INSTALL WITH OPEN IV (Easy): - DOWNLOAD OPENIV TO INSTALL THE MOD ---- - Click on the "PS4 Button Icons.oiv" file to start the install! - Follow the install process - Done, Enjoy! :D INSTALL MANUALLY: - GO TO YOUR GTA IV DIRECTORY (game folder) - OPEN THE "PC" FOLDER THEN "TEXTURES" AND REPLACE THE FILES CALLED "buttons_360.wtd" & "browser.wtd" WITH THE ONES PROVIDED IN THE "Manually Install" FOLDER - ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP FIRST, TO BE SAFE! - ENJOY :) INSTALL FOR ROCKSTAR GAMES LAUNCHER VERSION: ---- - First make sure to have a fresh install of GTA IV Complete Edition and run the Downgrader to downgrade it to version (do not install any of the other recommended features like radio stations as I have had issues using them, only use ZolikaPatch & Xlive) [Run the game after this to test it is working] - Install IVTweaker V1.6 by putting all of it’s files in the GTA IV game directory. - Add the “Buttons” folder I have provided into the “modloader” folder! - Enjoy :D MADE BY: M0VER check me out on YT.