Thanks for downloading the Revamped Jurassic World T. rex Mod! Instructions are detailed below. ------- NOTE: As with all modding, be sure to backup your original game files somewhere safe in case anything goes wrong or does not work. I have included backups of the relevant files for your convenience, but be sure to keep your own backups just in case. ------- Installation Instructions: 1. Create a backup of your Win64 folder (or at least the Content0 folder) if you have not already. 2. Go to your JWE Folder> Win64> OVLData 3. Copy and paste the "Content0" folder containing the downoaded T. rex files into the OVLData folder -The "BACKUP" folder is included if needed, but should not be copied and pasted into the OVLData folder unless uninstalling the mod 4. Overwrite the files 5. Open the game and enjoy! You have a new T. rex!