Installation: 1.) Locate your Avian ship assest directory. If you are on steam it is most commonly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\assets\ships\avian 2.) Extract the files from the into the avain ship assest directory. Note: You will need to replace your dropship.structure file Installation complete. Uninstallation: 1.) Open dropship.structure using a text editor of your choice. (Such as Notepad) 2.) (Near the start of file) Change: "backgroundOverlays" : [ { "image" : "shipshipMod.png", "position" : [7, 11] } ], to "backgroundOverlays" : [ { "image" : "shipship.png", "position" : [7, 11] } ], 3.) (Near the end of file) Change: "blockImage" : "dropshipblocksMod.png" to "blockImage" : "dropshipblocks.png" Unistallation complete.