Clone Wars Mace Windu - BATTLEFRONT II Mod - Version 1.0 Clone Wars Mace Windu Multiplayer Safe This mod replaces Luke Skywalker's 1st appearance (ROTJ) with Mace Windu's look from Clone Wars Season 7. Includes text edits, custom portrait and lightsaber. The Clone Wars - Mace Windu - Replaces Luke's 1st appearance with his Clone Wars Season 7 look TCW Mace Windu - Portrait - Replaces Luke’s portrait image with his Clone Wars Season 7 look TCW Mace Windu - Lightsaber - Replaces Luke Skywalker's lightsaber with Mace Windu's saber - Recolours Luke's saber blade purple TCW Mace Windu - Text Edit - Replaces Luke Skywalker's text mentions Recommended to use along with: - All Default Skins by Zenger - Mace Windu Audio Overhaul by Hairnett Credits: Aron_sfg - Converting/Importing Models, Rigging, Render Images, Text Editing, Portrait Image Krome Studios / LucasArts - Original Assets, Textures - Mace Windu BlinkJisooXPS - Original Assets, Textures - Lightsaber Mesh Thanks for downloading this mod!