Thanks for downloading the Playable Aloy mod! This mod will allow you to play as Aloy from the videogame Horizon: Zero Dawn in the story mode of TR2013, from start to finish! Installation: Drag and drop the file "patch.000.tiger" in the main directory of the game. Make a backup of the original file first, in case you want to play as Lara again! This mod swaps the following files: v2_lara.drm cine_v2_lara.drm v3_lara_aviatrix.drm cine_v3_lara_aviatrix.drm When you will get to the part where Lara will have to fix the pickaxe to open the big gate with Whitman, you will need to change your outfit to Aviatrix, so that you will continue to play as Aloy for the entire game. If you don't own the Aviatrix DLC outfit, you will be able to play as Aloy until the "Lara survives to the plane crash" cutscene. After that, you will continue the game with Lara and some of Aloy's textures. There are two versions for this mod: the standard one (Playable Aloy) includes Aloy plus all of her objects (purses and the rope), while the No Robes version deletes all those objects. Many thanks to TheBlenderTaper for the model Enjoy!