=============== XAI BattleTech 3025 =============== I am using 7Zip for zipping to save space. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but it is safer than most other programs available. KNOWN ISSUES/BUGS **DO NOT RUN BATTLETECH FULL-SCREEN MODE**, it has a memory leak that causes many in-game glitches, and NEEDS to be run in a boarderless pop-up window, you won't be able to tell the difference. In STEAM, you MUST put this into your Steam "properties" just R-Click on BattleTech, under the general tab, type this( -popup window ) in the launch options. Then in the game Settings under video options check Windowed Mode - Thanks to Anisette for this tip, as it was the tip of the iceberg.* - You do not need C-FIXES, it is like RAJU "It's buried in there somewhere!" - CAC Combat: Auto indirect fire from AIM is broken, along with TAC. Plus, there are still some issues with the range penalties not always showing when switching ammo and modes, there is a blank button that CAC used but XAI does not, and no one seems interested in fixing them, it is out of my hands. - Mission Control; Story battle saves will work but are currently off! The settings are in the XAI Core Mod.json. - Vanilla BUG --> Battle Restarts will cause a lockup in the Debrief room so leave them off!, Enemy map reinforcements, get a delayed 3 pip bonus on the next turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NOTE 1) If you want to change Friendly fire you will have to do it manually in this line; SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH\Mods\XAI Battletech\StreamingAssets\data\constants\CombatGameConstants.json THEN in the "ToHit" section change this line "StrayShotValidTargets": "ENEMIES_AND_NEUTRAL" (XAI DEFAULT) "ENEMIES_ONLY" (EASY) or "EVERYONE" (HARD) KILL EVERYTHING even your good friends! (Note 2) if you want apearance dates for mechs to work you will have to enable it via this path and option. \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\debug\setting.json make this option true ("enforceMinAppearnceDateForUnits" : true,) (Note 3) Permission to use or copy these files for use any other mod requires my permission. This includes XAI3 files, new Mal-d Flash Points, Smart Lances and any other original work that has been started here. License; The works contained within are for use with XAI and may be used with written permission or it will be a complaint/ orbital strike/ obliteration. If I did forget to credit you please let me know there is much to keep track of and it was not intentional. Credits are located at the bottom for the readme. Community assets are used in this mod and as such credit has been given where due, if you were missed please let me know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY V3.030 Adjusted new LOSTECH Leg Damage mods and changed descriptions. Fixed the difficulty level for career because Mission faliure was not giving a penalty. I also flipped the amounts so that larger penalties happen over the longer campaign. Had to fix a few griffins loadouts. Fixed Streak SRM's from not showing up in the Skirmish Mode and possibly their behavior. Removed some Wolf's dragoons things I was experimenenting with because I don't have time for now. (You may have to change your icon) Fixed some typos and some character voices. Proper combat voice timings should now be set properly! For some reason the convoy lancedef is not pulling in the new Saturn APC with unit tags and is a strange issue, until I get that sorted they will revert to pulling in heavy apc's at the 8,9,10 mission difficulties. Removed some files I was experimenting with in CAC so the package size is smaller. V3.029 Updated the XAI README with important information, READ IT! Changed Scimitar to hovercraft movement. Made some adjustments to the Heavy Metal Milestone sets, because they were a bit outlandish. Increased some of the money in return for decreasing reputation, as it throws off the whole reputation system. Increased, and made more random, the time frame for HM flash point phases. Turned off, Kmission's CAC weapons damage calculations because it's causing issues with ammo attributes not being honored in certain cases, of ammo. Revisited the Ultra-AC's and found a way to make sure their recoil modifiers work correctly! Raised the Ultra AC/10 recoil to a 6 for double shot which is more than fair for its power. I also adjusted some of the Ultra AC/5's bonuses a bit. Lowered the tags and narcs active turns by 1. Tag is one and Narc is two. So put tag on your faster mechs, remember there is a max stack of 2. Had to lower the leg actuators Self-Damage bonus' so that the Vanilla math issue wouldn't get out of control (excess, adds to armor on the battlefield). I can't assign upgrades to a weight class, so this is how it has to be. Adjusted the move and firing speed up factors, so it is faster when you hit the space bar. I have also been adjusting the battle talk, to try and keep it from