You must gather your party before venturing forth 1. Installation There are 2 versions of this mod. Choose the one you want and copy allerplusloin.mp3 et allerplusloin.wav in your streamwaves folder and k_transabort.dlg in your Override folder. 2. Uninstallation Delete the files from your Override and streamwaves folders. 3. Existing saves Takes effect immediately on all saves. 4. Compatibility No known incompatibility. 5. Changes Normal Plays the "You must gather your party before venturing forth" sound from Baldur's Gate when the game is reminding you. Too Much When the "You must gather your party before venturing forth" is played, your character holds his head in his hands and several answers are offered in reaction. 6. About Tribute to Baldur's Gate. 7. Credits and thanks KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Dlg Editor by tk102 I thank DeepL otherwise this text would never have existed. And I thank you also for making it this far and playing KotOR with mods <3