WARNIGN: DO NOT REMOVE "_P" SUFFIX IN ANY .PAK THAT HAS ONE IN ITS FILENAME. THIS IS REQUIRED FOR THE MOD TO LOAD. Changes and additions: 2.1 (2021/08/31) - Added F-15J Komatsu Special Mark 2017 (Skin#7) set. ======================================= This cosmetic model mod adds external fuel tanks to F-15C and F-15J models. -DropTank-BaseTextures contain updated default aircraft textures to support the mods. Be sure to load these to properly render the new models. THE EFFECT IS PURELY VISUAL. There is no changes to Special Weapon performance. The mod's effect will not be visible in Mission 13: Bunker Buster due to no special weapons models being rendered. ======================================= INSTALLING VISMOD: 1. Open file explorer Ace Combat 7 installation directory and go to Game\Content\Paks 2. Create "~mods" folder within the directory, if there isn't one. For example, typical Steam installation directory would be as follows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ACE COMBAT 7\Game\Content\Paks\~mods 3. Paste .pak files containing BaseTextures. 4. Paste .pak file with Drop Tank layout of choice. INSTALLING SKINS OVER VISMOD (Recommended steps): 1. Find the folder containing VisMod .paks. 2. Create another "~mods" subfolder. Folder can have any name, as long as tilde "~" is at front. Tilde forces the game to load all .paks in current directory, and then load .pak files in sub-folder. 3. Paste .pak files containing third party skins in subfolder. This ensures that skins will overwrite BaseTextures. ======================================= Closing: For any questions or issues regarding this skin replacement, please contact me on either twitter (twitter.com/DapperDapperDan). Thank you, and enjoy! ======================================= Version history: 2.0c (2021/01/18) - Updated Cipher set from 2-Year Release Anniversary DLC, which contains quality fixes for Ace Combat Zero skin pack. 2.0b (2020/10/29) - Added Cipher set from 1.50 update. 2.0 (2020/10/15) - Added single centerline-tank option. - Fixed model smoothing. - Changed F-15J drop tank textures to reflect more closely to JASDF type. - Updated templates to reflect the changes. 1.0 (2020/07/14) - Initial release.