Version 1.0 Installation: 1. Download the file. 2. Go to your Data folder (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Data) 3. Extract the contents of the zip file into your Data folder Changes made in v1.0 1. Weaponskill-skaling disabled 2. More aggressive enemy-groups 3. Increased influence of armorload to movementspeed and staminaregen 4. Item changes: 4.1 balanced Armor-weight according to price and defence-rating 4.2 'Leather / Hunter's gloves' no longer heavy armour 4.3 'Queen of Sheba's sword' no longer worthlesse and properly adjusted 5. Shops: 5.1 slightly reduced selling-prices (shops no longer pay more than an item is actually worth) 5.2 further reduced sellig-prices at fences (about 50%) 6. slightly reduced Herb-gather XP and Herb-gather Radius 7. reduced Aim-Spread 8. no longer Blind NPCs Included mods: - zzz_kcd_StayCleanMedium by user SpacemanSal with kudos to user Xylozi with the values of user zalteredbeastz ...not thoroughly tested yet but the first impression is very promising Changes to come: 9. increased influence of item-condition to price (this has a very high priority but I haven't figured it out yet) 10. reduced influence of armor- and weapon-status to defence- and attack-rating (already implemented in my build and currently in testing. Makes fights against opponents with poorly maintained equipment (nearly all of them) more challanging) 11. decreased droprate / price of meat (maybe this wont even be necessary as soon as I have figured out nr. 9.) 12. further work on armor-balance (through changes of the resistance-stats without changing the overall defence-rating) Incompatable with mods that change: - rpg.param.xml (every mod that adresses carryweight / XP / weapondamage) - armor.xml and weapon.xml (all mods increase armor / Weapondamage / armortype) - pickable_item.xml - rpg_movement_type.xml - shop.xml - shop.xml