Please, for your own sake, backup both your save and all files that this mod alters. I won't be responsible if a bug or any irrecuperable damage to your save/game. I recommend you backup your entire Scripts and Game folders, but if you wish to backup the individual files, I'll refer to their locations below. Save File Location: C:\...\Documents\Saved Games\Hades Backup the entire Underlined Folder. Files Altered by this Mod: Located under C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\Content\Scripts\ ConsumableData.lua DeathLoopData.lua DebugScripts.lua GiftData.lua KeepsakeScripts.lua HeroData.lua LootData.lua KeywordData.lua MetaUpgradeData.lua Powers.lua QuestData.lua RoomData.lua RoomDataAsphodel.lua RoomDataElysium.lua RoomDataStyx.lua RoomDataTartarus.lua RoomManager.lua StoreData.lua StoreScripts.lua TraitData.lua UIScripts.lua WeaponData.lua WeaponSets.lua WeaponUpgradeData.lua Located under C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\Content\Game\ Projectiles\PlayerProjectiles.sjson Text\en\HelpText.en.sjson Weapons\PlayerWeapons.sjson Installation: Backup your save and all the files this mod edits, as specified in "2. Warnings"; Download the latest version of the Mod in the Download Tab; Go to C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\; Make sure you're not in the middle of a run (things might not work properly); Extract the attached file and overwrite all files when it asks for it; Launch the game, have fun with the mod! Uninstallation: Make sure you're not in the middle of a run (again); Copy and paste all the files in your backup folder back into their original places; Launch the game, have fun (without the mod)!