfxinterpspeed=2.0 - bleed out speed; - when player`s health equal/below (initialbleedoutpct) and (bleedoutstartthreshold) values - player starts to bleed out and loose some amount of health/per second; min=0.0; max=unlim; ------------- Shields ------------- -------------------------- Shield base capacity value is unknown - we could change only Shield sections, modifiers per difficulty and skill levels; -------------------------- Shield gate -- It's when enemy single attack deal more damage than your remaining shields, the extra damage doesn't carry over into health; Enemies have it too, though for them it only reduces the extra damage that carries over into health or armor instead of eliminating it entirely. - Shield gate has a cool down time (minshieldgateinterval). This means if a gate is broken and you regain shields from some power/drone then 3 (more/less) seconds must pass before the gate will block enemy damage; // if (minshieldgateinterval=3.0f); (PlayerShieldGateDuration=3.0f) = your incoming damage will be reduced on 100% on 3 seconds every 3 seconds when your shield is depleted //; -------------------------- ======== Global shields parameters ========= biogame sfxgame.sfxgameconfig bshieldsblockpowers= false - Biotic & tech powers now can ignore shields; bioweapon sfxgame.sfxshield_base total_shield_steps=10 - Global shield bar is separated to sections /for squadmates and AI/; ======== Player + squad shields parameters ========= biogame sfxgame.sfxmodule_damageparty minshieldgateinterval=1.0f - Shield gate cool down time; // in seconds //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; - This means if a gate is broken and you regain shields from some power/drone then 3 (more/less) seconds must pass before the gate will block enemy damage to player`s health; ======== Player shield parameters ========= biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; (StatName=\"PlayerShieldGateDuration\",StatRange=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f)) - Shield gate duration time; // in seconds //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; bioweapon sfxgame.sfxshield_player total_shield_steps=15 - Player`s shield bar is separated to sections; (StatName=\"PlayerShieldRegenDelayFromDestroyed\",StatRange=(X=2.0f,Y=2.0f)) - Shield regeneration delay time when fully depleted; // in seconds //; min=0.01f; max=unlim; / if set to 0.0f - it won`t be regenerated /; - When player`s shield completely depleted - value determines how much seconds must pass before it starts to regenerate; (StatName=\"PlayerShieldRegenDelayFromPartial\",StatRange=(X=1.5f,Y=1.5f)) - Shield regeneration delay time when depleted on certain %; // in seconds //; min=0.01f; max=unlim; / if set to 0.0f - it won`t be regenerated /; - When player`s shield slightly depleted (damaged on 1%-99%) - value determines how much seconds must pass before it starts to regenerate; (StatName=\"PlayerShieldRegenPct\",StatRange=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f)) - Amount of shield will be restored on shield regeneration; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max=1.0f / where 1.0f=100% /; - shield regeneration will start after delay (PlayerShieldRegenDelayFromPartial=1.f OR PlayerShieldRegenDelayFromDestroyed=1.f (in seconds)); ------------- Skills for health & shields ------------- // Health & shields values can be changed through Fitness skill //; sfxgamecontent.sfxpowercustomaction_adeptmeleepassive sfxgamecontent.sfxpowercustomaction_engineermeleepassive sfxgamecontent.sfxpowercustomaction_infiltratormeleepassive sfxgamecontent.sfxpowercustomaction_sentinelmeleepassive sfxgamecontent.sfxpowercustomaction_soldiermeleepassive sfxgamecontent.sfxpowercustomaction_vanguardmeleepassive evolve_healthshieldbonus1=0.0f / Rank 4B /; evolve_healthshieldbonus2=0.0f / Rank 6B /; evolve_shieldregenbonus=0.0f / Rank 5B /; healthshieldbonus / Rank 1 and Rank 2 /; - Health & shields bonuses per skill level; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max=unlim / where 1.0f=100% /; ++++++++++++++++++++ Galaxy exploration ++++++++++++++++++++ ======== Normandy fuel capacity ======== bioweapon sfxgame.sfxinventorymanager MaxFuel=3000 FuelEfficiency=1.0 - Modifier for fuel consumption: 1.0 = 1 point /second (0.0 - disabled fuel consumption); ======== Normandy speed ======== biogame sfxgame.biocamerabehaviorgalaxy m_fShipMinRotationSpeed=340 m_fShipMaxRotationSpeed=520 - Speed of turning the ship around its axis-min / max; m_fShipSystemAccel=7.0 - Ship's motion speed within the planetary system; m_fShipClusterAccel=3.0 - Ship's motion speed within the planetary cluster; m_fShipSystemDeccel=4.0 - Magnitude of ship's acceleration, during both at speed quicken and damping within the planetary system; m_fShipClusterDeccel=2.0 - Magnitude of ship's acceleration, during both at speed quicken and damping within the planetary cluster; ======== Normandy scanning range ========= biogame sfxgame.bioplanet m_fscandetectionrange= 180.0 - Cluster scanning range in galaxy exploration mode; // Anything over 240 should cover an entire system in one scan //; ======== Planet scanning speed ========= bioinput sfxgame.sfxgamemodeorbital reticledegreespersecond=120.0 scanningreticledegreespersecond=50.0 scanningplanetrotationdegreespersecond=35.0 Rotate the planet faster when scanning // in degrees //; ======== Reapers ========= biogame sfxgamecontent.sfxgalaxymapreaper acceleration= 0.0 - acceleration speed (from 0 to maxspeed); m_fscandetectionrange= 10 - detection range (how close you must be to cluster`s edge so they can detect your presence); maxspeed= 0.0 - maximum speed (how fast they can move when they finish to accelerate); ++++++++++++++++++++ ME1 & ME2 import bonuses ++++++++++++++++++++ biogame sfxgame.biolevelupsystem me2importreputationamount=0.2f - Amount of reputation given to imported character from ME2; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max~=unlim; sfxgamecontentlivekismet.sfxseqact_newgamebonuses ME1ImportBonuses=(BonusMinLevel=1,BonusMaxLevel=49,XPBonus=1000,CreditsBonus=75000,ResourceBonus=25000) ME1ImportBonuses=(BonusMinLevel=50,BonusMaxLevel=59,XPBonus=2000,CreditsBonus=150000,ResourceBonus=50000) ME1ImportBonuses=(BonusMinLevel=60,BonusMaxLevel=60,XPBonus=4000,CreditsBonus=200000,ResourceBonus=75000) ME1_RichAchievementCreditBonus=100000 ME1_ParagonRenegadeMaxBonus=400 SecondPlaythrough_CreditsBonus=300000 - Determines bonuses given to imported player from ME1: credits, resources, paragon/renegade points; ++++++++++++++++++++ Combat tweaks ++++++++++++++++++++ ======== Damage bonus and damage reduction ========= biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; (StatName=\"NoCoverDamageBonus\",StatRange=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f)) - Damage bonus in firefight out of cover; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; (where 1.0f=100%) (StatName=\"CoverDamageReduction\",StatRange=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f)) - Damage reduction in firefight in cover; // in %-s //; min=0.0f; max=1.0f; (where 1.0f=100%) ======== Squad ========= ------------- Offence and defence ------------- bioai sfxgame.sfxai_henchman henchmanattackbonus=2.0 ~ damage bonus/agressiveness on the battlefield/attacks count/enemy`s damage deal to them/damage resistance during attack; // damagehench=1.0f parameter in bioweapon file will set same amount of damage that squad will deal to the enemies as player //; henchmanattackduration=15.0 - duration of each attack, when attack ends squadmate will take cover; // in seconds //; henchmandefensebonus=0.1 ~ damage resistance (/while they stay in cover); henchmandefenseduration=3.0 - duration of taking cover, when defence ends (out of cover)squadmate will start to attack; // in seconds //; biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; (StatName=\"OutHenchDamageScale\",StatRange=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f)) - Squadmates damage increasing; // in %-s //; min=-0.9f; max=unlim; (where -1.0f=100%) // note, that DamageHench=1.0f also set similar value in proportion to player`s damage ((per specific gun/global for guns) damage that described in