Quanons Bastila Shan Reskin ================================================================ IF YOU ARE EVER IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT INSTALLING ANY MODS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION, JUST IN CASE. WARNING: THIS INSTALLER MAY REPLACE ANY FILES OF THE SAME NAME THAT ARE ALREADY PRESENT IN YOUR OVERRIDE FOLDER! ================================================================ Description: This mod replaces all Bastilas Shans textures. Just like my other party member reskins; the size has been increased to 2048x2048. Which allowed me to put in some extra details and give a decent update to the skin. The mod only replaces Bastilas head, armor and underwear skin. The slave outfit, when you meet her for the first time on Taris, hasn't been updated yet. Redrob also provided me with an update to Bastilas head model, he fixed a few nasty bugs on her UVmap, which improves the skin! Thanks Redrob! ================================================================ Directions: Copy the 4 textures: P_BastilaBA01, P_NastilaBB01, P_BastilaH04 and PO_pbastila to your override folder. Also copy the P_BastilaH.mdl and .mdx to your override. That's it! ================================================================ Credits: Made by Quanon & Redrob ================================================================ Disclaimer: By downloading and using this mod you agree that we will not be held responsible if anything goes wrong with your computer because of your use of our files. Use our mods and files at your own risk. ================================================================ Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR I) and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KotOR II) are copyright © LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment respectively. No copyright infringement is intended by me. My special thanks to everyone who's made a tool or program that helps out with modding KotOR, especially those found at http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php and http://deadlystream.com/forum/ Questions? Contact me at Deadlystream forums, you can check out my WIP thread for more upcoming mods: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2557-quanons-many-projects/page-12