A moveset mod that replaces Kiryu´s dragon engine moveset with the one of Yagami during Judgment/Judge eyes development Know errors at the moment: None so far Things that may change or added in the future: Lock on stance changed to yagami´s Recommended to dowload SutandoTsukai181 Ryu Mod Manager and these steps to follow: https://github.com/SutandoTsukai181/RyuModManager/releases/tag/v1.4 https://github.com/SutandoTsukai181/RyuModManager/wiki/Installing-Mods Mod by Galen_Marek2 Thanks to: Capitán Retraso#8110 - .bep file info HeartlessSeph#8725 - Fighter Commander for fighter_command.cfc editing SutandoTsukai181#2992 - Creation of RMM which facilitated the work on this mod Akiyama Gaming#1434 - play Testing