bioweapon file) //; // DamageHench=1.0f - for squad, is set // (StatName=\"HenchDamageTaken\",StatRange=(X=-0.5f,Y=-0.5f)) - Squadmates damage reduction; // in %-s //; min=-1.0f; max=unlim (where -1.0f=100%) // less values = more damage resistance //; ------------- Resurrection ------------- biogame sfxgame.sfxpawn_playerparty freviverange=1000.f - Resurrection distance to squadmate; // in meters //; 1000.f~=10 meters; ftimetorevive=0.7f - Squad resurrection time; // in seconds //; min=0.01f; max=unlim; biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; (StatName=\"ReviveHealthReturn\",StatRange=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f)) - How much health do you restore on squad resurrection; // in %-s //; min=0.01f; max=1.0f; (where 1.0f=100%) (StatName=\"ReviveDamageReductionAmount\",StatRange=(X=0.75f,Y=0.75f)) - Squadmate`s damage reduction on resurrection; // in %-s //; min=0.01f; max=1.0f; (where 1.0f=100%) (StatName=\"ReviveDamageReductionLength\",StatRange=(X=5.0f,Y=5.0f)) - Time damage reduction on squad resurrection; // in seconds //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; ======== Enemy ========= biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; AIShieldRegenDelay=(X=5.0f,Y=5.0f) - Time that needs to start shield regeneration; // in seconds //; min=0.0f; max=unlim; // was set to 5 seconds for all enemies for each difficulty (as in ME1); old values: 12s and 8s was unconvincing //; ++++++++++++++++++++ Mix settings to edit ++++++++++++++++++++ (described and not included in mod) ======== Global power cooldown ========= Type console command: EnablePowerCooldown 0 Enables instant power cooldown. EnablePowerCooldown 1 Disables instant power cooldown.m_bSkipPowerCooldown=FALSE - Usage of global power cooldown; // This also affects to AI: henchman and enemies will not use cooldown for power casting //; ======== Global level system ========= // Change in the number of levels or the number of points awarded per level //; biogame sfxgame.sfxgameconfig levelrewards (Level=61,ExperienceRequired=126800,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=62,ExperienceRequired=132000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=63,ExperienceRequired=141000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=64,ExperienceRequired=150000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=65,ExperienceRequired=160000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=66,ExperienceRequired=170000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=67,ExperienceRequired=180000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=68,ExperienceRequired=190000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=69,ExperienceRequired=200000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) (Level=70,ExperienceRequired=215000,TalentReward=4,HenchmanTalentReward=2) - Determines given skill points count/per level for player and squad; // You can add levels for player and squad //; OR - use this line to get max skill levels at lvl 60: (Level=60,ExperienceRequired=121400,TalentReward=12,HenchmanTalentReward=18) ======== Powers and skills ========= biogame sfxgamecontent.sfxcharacterclass_adept sfxgamecontent.sfxcharacterclass_engineer sfxgamecontent.sfxcharacterclass_infiltrator sfxgamecontent.sfxcharacterclass_sentinel sfxgamecontent.sfxcharacterclass_soldier sfxgamecontent.sfxcharacterclass_vanguard - Powers that available for player classes; biogame sfxgamecontent.sfxpowercustomaction_ - Power properties: damage - skill damage; force - strength of skill force that affects on targets; cooldowntime - skill re-use time; maximumrange - maximum range of impact; maximumimpacttargets - maximum number of targets affected by power; projectilespeed - speed of the released effect; effectduration - effect duration time; numfreepowers - the number of skills that can be used during the duration of the activated skill; timedilationincrease - power`s freeze time effect duration; dotduration - Time of the effect of damage on the enemy (for skills that cause sustained damage); BlockedByObjects=true - Power cover penetration; true=can`t; false=can; // Changing it to false will cause any radius effects of the power to ignore cover, making the power hit enemies behind cover. //; ImpactPlaceables=true - Power can affect to placable objects; true=can; false=can`t; // If set true, this will cause the power to hit Cerberus Engineer turrets //; Power Combo Damage/Radius/Force: [biogame.