getting cut off or premature fade, hopefully it is better now. V3.028 I found issues with the Alliance Flashpoint Milestone sets for Marik and Davion, and I am assuming they all had issues. I reverted to older ones, and they seemed to work, let me know if you have issues. That should be the last of the changes for quite a while. Adjusted the Career Difficulty - Time frame setting "ConstantName": "MRBSuccessMod", to better "time" Your MRB Ratings with the Length of time and your Carreer, and I also increased the falure penalties. Re-Instituted some stacking rules for many upgrades to prevent crazy bonuses in initiative, player moral boosts and ECM. This holds true for the Player, Allied and Enemy lances. (They go as follows; you get only -1 lance initiative or Group ECM per lance, You can get 2 individual initiative boost via cockpit and a skill, that's it. You can get 1 additional PECM boost and only 2 moral boosts are now allowed.) Fixed the Drilson Hovertank movement, it was using tank movement. Removed my fully dynamic and bracketed convoy lances as they kept causing trouble. I also updated the level 1-10 convoy lances. Added 90T Saturn Assault APC, that uses Gallant vehicle chassis, because my convoy lances needed a faster 4-6 Assault class APC to protect them. (Yes, it is built to the Rules) Otherwise, I would use tanks, and they are too slow. Updated the Sabot Descriptions for AC10 and AC20 Sabot and cleaned up the Ammo files themselves. V3.027 Worked on the convoys' movement; As I have stated their movement is a very thin line in the settings, and there is no way I can test every situation for every map, when I change the settings. I loosened up the settings some so that the vees would not be stuck when having an odd placement on or near a road so they don't stay stuck while the rest of the convoy moves on. I will need you guys to test this and report if they do. This may have a consequence of the convoy trying to go off-road in certain situations. Again, please report the situation with the biome and name of the mission. Fixed a name bug with level 8 convoy lance. Also re-worked the Advanced Missile Jamming System from its original function of lessening damage. It will add a 25% penalty to hit you and your lance-mates. Since aI didn't want the player to be the only one with this tech, I have secretly hidden it elsewhere in some more common opponents. (note due to the amount of display icons being limited, you may not always see it displayed on every unit.) Completely re-worked Taurian and Aurigan Restoration planets to make sure they will work correctly with Wartech 2C and to give us the rest of the galaxy to have fun in. Remember do not use WT2C during the STORY, only after it is complete! I found so many issues with planets that it would take too many lines to list them all. Needless to say, the Taurians cannot have an HQ but the Aurigan Restorations can, so it is in Coromodir (should appears after the story campaign is complete). I realized that much less effort was taken with those races planets but they are now fully functional areas. You will receive missions from all the enemies that should have been there from the start, plus, a few surprises along the way. Working on planets is a massive undertaking and the work is not done and I could use some real help, so volunteer now to make XAI better! Note: Any changes with stores, and some planet setting, a new game must be started for all the changes to take effect. All the other changes like generating contracts, biomes and what tags are seen once you delete the .modtek directory, so a new one is generated. As a final surprise! Some lostech leg augments I think you will like, keep an eye out for them in the stores. Re-Instituted some stacking rules for many upgrades. The reason for this is to prevent crazy bonuses in initiative, moral boosts and ECM. This holds true for the Player, Allied and Enemy lances. Fixed the Drilson Hovertank movement, it was using tank movement. Removed my fully dynamic and bracketed convoy lances as they kept causing trouble and don't really think they are needed. I also updated the level 1-10 convoy lances. Added 90T Saturn Assault APC, that uses Gallant vehicle chassis, because my lances needed a faster 4-6 Assault class APC to protect convoys only. (Yes, it is built to the Rules) Otherwise, I would use tanks, and they are too slow. Updated the Sabot Descriptions for AC10 and AC20 Sabot and cleaned up the Ammo attributes. V3.027 Worked on the convoys' movement; As I have stated their movement is a very thin line in the settings, and there is no way I can test every situation for every map, when I change the settings. I loosened up the settings some so that the vees would not be stuck when having an odd placement on or near a road so they don't stay stuck while the rest of the convoy moves on. I will need you guys to test this and report if they do. This may have a consequence of the convoy