1. Open Notepad2.exe (Included). 2. Select File>Open Navigate to your ME2 directory and locate your Coalesced.ini. 3. Locate the[SFXGame.SFXPawn_Player] section in the Coalesced.ini . 4. Now open: PHOENIXOFTHUNDER[SFXGame.SFXPawn_Player].txt with another instance of Notepad++ 5. Copy the data from the: PHOENIXOFTHUNDER[SFXGame.SFXPawn_Player].txt to the [SFXGame.SFXPawn_Player] section of the Coalesced.ini 6. Save the Coalesced.ini and exit Notepad++ 7. Run "The Fixer" (in the ME2 Coalesced.ini directory) 8. Run ME2 with these barage of settings till your hearts' content.