Better Figurines Mod brought to you by DRE 8472 Makes figurines better and removes charges. This mod makes the following changes to figurines: -Once per Rest with unlimited charges. -Summoning Range increased to 15 (was 12). -Summoning Duration increased to 60 seconds (was 30) It modifies the following figurines: Battered Dog Figurine Beloved Knight Doll [DLC: Deck of Many Things] Berath's Throwing Bones [DLC: Deck of Many Things] Clay Grub Figurine Corroded Bronze Horn Figurine Effigy Doll Ivory Wurm Figurine Jade Tiger Figurine Knapped Scoria Figurine Laughing Imp Cameo Luminous Adra Cameo Obsidian Lamp Figurine Opal Tear Cameo Summon Permafrost Shard [DLC: Beast of Winter] Twisted Root Doll Wooden Spider Figurine COMPATIBILITY: -Designed on game version -If you don't have the DLCs, don't worry the extra code will be ignored. INSTALLATION: Add BetterFigurines folder to your Override directory. REMOVAL: Remove the BetterFigurines folder from your Override directory or disable in the in-game Mod Manager.