GrabAnything MOD for MSC by haverdaden (DD). ######## USES ######## More ways to kill the yellow guy. Harass the bus driver. Steal the pub table. Grab the green thumpthump car once for all. Duplicate, delete, freeze objects. Save/Load a playground of created geometrical objects. You tell me! #### INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS #### 1. Make sure you have MSCModloader installed. 1.2 if not go here: 2. Put GrabAnything.dll in ...\Documents\MySummerCar\Mods folder 3. Run the game 4. Ingame find a moveable object to grab. 5. Play around (Duplicate, Delete, Throw, Lock in place, Build etc) ######## HOTKEYS ######## LeftMouseClick = Grab RightMouseClick = Throw MiddleMouseClick = Change Rotation Direction ScrollWheel = Rotate Object Mouse 4 button = Lock Item. (Can be changed.) Mouse 3 button = Duplicate item. (Can be changed.) Alt + D - Delete Item (Can be changed.) (Left) CTRL + P - To open settings for throw strength and other things (Left) ALT + P - Toggle grab on/off. If you want you can credit me in your video and put a link to this mod so people can find it easier. :)