A change to the DLC Blood Dragon Armor for Mass Effect 2. Black armor and a glowing red dragon texture. You will need to use TexMod found at http://social.bioware.com/project/2015/ And you will also need the Blood Dragon Armor DLC. People who own a copy of Dragon Age: Origins can get the armor by entering the registration code for Dragon Age: Origins on this site. *NOTE* BioWare is notorious for not giving you all the DLC you are entitled to. If you own both Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 2 and you don't have the Blood Dragon Armor you will need to contact EA customer support by phone/email/chat to get it authorized to your account. I've had to do this for many DLC's with them and, while annoying, once you get someone on the phone it doesn't take long for them to give you your items. ________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions for using Texmod: 1) Run texmod 2) Click on "Package Mode" 3) Upper left corner for "target application" choose your ME2 .exe file (it should be in your binaries folder in the game folder) 4) Click on folder icon in the middle and load the ".tpf" file you want to use. (the mods you want) 5) Add any others you may want and click "run" on the bottom. Voila'! Enjoy! :) Trouble shooting: A) Steam causes problems with texmod. To get it to work with Steam, follow these steps: 1. Move TexMod to the Binaries folder. 2. Rename MassEffect2.exe to MassEffect2Bak.exe. 3. Rename Texmod.exe to MassEffect2.exe Special thx to forumite "TheScruple" for this solution. B) Some antiviruses are known to actively block texmod, so go ahead and deactivate any anti virus you may have running. C) Check to make sure you have the correct .exe file for ME2 from the Binaries Folder D) Check to make sure that you have the tpf file loaded. (obvious but u never know)