cuphead gameplay mod by Nixos gameplay changes: base health is now 4 hearts instead of 3 improved coffee super meter recharge rate lowered parry cooldown boosted Whetstone damage on parry boosted all weapon attacks (normal moves, ex moves, super moves, airplane moves) software: download: file, open, c:\GOG Games\Cuphead\Cuphead_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll change max health: (to compile this do: //[global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsable(global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]) {} PlayerStatsManager CalculateHealthMax this.HealthMax = 4; //3; TakeDamage if (this.Health < 4) //4 Coffee (super meter continuously fills, in addition to what you earn) {} WeaponProperties CharmSuperBuilder amount = 0.5f; //0.4f; halved parry cooldown on a missed parry: {} ArcadePlayerParryController parry_cr CupheadTime.WaitForSeconds(this, 0.1f); //0.2f to compile this do: //[global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsable(global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] {} LevelPlayerParryController parry_cr CupheadTime.WaitForSeconds(this, 0.1f); //0.2f to compile this do: //[global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsable(global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] {} PlanePlayerParryController UpdateCooldown if (this.timeSinceParry > 0.1f) //0.3f // to compile this do: //[global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsable(global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] COOLDOWN_DURATION COOLDOWN_DURATION = 0.1f; //0.3f // to compile this do: //[global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsable(global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] change weapon damage: (it works in boss levels, and also in run and gun levels) Whetstone (your first parry move doubles as a damaging axe attack) {} WeaponProperties CharmParryAttack damage = 60f; //16f; //below there is a discarded change: //{} //AbstractParryEffect //OnCollision //this.player.stats.AddEx(); (after checks player has whetstone equipped) Peashooter + Mega Blast: {} WeaponProperties ArcadeWeaponPeashot Basic damage = 6f; //4f; {} WeaponProperties LevelWeaponPeashot Basic damage = 6f; //4f; Ex damage = 20f; //8.334f; (3 hits) maxDamage = 60f: //25f; Chaser + Chaos Orbit: {} WeaponProperties LevelWeaponHoming Basic damage = 4f; //2.85f; Ex speed = 12000; //1500 damage = 4f; //7f; (10//4 projectiles) spread = 36f; //90f; bulletCount = 10; //4; swirlDistance = 200f; //100f; Spread + Eight Way {} WeaponProperties LevelWeaponSpreadshot Basic damage = 2.4f; //1.24f; (5 projectiles) Ex damage = 15f; //4.3f; (8 projectiles) Lobber + Kablooey {} WeaponProperties LevelWeaponSpreadshot Basic damage = 24f; //11.6f; Ex damage = 120f; //28f; explodeDelay = 3f; //2f; Charge + Radial Barrage {} WeaponProperties LevelWeaponCharge Basic baseDamage = 12f; //6f; damageStateTwo = 20f; timeStateTwo = 9999f; damageStateThree = 60f; //46f; timeStateThree = 0.50f; //1f; Ex damage = 120f; //26f; radius = 300f; Roundabout + Jumbo Rebound {} WeaponProperties LevelWeaponBoomerang Basic damage = 16f; //8.5f; Ex damage = 40f; //5f; (8 hits, as long as you dodge it when it returns to you) maxDamage = 400f; //35f; Aeroplane Peashooter + Chomper Missile: {} WeaponProperties PlaneWeaponPeashot Basic damage = 6f; //4f; Ex damage = 40f; //15f; (multiple hits) Aeroplane Mini-Bomb + Mirv {} WeaponProperties PlaneWeaponBomb Basic damage = 24f; //11.5f; (2 hits, direct hit and explosion) Ex damage = 24f; //6f; (9 projectiles) Aeroplane Shrink Fire: {} AbstractPlaneWeapon shrunkDamageMultiplier = 0.5f; Aeroplane Super Bomb Morph {} WeaponProperties PlaneSuperBomb damage = 50; //38f; (4 hits) Super Art I Energy Beam {} WeaponProperties LevelSuperBeam damage = 40f; //14.5f; (5 hits) Super Art II Invincibility {} WeaponProperties LevelSuperInvincibility WeaponProperties.LevelSuperInvincibility.durationInvincible = 15.3f; //4.85f; WeaponProperties.LevelSuperInvincibility.durationFX = 15f; //4.55f; Super Art III Giant Ghost (lock aim to move only the ghost, rb) {} WeaponProperties LevelSuperGhost damage = 10f; //5.1f; (31 hits) then you can edit it by right clicking within the method you want to edit (the "Vibrate" method in this case) and then click Edit Method and modify it as shown before. when finished just click compile. now in order to save these changes just either use file>save all or ctrl+shift+S to save the modified dll back to where you found it. i recommend making a back up of the file just in case but probably wont need it.