Hello and thank you for downloading or supporting my work! I’m pleased to see you must like it. But with all due respect on the work you may download in which I’ve created and/or animated, etc. I ask but one thing form you and that is please do not re-upload, re- produce, copy, re-modify or use, any of my creations without getting permission* and please give credit where credit is due please let others know that you have used my work with (I.e. builds, creations, lot, house and/or gameplay mods etc.) that you may have created, or animation with my work. †Please content me for verbal, text or email permission before using my work and/or modifying it as a whole or parcel. Thank you MrBASins. Installing Creations or Mods: All and any creations or game modifications should be placed in your Mods folder, (I.e.: C:\Users\”USERNAME”\AppData\Roaming\Surviving Mars\Mods)