Installation: If you've already installed the mod "Game Tweaks" and wish to save a little time and disk space, then extract these files either into the same directory or in a new subdirectory one level down from the "Game Tweaks" files. If you don"t have "Game Tweaks" or wish to install this separately, then you can put these files anywhere. Run the program by executing the shortcut "FFXIII CutScene". This mod will search both the install directory and parent directory for any files it needs to access. Like the "Game Tweaks" mod, when you run this program it looks for the file "FFXIII_Dir.txt" for the path to your Final Fantasy XIII Steam game. If this file does not exist, then it will go through a search of your hard drives to locate it. After this is complete, it will look for at least one of the movie .wdb files. If neither are found, then they will be extracted from the original game files. This process temporarily takes about 2-3 gig of free drive space, although after it is complete, only about 12k bytes are required for the two movie files (US/English and Japanese). The cutscene extraction program will then run asking a series of question on what cutscenes you wish to extract. One option is to extract them all. All the extracted cutscenes are placed in "zone" subdirectories based on the original game file name. US and Japanese videos will be placed in different directories. These cutscene movie files are in the bk2 (Bink 2) video format and can be played with "RAD Game Tools". This is free software that can be easily found and downloaded from the internet. Follow their installation procedure. Once you start up the "RAD Video Tools", locate the cutscene you wish to play, but don't press the "play" button yet. These video files have four tracks of audio and by default RAD Video Tools will only play the first track. This track has the music, but virtually no voice. Also, the default seems to offset the audio by a fraction of a second. Instead, select the "Advanced Play" button. In the "Advanced Play" window, under the "Sound Options:" section, type "0;1;2;3" (no quotes) in the "Play these sound track ids:", then change the "Sound Out:" field. I use the "WaveOut" option which seems to work fine. Click the "Set as Quick" button to make this the default option. You can then press the "Play" button on this window, the previous one, or double click on the bk2 file from Windows Explorer and everything should work.