For use it on femShep: Open (with Notepad++ or Notepad) Coalisced.ini in the directory Mass Effect 2\BioGame\Config\PC\Cooked (but at first make reserve copy of this file). Find (hotkey Ctrl+F) [SFXGame.SFXPawn_Player] and write under it in section "CasualAppearances": CasualAppearances=(Id=4000,Type=CustomizableType_Torso,Mesh=(Female="BIOG_HMF_MIR_LGT_R.LGTa.HMF_MIR_LGTa_MDL",FemaleMaterialOverride="BIOG_HMF_MIR_LGT_R.LGTb.HMF_MIR_LGTb_MAT_1a"),PlotFlag=-1) (without spaces) Then, find [Engine.PackagesToAlwaysCook] and write under it SeekFreePackage=BioH_END_vixen_01 Then, find [Engine.StartupPackages] and write DLCStartupPackage=BioH_END_vixen_01 THEN download ME2IniFixer by Techpriest1 and use it (right in directory with Coalisced.ini) Done! You can use this suit only on the Normandy P.S. If it's still doesn't work you can try this: Open (with Notepad++ or Notepad) BIOEngine.ini of directory Mass effect 2\BioGame\DLC\DLC_HEN_MT\CookedPC Find [Engine.PackagesToAlwaysCook] section and delete: !Package=CLEAR !SeekFreePackage=CLEAR Repeat with all BIOEngine.ini in folders of Mass effect 2\BioGame\DLC derictory. TechnoRose by Violett'e Heaven All rights belong to Bioware (c)