#Fire_Station_MU This mod adds 2 more fire stations. the Fire Brigade Institute: --------------------- Reach of the emergency forces (compared to the original) : +8%. Emergency forces ( compared to the original ) : +300% (4 units) Emergency forces Movement rate (compared to the original) : +30%. Emergency forces Execution speed (compared to the original) : +100% Reduces the risk of fire (compared to the original) : +45%. Range of fire reduction (compared to the original) : +60%. the Volunteer Firefighter: --------------------- Reach of the emergency forces (compared to the original) : -16%. Emergency forces ( compared to the original ) : +100% (2 units) Emergency forces Movement rate (compared to the original) : +15%. Emergency forces Execution speed (compared to the original) : +50% Reduces the risk of fire (compared to the original) : -3%. Range of fire reduction (compared to the original): -15%. The buildings were integrated into the original building menu of the fire station. --------------------------- Changelog - 1.1 --------------------------- - correction of assets.xml for better compatibility with spice it up and availability in Enbesa. --------------------------- Changelog - 1.2 --------------------------- - GU16 Bugfixing and adjustment of various values. - preparations for value changes by iModYourAnno ModManager: https://github.com/anno-mods/iModYourAnno/releases - various values can be changed by a slider. - the fire brigade institute now moves out with motorised units. - Polish added. --------------------------- changelog - 1.22 --------------------------- - added missing translations of single objects --------------------------- Changelog - 1.23 --------------------------- - GU17 modinfo.json correction. --------------------------- Changelog - 1.24 --------------------------- - modinfo.json correction.