STATS: Suit: 1.5/0.5/0.5/0.7 Glasses: +20 movespeed Hat: +69 attack speed Goatee: heals (Like Galaxy kid) TO INSTALL: Throw it in your Basemods folder like all the other mods TO GET: Use command console by pressing ` and enter in the following to get the EGO suit: standard forge 4000069 These are the gifts. Note you'll need to figure out your agent's ID (Which is just determined by when they were created, e.g. 1st employee created would have an ID of 1, and so on.): Glasses: agent present [AGENT ID] 5000069 Hat: agent present [AGENT ID] 6000069 Goatee: agent present [AGENT ID] 7000069 Note: Goatee's position is off on the employee's portait, but looks fine ingame. No clue why.