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxgameeffect > powercombo > biotic] - Attributes that control damage, force, and radius of biotic combo explosions; ------------- Bonuspowers ------------- Unlock in store: [bioui.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxgamechoiceguidata > storedata > bonuspowers > bonuspowerarray] - To unlock each item, remove the part "PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX" from each line you wish to unlock; // ! Leviathan DLC will revert these changes. You must edit the DLC coalesced in the same way too //; Unlock in store: [bioui.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxgamechoiceguidata > storedata > bonuspowers > storeitemarray] - Remove the ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX" or set "XXXX" to "-1" on the desired powers to unlock them; Change the cost of switching bonus powers: [bioui.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxgamechoiceguidata > storedata > bonuspowers > storeitemarray] BaseCost=5000 - Bonus power cost value in medbay store; ------------- Reset Javic`s powers ------------- Open console [< ` >] or [< Tab >] and enter command: resettalents javik His powers and skills will be restored to default. Works for other squadmates and Shepard; ======== War Assets ========= [bioui.ini > sfxgame > sfxgawarassethandler > allassets] - To change the value of a War Asset, edit the "StartingStrength" value. To negate the Galactic Readiness penalty, for example, you can double all the values. // Note: Any changes to War Assets already collected in a game in progress will not be affected by any changes to Coalesced. (You can only change assets you don't already have.) For maximum effect, make any changes before starting a new game. //; ======== Global weight system ========= / for player and squad /; biogame sfxgame.sfxcharacterclass encumbrancemaxcooldown= 2.0f encumbrancemincooldown= -2.0f startingencumbrancecapacity=0.75f - Determines min/max weight modifiers and affects powers cooldowns; // in %-s //; 2.0= +200% (max)/full load; -2.0= -200% (min)/equiped one light-weight weapon; - Modifiers values can be seen in weapon selection/upgrade table when you pick guns; Each gun has its own weight value (encumbranceweight) than add % to min global value; Formula: -200% {min time} -40% {player start weight capacity/per class} + 140% {Argus} = -100%; Result in weapon selection/upgrade table will be in %-s: 1,4f*100%=140%; // Our squadmates do not depend on the parameters of the weapon: Ammo, Accuracy, Recoil. Only Weight affects the speed of reloading their skills //; // encumbrancemaxcooldown= -2.0f will completely disable weight system - your power cooldown always will be -200% //; ======== Ammo drop ======== biodifficulty sfxgame.sfxdifficultyhandler level1difficultydata - per each difficulty; (StatName=\"AmmoDropPct\",StatRange=(X=0.4f,Y=0.4f)) - Chance that enemy drops ammo (0.4f=40%); (StatName=\"AmmoPct\",StatRange=(X=0.75f,Y=0.75f)) - Amount of ammo given per clip when pick up (0.75=75%); (StatName=\"GrenadesPerDrop\",StatRange=(X=10.0f,Y=10.0f)) - Amount of grenades given when pick up; ======== HUD Size ========= biogame sfxgame.biohud safearearatiox=0.05 safearearatioy=0.05 - HUD elements display size; // Changing these to 0.10 will double the size of the HUD //; ======== Subtitles ========= biogame sfxgame.bioconversationcontroller m_colsubtitlecolor=(R=204,G=255,B=255,A=255) - Changes the color and transparency of the subtitles. The values are in RGB (red, green, and blue) and alpha, which determines the transparency (lower the value to make the subtitles more transparent); ======== Conversation ======== biogame sfxgame.bioworldinfo