--------------------------------------------------------------- PULSAR MOD INFO/READ ME FILE --------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Name: BCMod 2021 Christmas Update Mod Authors: FCGWolfe/Ship's Compooter (Coding, Original Monitor Mesh Kitbashing) | Limonespremuto (Custom Monitor Mesh Creation) Mod Description: Restores some early Bridge Commander-esque features from PULSAR's early pre-alpha days that were stripped out. Mod Version: 0.0.10_public Built for and tested on Pulsar Mod Loader --------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions: --------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Copy and paste "BCMod.dll" into \steamapps\common\PULSARLostColony\Mods\ Step 2: Copy and paste "bcmodresources.bcma" into \steamapps\common\PULSARLostColony\PULSAR_LostColony_Data\ Step 3: Start the game, load into a session, and type "/bcmod load" into chat. Enjoy, and happy holidays! Full list of BCMod Commands by category: --------------------------------------------------------------- General --------------------------------------------------------------- /bcmod ver | Returns current version string. /bcmod changes | Lists recent changes. /bcmod load | Automatically chooses and loads monitors for all shipboard holoscreens based on ship class/type. /bcmod specialmode | Disable or enable adaptive monitor mode. If disabled, all monitors created will be OWLC Racks. --------------------------------------------------------------- Load a specific monitor prefab type by ID --------------------------------------------------------------- OWLC Monitors: /bcmod load_owlc | Normal Old Wars/Lost Colony monitor prefab. Hangs in the air sometimes. /bcmod load_owlc_ext | Extended version of the Normal monitor prefab which uses more basic geometry. /bcmod load_owlc_rack | Crazy overdone rack-mounted multipurpose version that looks kinda jank in some cases. CU Monitors: /bcmod load_cu | Normal CU Monitor based on retrofitted Old Wars tech. /bcmod load_cu_ext | Extended version of the Normal prefab. /bcmod load_cu_rack | Rack-mounted CU Monitor. /bcmod load_cu_rackb | Rack-mounted CU Monitor with buttons. WD Monitors: /bcmod load_wd | Normal WD Monitors salvaged from ancient old wars clunkers. /bcmod load_wd_ext | Extended WD Monitors cobbled together from competing manufacturers' parts. /bcmod load_wd_rack | Refurbished rack-mounted WD monitor. Its rugged reliability has kept it in service for years. /bcmod load_wd_rackb | A refurbished rack-mounted WD monitor with included control surface. Limon's Monitors: /bcmod load_cu_desk | Load the custom CU Desk Monitor. /bcmod load_cu_wall | Load the custom CU Wall Monitor. /bcmod load_wddesk | Load the custom WD Desk Monitor. What a relic! /bcmod load_wd_aio | Load the custom WD AIO Desk Monitor. Is this thing even safe to have connected? /bcmod load_cm | Load the custom ceiling mounted monitor. It's probably a fire hazard. /bcmod load_ld | L i m o n ' s D e l i g h t :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D --------------------------------------------------------------- Change the holoscreen theme atlas! --------------------------------------------------------------- Theme Changers: /bcmod curved | Change the holoscreen theme atlas to the curved theme used by the colonial union. /bcmod square | Change the holoscreen theme atlas to the square theme used by the AOG and WD. /bcmod corner | Change the holoscreen theme atlas to the unused corner theme.