trying to go off-road in certain situations. Again, please report the situation with the biome and name of the mission. Fixed a name bug with level 8 convoy lance. Also re-worked the Advanced Missile Jamming System from its original function of lessening damage. It will add a 25% penalty to hit you and your lance-mates. Since aI didn't want the player to be the only one with this tech, I have secretly hidden it elsewhere in some more common opponents. (note due to the amount of display icons being limited, you may not always see it displayed on every unit.) Completely re-worked Taurian and Aurigan Restoration planets to make sure they will work correctly with Wartech 2C and to give us the rest of the galaxy to have fun in. Remember do not use WT2C during the STORY, only after it is complete! I found so many issues with planets that it would take too many lines to list them all. Needless to say, the Taurians cannot have an HQ but the Aurigan Restorations can, so it is in Coromodir (should appears after the story campaign is complete). I realized that much less effort was taken with those races planets but they are now fully functional areas. You will receive missions from all the enemies that should have been there from the start, plus, a few surprises along the way. Working on planets is a massive undertaking and the work is not done and I could use some real help, so volunteer now to make XAI better! Note: Any changes with stores, and some planet setting, a new game must be started for all the changes to take effect. All the other changes like generating contracts, biomes and what tags are seen once you delete the .modtek directory, so a new one is generated. As a final surprise! Some lostech leg augments I think you will like, keep an eye out for them in the stores. v3.026 Updated the UW Last Chance Flashpoint not all of the missions were updated to dynamic standards. There was a problem with Nanako's holovid picture not updating to newer portrait, reverted back to original. Unfortunately, I have been seeing mechs in some of my dynamic convoys and this was the same issue with the turrets. It seems they do not work properly with that dynamic setting I will look at some other ways later. V3.025 Looks like XAI is complete since we are at 3025! The AI is working efficiently and making wise decisions. With the changes to more dynamic missions, I found some turret issues, and have temporarely been returned to the original turret tagging system until I have time to devise a more diabolical and robust system which will take quite a bit of work. (if you see any mechs or vees in the place of a turret, let me know) I also fixed some of the convoy lancedefs in rare cases they were not being generated as the parameters needed loosened up. Fixed a few missions with a case sensitivity problem. Wartech testing is going slowly, as there some issues needing to be resolved. a new Modtek version is out and I encourage you to give it a try. V3.024 Note: I recommend you re-download and do a clean install of modtek. I am not sure which version is actually the best anymore but 4.1.1 is the newest. This should prevent no salvage situations because I think some of us had a bad Modtek file download. There were 2 missions that had a few improper vehicle cases that should have been Vehicle. I have since turned on some other options in the BTPF files to improve overall speed and quality of the game. If you have weird issues, look there first. I added in 3 vehicles chassis that needed to be added, instead of using other chassis. Added ANH-1C and ANH-2A to the Resizer. Wartech IIC is still undergoing rigorous testing in an alpha test for XAI. V3.023 Wartech IIC integration has begun and a BETA will begin soon. Any mechwarriors that want to volunteer, please sign-up now! Adjusted CCI ammo by removing the armor penetration penalty. I think I found the last issue with the zero salvage, I have again disabled the Battletech performance fix patch, because it seems to conflict with Loot Magnet. Just if you play don't take eight human picks or it will crash the game, you have been warned. Since no one want to listen to my bug reports from other authors it will probably remain broken. Went back to the PRIOR version of loot magnet until I can test it further. Trust me, I am frustrated about this too. v3.022 Re-inforced the difficulty Salvage section due to Vanilla GUI bug. Now the BONUS player picks are properly aligned and should not cause anymore crashes upon entering the salvage screen. I shifted the numbers for you die hards out there and added a 0 modifier. This will not give you any bonus salvage picks but will be the straight mission numbers. I also adjusted the Missions Control solos and duo mission salvages to be inline with XAI's system. Note for players you will only see part of the effect when in a system, you have to go to a new system to see the full effect. Rolled back the Loot Magnet version because