--Longer Lasting Suppressors for State of Decay, Breakdown, and Lifeline. This makes suppressors last longer than the measly 10/30/50 shots, too 50/150/250. Was used on "State of Decay YOSE Day One Edition" don't know if it works with other versions of the game. --Installation The files should be placed into... \game\libs\class3\items\items.win.bmd \game\libs\class3\items\items.xml \game\libs\class3.1\items\items.win.bmd \game\libs\class3.1\items\items.xml \game\libs\class3.2\items\items.win.bmd \game\libs\class3.2\items\items.xml The "class3" folder is for State of Decay "class3.1" folder is for Breakdown "class3.2" folder is for Lifeline If you don't want to alter one of those modes don't include that associated folder/files.