SUPER SKIP TARIS & ENDAR SPIRE FOR STAR WARS: KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC ABOUT: This mod adds three options to Trask Ulgo's first dialog, skip Endar Spire, light side skip Taris, and dark side skip Taris. If used, the game progresses as normal and you have all vanilla items as if you had completed Taris. INSTALLATION: 1. Extract the tslpatchdata and TSLPatcher into the same directory 2. Run TSLPatcher and select install location if prompted UNINSTALLATION: Either replace the dialog.tlk file in you SWKOTOR directory with a version prior to the first attempted installation of this mod, or uninstall SWKOTOR, reboot, clean the directory, and reinstall. NOTES: Installing this mod more than once per dialog.tlk and/or SWKOTOR installation will result in the reappearance of all the options in Trask's dialog. The original information released with the mod is included in the tslpacthdata directory and the TSLPatcher. I receive no credit for this mod as I am only reuploading this mod from GameFront to prevent its possible loss, thus all credit is for the proper authors. ORIGINAL POSTING: CREDITS: Lit Ridil: Creator of the mod Yaggles: Idea for the mod STOFFE: Creator of TSLPatcher Darth HaHa: Inspiration for the mod