I think there is a bug in the newer one with the GUID. Fixed some typos and descriptions. Fixed the LBX 2X & 5X, HEAP rounds as they were not doing the proper damage. Also adjusted the costs of some high-end ammo. Some AI tweaks. V3.021 Fixed some vanilla salvage issues with missions. If mission salvage and its difficulty are high enough the game will give the player more picks. The Initial Salvage GUID can only handle a MAX of seven Player picks or the game soft locks but BTPF prevents the softlock and allows you to continue but you get no salvage. I have put in a new safeguard on the difficulty menu to only pick a max of 6 player picks and Min and Max mission salvage was also implemented in a previous version. I did miss some Flashpoint missions and that was causing some issues but this issue should be fixed now. There are more FP's that need to be fine-tuned with Smart Lances, which will come later. Implemented phase one of project hover. Updated BTPF to a slightly newer version. Fixed a lance that had a bad ID along with a couple of other minor issues. I will tweak the XAI3 on the next update. A personal note; Thank you for supporting me and XAI all these years and if you are ready to upgrade take the plunge and buy a 7800X3D (or the next one), if you are on the fence! It truly is an amazing chip and will make many differences in your gaming experiences. I also recommend buying an ASROCK Taichi B650E or X670E motherboard. They are just amazing boards and now smoke ASUS in quality and in features. This will most likely be the last update on XAI for this year as am still taking care of my mother for a few more months. V3.02 "That's a wrap" as they say in show business! XAI Battletech 3025 is now 99% complete. I have accomplished almost everything I wanted to with this mod, minus fixing some of the Vanilla BUGS. I fixed what I was able to fix and overall the mod is running fantastic.:-)( I do have some AI work to do, but that will take lots of time and I do not have much of that now, so it is on the back burner ) Finally, I completed the full circle with the game. I started out modding the Story missions and now with your support, I have revamped the story missions again. I did run into one snag with "Gun Boat Diplomacy" I am pretty sure when HBS changed this mission they broke the encounter layer, so one of the lances will ALWAYS be the same and CANNOT be changed. Fortunately, I was able to update the story with Dynamic lances where appropriate. Therefore, it does now come down to luck of the draw. It will offer replayability and some unpredictability, but overall I was not cruel in my lance placement, they are appropriate for the mission level. With that said, they are harder than I had them when I made them the first time. My advice to you is to make use of your time and not hurry the ending, as there is no real need to, but you are going to need some good firepower to make it through the last missions. It has been a huge undertaking getting this awesome system in place so you guys can enjoy your new campaigns over the upcoming holidays. We also should have the additional flash point done around the holidays as it is coming along. It is one of the best flashpoints I have played and has a fun story. V3.013 Accidentally removed Extended Conversations, it should technically be in the BP 3025 but it isn't currently. For now, I will put it in here, sorry for the inconvenience. Updated some convoy files to prevent it from straying too far. Added a new vehicle for future flashpoints. v3.012 Finished current version 1.0 of XAI Smart Lances. Note: Permission to use or copy these files is required if published. Did a couple more tweaks to the convoys but more is needed when I have time. Changed the story mission Pansyr, to run with new Smart Lances. More will come around Christmas Turned off all features, but the mechbay in BTPF. V3.011 Going through the procedural generated pilots and found some anomalies and also updated them for future use in lances, but it was important enough to put out an updated release. V3.01 Xaifying all vanilla procedurally generated missions with new lance tags for better diversification and application of lances, units, and pilots. Hopefully, nothing will break but missions should be way more diverse. You may even see some surprises now that vehicles are useful. Since bad drops do happen in real life, I am fine with vees getting stuck on the side of a mountain. Mission Control does its best to avoid this but there is nothing that can be done to eliminate it, so we all have to live with it. I do not want all mechs on the battlefield, because that is not how real life or TT battletech would be played. As I play the missions and get a feel for them I will make further adjustments in the future on the more complex missions. Salvage has had an overall increase in the early game and a decrease in the late game, due to loot magnet bundling items for your good