[color=cyan]PlayerAnomalyGeneratorGuidance ver.0.5 April 26, 2023[/color] During the great Terran conflict the knowledge of the Jump Drive was lost. Fortunately a smart, little Boron found a solution to the problem of traveling far distances in an instant: The Anomaly Generator. Unfortunately it is very unstable and exists only for a very short time. [color=#00BF00][b]Description[/b][/color] Select a target from the map, trigger the guidance to that target and close the map. You will see a menu with the options "Jump to Guidance?" or "No Thanks". If you choose to jump an anomaly will be generated at the selected target and at your ship warping it to the destination. [color=#00BF00][b]Optional Addon[/b][/color] If you have installed the Player Anomaly Generator mod then there is an optional download available for you. It will enable all ships in you squad to jump, either to you or with you. Note that if a ship in you squad is also a squad leader then only he will jump but not the ships in his squad. Also a ship in you squad will not jump if it is either docked or executing a critical order, for example "undocking" or "deployed to station" (builder ship). [color=cyan]PlayerSquadAllJump ver.0.4 April 21, 2023[/color] [color=#00BF00][b]This is an Optional Addon[/b][/color] If you have installed the Player Anomaly Generator mod then this is an optional mod for you. It will enable all ships in you squad to jump, either to you or with you. [color=#00BF00][b]Description[/b][/color] If you add a ship to your squad and that ship is not in you system then it will jump to you. This may take a few seconds for the Anomaly Generator to charge up. If the ships does not jump to you then make sure it is neither docked nor executing a on order with state "critical". A ship in you squad will not jump if it is either docked or executing an order flagged as critical, for example "undocking" or "deployed to station" (builder ship). If you jump to another system then you entire squad will jump after you. Note that if a ship in your squad is also a squad leader then only he will jump but not the ships in his squad. Please note, there have been reports that an extensions folder in the X4 main root directory does not activate any mods. Due to a current info from the developers the original idea was to place the extensions folder into the X4 document folder. So please try that if you have trouble with starting mods from the main root folder. In any case you are [b]strongly advised to backup your saved games.[/b] [color=#00BF00][b]Uninstallation[/b][/color] Really easy: Just remove the mod from your extensions folder. [b]Feedback[/b] Any feedback is most welcome and, of course, also details on any problems you may encounter [url=https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=181&t=406885]please post here.[/url] [color=cyan]Changelog[/color] [u]PlayerAnomalyGeneratorGuidance version 0.5/PlayerSquadAllJump version 0.4[/u] 1# ver. 0.5 Fixed a bug that allows the player to jump the ship he is on although not flying or not owning it which could cause loss of control and CTD. Thanks to hydrazombie for catching this bug. 2# ver. 0.4: Fixed the inconvenience that ships jumping to you follow a guidance (as Escort is a mission) resulting in them to fly back to the nearest gate/superhighway after the jump before returning to you. [u]PlayerAnomalyGeneratorGuidance version 0.4/PlayerSquadAllJump version 0.3[/u] 1# Fixed a bug that prevented the player ship to stop before jumping. 2# Changed a condition in the addon PlayerSquadAllJump that prevented newly added ship to the squad to jump. [u]PlayerAnomalyGeneratorGuidance version 0.3/PlayerSquadAllJump version 0.2[/u] 1# Fixed a bug that could cause a jump destination near the hex boarder. 2# Uploaded a optional mod addon that allows all ships in your squad to jump. Cheers Euclid