PVC Jedi Robes By: KristyKistic These are implemented as unique items eating textures PFBI60.tga to PFBI72.tga. ABOUT MY APPEARANCE.2DA FILES: ------------------------------ 1) appearance - MUST for bastila pvc models NPC's appear as cutscene 2) appearance - MUST for bastila pvc models NPC's appear as normal 3) appearance - npcs in star forge robes appear as revan cutscene 4) appearance - npcs in star forge robes appear normal ONE OF THESE IS NECESSARY FOR ANY OF MY PVC MODS. There all the same in each mod, it just depends on what you want to do. Numbers 1 and 2 eat armor slots 7 & 8 for Bastila ONLY, but allow implementing bodysuit bastila revisited mods as unique items. All 4 files allow the pc to appear as revan cutscene when wearing revans robes or star forge robes. If you want to allow your party members to appear as revan cutscene also, then use one that says npcs appear as revan cutscene. If you like the normal star forge look then choose one that says npcs in star for robes appear as normal. All 4 files make changes that allow alpha channels to cast reflections rather than appear transparent. For MAJOR space saving purposes no male textures were included, but I did include a small app written in vb5 for creating them. (It copies and renames each texture. And sorry, but I have yet to get into any cross platform programming - vb and c++ is it. Course I still haven't moved on to .net either.) It is an absolute MUST to run the program in the same folder containing the textures. Its easiest to just extract everything to your override folder, run the program from there and then delete it. (No reason to leave it there taking up space.) Please note that this program is written specifically for this mod and is NOT general purpose. (And forgive me, ordinarily I add custom icons to my programs, but in this case I just don't see the point. :) If you can't run the program or just prefer to do it yourself, copy textures PFBI60.tga to PFBI72.tga to another folder and replace the 'F' in the name of each file with 'M'. You'll then have PMBI60.tga to PMBI72.tga. (For male characters to use these you have to do this.) Place the renamed files in the override folder with everything else. Obtaining the robes: The hard way: ------------- giveitem pvc_jedirobe_60 to giveitem pvc_jedirobe_72 The easy way: ------------- Use tk102's save game editor to add them to your inventory. (The files must be in the override directory for the editor to see them.) Removal: Delete all files. Hope you enjoy :) kristykistic@yahoo.com