ICA Tactical Weapons by Callyste ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: needs to be used in Offline mode to work ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Replaces some of the existing weapons with four variants of a new pistol and a new rifle. The new pistol comes in four variants: - stock, without attachements - with a suppressor - with a rail system + holosight (cosmetic only) - with a suppressor and a rail system + holosight The new rifle is a variant of the TAC-4 S/A, with a longer barrel, no suppressor and a custom muzzle. All weapons have the Marksman perk, allowing you to slow down time when holding the Shift key. This will only work when not moving. They also boast unaimed accuracy, to allow for useful hip-firing. All weapons were made using unused customization parts included in the game. They replace the ICA 19, the ICA 19 Black Lilly, the HWK 21 MK2, the ICA 19 Silverballer MK2, the TAC-4 Auto AR MK2, and have custom inventory and hud icons. NOTE: will conflict the 'Mk2 Items improved' from fase23, or any mod that also modifies the .repo file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation and use: - Extract 'chunk0patch5.rpkg' and 'packagedefinition.txt' to the ..\steamapps\common\HITMAN2\Runtime\ folder. - When asked to overwrite 'packagedefinition.txt', confirm. - If you have other mods installed, you may rename the chunk0patch5.rpkg to a higher number such as 'chunk0patch6.rpkg'. - Launch the game in OFFLINE mode, otherwise the game's server will override the modified .repo file. Uninstallation: - Delete 'chunk0patch5.rpkg' (if you renamed it, deleted the renamed file) from your ..\steamapps\common\HITMAN2\Runtime\ folder.