m_fConversationInterruptDistance=999999f Idle NPC conversations subtitles show and voice distance (in ~meters: 5000.0f ~= 15 meters ); // Consider this as bugfix; when you can hear the npc talks in 10 meters behind you - thats looks weird; Shepard is not Gerald :) //; ======== Codex ========= bioui sfxgame.sfxgui_journalcodex fVoiceOverDelay=0.5 - Time when codex voice starts to read codex entries; // Set to 999.0 if you don`t want to hear codex audio //; fVoiceOverCancelFadeOut=0.25 - Time when codex voice ends to read codex entries (switch to next/exit codex); ======== Armor locker settings ========= bioui sfxgame.sfxsfhandler_personalization RotationDegreesPerSecond=180 // in degrees //; - Sets angle of Shepard`s model rotation while mouse holding; ======== Range of sight ========= biogame sfxgame.bioplayerselection maxhighlightrange=1000 selectioncloserange=1500 selectionfarrange=3200 selectionmaxrange=4000 // recomended max: 6000 //; selectionfarangle=10 selectioncloseangle=12 // recomended: 40 or 70 //; - Determines angle of view and distance to selectable/interactable objects/persons and enemies; (in meters: 3200~=32meter); // Set greater/lesser values for your preferable play style. The value of the SelectionFarRange parameter and the angles values directly affect some skills. For example, the distance from which the fireball can be guided increases with increasing values of these parameters. //; ======== Shopping ========= asari - Nos Astra Sporting Goods batarian - Batarian State Arms hanar - Kanala Exports hospital - Sirta Supplies human - Kassa Fabrication salarian - Aegohr Munitions spectre - Spectre Requisitions turian - Cipritine Armory volus - Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies bioui sfxgamecontent.sfxgamechoiceguidata_storedata_normandy markuppercent=0.0f - Sets Normandy shop markup (10% by default); 0.0f = no markup; Stores: [bioui.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxgamechoiceguidata > storedata > normandy > storeitemarray] - To unlock each item, remove the part "PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX" from each line you wish to unlock; // ! Leviathan DLC will revert these changes. You must edit the DLC coalesced in the same way too //; bioui sfxgame.sfxgui_store m_nInfoScrollSpeed=4 - Scrollspeed in shop menu; [bioui.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxguidata > store] - Here you will find subsections, corresponding to each stores in the game. - Each of those "stores" have a subsection called "storeitemarray". In this subsection, you will see items available from the store. - Items are categorized in several 'types'. Type name is in capital letters. To unlock item, modify the item's line. For types - WEAPON and MOD: set ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX" to ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=0" OR remove ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX,PlotPurchaseID[0]=XXXXX". For types - ARMOR, UNIQUEARMOR, QUEST, INTELBONUSES: set ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX" to ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=0" OR remove ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX"! ------------- Intel terminal ------------- Unlock: [bioui > sfxgamecontent > sfxguidata > store > intel > storeitemarray] - To unlock each intel bonus, remove the part ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX" from each intel drop you wish to unlock. - Also, setting the value XXXX to 0 (zero) should do the trick too. // Note: This is tested and mostly working. The intel drops are unlocked and you can pick a bonus from each one but they don't disappear after as they're intended to and it allows both bonuses to be obtained //; Alter values: [biogame > sfxgame > sfxpawn > player > permanentgameeffects] Value=0.05 - Sets intel bonus values (5% by default); // in %-s //; min=0.01f; max=unlim; (where 1.0f=100%) ++++++++++++++++++++ Edit suggestions ++++++++++++++++++++ Use Notepad++, Akelpad, etc text editors with proper coding; Make bkp-s!; Open: right-click on .json/xml file and open with notepad++;