How Install: Copy the "Game" folder to you game directory, if your is steam user: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay\ How to Uninstall: Delete the file in the folder: ...State Of Decay\Game\libs\class3\rts\ Delete the file in the folder: ...State Of Decay\Game\libs\class3.1\rts\ Delete the file in the folder: ...State Of Decay\Game\libs\class3.2\rts\ if you need help , give tips, etc ... post a comment . UPDATES(v1.1) 1º Known bugs removed. 2º Now to create weapons in the workshop of weapons need have a experts characters. 3º Added new 3 options to make food. 4º Added new option to create rifle. 5º Added new option to create ammunition. 6º Corrected some translation errors. 7º Option search for objects useful modified. |===================================| |Found a bug? comment to i fix it. | |===================================|