relationships. I will finish up the rest by Christmas and help get out the FLashpoint for you to enjoy over the holidays. Fixed some Scouting lances and adjusted some ECM tags on vees and mechs. All turrets now have varying degrees of sensors which will affect their detection ranges. Forgot to mention the 10% increase in the CQC suite abilities. Removed test lance and deactivated Grand Theft Auto Missions. Removed my MC personal setting file, reconstituted the CAC soundbanks, and re-instated BTPF operation. BUG NOTE; So far my attempts to squash the "stuck convoy" bug have failed and I have spent over 20 hours on it. I honestly believe it is a coding issue because convoy vees appear to go into normal combat mode and cannot return to convoy mode easily. It only happens when combat is triggered from releasing the convoy because if there is no combat triggered, then the convoy will NOT get stuck and perform normally. I have mitigated this issue as much as I can but there are still a couple of missions that it will occur on easily. The main one is the Grand Theft AUTO mission with the Demolisher on different biomes. Therefore, I am excluding both of those missions from Generation (these are Capture Escort missions), if there are others please let me know. The bug does not occur as long as a convoy starts near a road even during combat. What I can confirm is that it is not a PATHFINDING, or AI issue because other vees in the convoy continue along their path. However, Combat seems to be the cause and a logic error allows at least one of the vee units to get temporarily "confused" and join combat and then it loses the LOS, it isn't losing LOS however, because they can still target and fire at targets. Even though I have done my best to mitigate it, I do not have the coding skills, so this BUG remains for someone else to fix. I have spent enough time on it I need to help Mal-d finish his flashpoint and I need to finish tagging the rest of the DLC missions before Christmas. V3.0 **** Important, you need to delete your prior XAI folder, because I have moved some folders.**** Disabled the Contract lag fix in BTPF because it messes with complex missions that were made after it was. For example the Carlisle Flashpoint. Major overhaul of vehicles! too much to explain; Dedicated vees for combat and non-combat purposes. You should see a dramatic improvement in vehicle behaviors. Apc's will now be on the battlefield allowing eighty types to attack you. Fully incorporated XAI3 (Replacement AI4XAI) into the XAI. The AI will never be as good as you are. All we can hope for is for it to make some better decisions and keep you challenged. Just remember because you get to upgrade more than the AI pilots and their mechs, you will ALWAYS have a firepower advantage. However, in the early game, you will see better how the AI performs because you will be on more equal footing. Fixed the prologue in story mode, it was calling out bad pilot names from vanilla. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits BTNomad for core, and Better Series!! New Flashpoints; MaLD CWolf for Mission Control Mad for DSD, and DCM Janxious for the weapon realizer and resizer! Ellesheepe for the AIM mod Gnivler and FrostRaptor for Panic!, Better Headlights Frost/Ice Raptor Loot Magnet & IRBT, Denadan for the bling of custom components Don Zappo for his great Dlls from BTR Amechwarrior and others for cFixes mcb42 for BT Simple Mech Assembly Zathoth for Add year to timeline thypride, christianerding2 for expanded and commander quirks sqparadox for PilotIconColor RealityMachina, gnivler, and DonZappo for FewerHeadInjuries Ufoshnik for updated portraits. Kmissin for CAC, Zathoth for Add year to timeline Morinn and Nebulawolf for some awesome portraits. Jamie Wolf for his work on Colorful Flashpoints. T-Bone for Map Randomizer. COMMUNITY Models for BP 3025 - with direct permissions from -Lt. Shade for; Talos, Merlin, Mackie -SolahmaJoe: Crusader, Wasp, Stinger, Ostroc, Ostsol, Valkyrie -Piranha Games, Inc (imported by mattyxr): Champion, Charger, Dervish, Wolfhound -Colobos/Crackfoxx: Red Reaper ***LEGAL**** EULA Paradox By publishing a mod based on a Paradox game, you hereby grant to Paradox and its affiliates a nonexclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable, and perpetual right to use, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, transmit, broadcast, and otherwise communicate, publicly display and publicly perform your mod. Explicitly, this license shall include the right to make the mod publicly available through other channels of distribution, and the right to adapt a mod to be compatible with other platforms. This license shall survive termination of the EULA. Translation In plain English: Paradox owns the rights to mods, and modpacks, and you have no legal rights or recourse on any code you make that is based on their code, in part or whole. Always ask permission to use a mod in another mod.